Show postmaster general burleson says lie he expects some anarchist to send him a bomb well it lie he mails it the chances are it wont get to washington before there Is a new postmaster general so why worry national republican THE SUCCESS FAMILY THE FATHER of success Is work the mother of success Is ambition the oldest son is common sense some ot of the other boys are per Terence BO honesty thoroughness 3 foresight enthusiasm and cooperation the oldest daughter Is character some of her sisters are cheerfulness loyalty courtesy care economy sincerity and harmony the baby Is opportunity get acquainted with the old man and you will be able to get along pretty well with all the rest of the family the rotator san diego calif UNDER the direction ol of oscar A forslund in summit county the army has opened a home service campaign tor for the purpose ol of raising funds with which to meet the increased demands on them due largely to the popularity gained by them in their work tor for the soldier boys in france the elks are putting on the campaign in summit county and mr forslund exalted ruler ot of the elks lodge was enthus enthusiastic lastic over the prospects for or success of the drive when seen yesterday the state headquarters are at mccornick building salt lake city under the supervision of campaign director edward C bacon of 0 new york city this is a splendid opportunity port unity for or the people of 0 utah to show their appreciation of the efforts of the salvation army to lessen the care and trouble of fill all humanity said mr forslund during dorin g the great war the service done our boys at the front can not be 0 overestimated I 1 ti and every soldier from the I 1 buck private up to general pershing fershing Is loud in his praise of the salvation army they carried their woric almost to the front tx trenches enches with no thought though tl of self and many an american I 1 boy owes his life to these earnest people the quota tor for summit county Is not large according to mr forslund and the campaign will be put on with the vim which character izes all of the elks work A government memorandum memora adum just I 1 issued to recruiting offe officers erf says newspaper advertising is the backbone of this plan because it 0 the fastest and most powerful method ot of putting over the selling message which we desire to impress upon ithe the public consciousness it gives speed and size emphasis of display and reaches everyone that can read english we observed during the war the readiness of the government to use advertising space and I 1 we further noted that while the government paid tor for munitions and ships and food and clothing tor for the plate matter it asked the papers to run free and tor for about everything els it used it did not pay a cent tor for I 1 the space which was demanded from and freely and cheerfully given by the newspapers advertising space Is to the newspaper just what flour or coffee or dress goods Is to the merchant a part of the business stock so tar far as we know no paper in I 1 i A america rica tailed failed to give generously ot of its stock in trade to war projects when the war board asked that they curtail business to conserve paper they did that willingly but now that the emergency period Is over we trust if the government has any further advertising campaigns in view it will remember that fine words do not pay tor for printing material east texas register HOBO COLLEGE J EADS HOW confessed millionaire hobo has opened a hobo college on the famous amous boulevard tor for bums the BoN bowery bondery very new york city U S A one is startled to hear that the college will teach tile the hobo hitherto so sensitive about asking tor for a job how to get work it Is startling because it seems quite apart from the purpose 0 of hobbing ho boing which was and is as to hold up the palm tor for a lian handout dout what is to become 0 of this country it if our hoboes hobles including the I 1 W W go to but lest we mourn the passing ot of all the good old cust customs oms J eads how hastens to reassure ui r aft arter teaching the tramps how to ask asic tor for I 1 a job so as to really get the job the hobo millionaire will instruct them in public speaking obviously we are not to lose our soap box spell binders they will be with us more numerously than ever and will speak to us in the language ot of harvard rather than of yell one can imagine how devotedly a it obo hobo so fond ot of mental labor will take to economics and sociology industrial and history wilt when a du laws tar far from the classic shades of dear old hobo ho he will ensconce himself on the blind baggage or the chassis of a freight car a book of economics in one hand the other hand gently h holding iding a tomato can filled with watered alcohol known as I 1 white line ahr through ough the to torrid rr 1 d fame unies s 0 of f tile the white line ho he will i i i to use s e t a t loit bit 0 f lobo hobo slang get a good line on economics the citizen salt lake oil IT IS VERY delightful to find myself at last in belgium said the president with his benign smile 1 I have come at the first moment that I 1 was relieved from imperative duty 1 I could not come to belgium until I 1 felt that I 1 wai RR reles qed from my duty hl duill ree indulged in sardonic smiles they had not forgotten how he passed within a few miles of their border when ho was hastening to london to enjoy the luxuries of buckingham palace back in the plaudits pl audits ot of an admiring english multitude and escort the queen in ill to a dinner served from the royal gold plate while the king of great britain and ireland em emperor geror ot of india etc followed followed behind with mrs wilson upon his arm neither have the belgians ceased to remember his trip to ital italy yi several times the distance to their own capital in which much time was consumed in the attempt to win over the italian people to the support ot of wilson so that in the event ot of a crisis arising between him and italy the people would desert their own government and cleave to the president the belgian people have known from the first as have the french that nothing bores mr wilson so much as to be compelled to observe the ruin wrought by the hun ile he wishes to have the calm reflections I 1 of 0 his mind unruffled by emotions that might be aroused were he to behold the scenes ot of german frightfulness that abound in belgium reflections upon the sordid crimes that have been the order of the day in belgium tor for the past four our years have no place iti in the wilson makeup and he be IT lias as put uch things from him until he could longer the official calls he w ag co compelled m belied to make batore starting home the irei belgians gians are thankful to the american people for the aid extended to them during tile the war but tor for mr air wilsons Wll Wil sons stand at the peace conference they have much bitter comment jonathan bourne jr the division or the world into nations according to the locality race color or historical association of people is not only essential to liberty but to peace as well this does not mean that each nation must remain isolated from the others on the contrary it has been the policy of 0 america to maintain the mos most t intimate friendly intercourse with the rest of the world peace and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliances with none has been the very framework of our foreign policy from washington to roosevelt A permanent or regular conference of nations as the machinery of cooper co oper aaion of all to promote justice to avoid causes of war to develop and adapt to the changing conditions of the world a living body of international law and to decide questions of principle might well promote this ancient policy of our statesmen TV IW go further than his however and form a league of nations to enforce its decrees on the world means not only the destruction of 0 national independence but ni would inevitably plunge the world into a series of wars which would end only in the re estaba establishment ashment of the principle of nationality or in world despotism when a people has attained a population of one hundred millions possess a continent con tinen bial do domain maln with boundless resources when they enjoy the blessings of science and art of religion law and liberty as do ithe the american people they possess w within themselves the means of reaching just decisions in international matters without calling to assist them I 1 in deciding what is right liberia hayti and hedjazi A favorite idea with some professors is that as mankind was wall benefited by the consolidation soli dation of tribes the process 1 ought to go on until the whole world alb la under one head the truth disbow ever that when the process of consolidation soli dation has reached the proportions ot of a mighty nation such as I 1 ours we possess all the advantages which como come from power and should reserve serve to ourselves the decision as to the emergency when and to what extent we should intervene in n the controversies of other nations 1 l U S senator miles poindexter PL PLAIN AIN TALK THU THE AGITATOR or red wh who 0 preaches destruction tells you th the world Is all wrong that you are a wage slave and that the wage system should bo be wiped out to ie a liar I 1 and sou on know it the world is better today than it ever was you are getting MOTO more money on tor for shorter hours than ever before and working conditions are better the agitators are merely using you to destroy destro Y a system ot of government that has made these progressive steps possible it if you came from a foreign country you know that living and working I 1 conditions are better here than where I 1 y you came f from r 0 m and you go gou gack ck came if f Y you 0 u are an american you are a yellow d dog og it if you let these revolutionary ary leaders use you as a tool to help undermine industrial conditions and wreck this country irions no one blames you tor for con constantly stant trying to better your the man who Is so meek that he nevers kicks about anything has a difficult time trying to keep kee p his head above water there Is a great difference be tween striving to better yourselves i and the bolshevik program which I 1 would merely turn industry over to the workmen and rob the owners who are tile the owners of most industries dus tries they are men wom women and even children who bell bought lit the stock the majority of them work lust just as I 1 harif hard as you ever thought ot of working I 1 and their savings ot of a lifetime have I 1 made it possible to develop the industry which makes your job po possible 8 sible you have had it preached to you that labor creates all and that the man who wears shoes and collar and has property got them by your labor and that you have a right to take back your own now just let this soak into your head without capital to back up your labor you would still be wandering around and eating roots or killing each other to make sop of in ages gone by some men had to accumulate something of value capital which offered the incentive tor for work and trade and finally made the employment ot of labor possible thus raising human beings above the stage ot of animals the revolutionary agitator gives you nothing but it he keeps on he will bring wreck and ruin to industrial undertakings and with that unemployment you will then find that you cannot eat labor and that labor without capital will not produce tood food this is plain talk but the time is hero here to call a spade a spade a li liar ar a auar akiua a tpola coola tp pla tool you cant atford to be Y aa e a tool fool of now the man who causes a strike causes you to lose more money than can ever be repaid the world Is progressing for or the better and the workingman will get a lions share of 0 the benefits it if you have the backbone ot of a jet jel ly fish you will bean the next loafer who calls you a wage slave thrash your troubles out with your employers but first thrash the F imitator who lives by creating trouble for you |