Show time when IS eroine pue iio and delinquent see sec 2616 2615 taxes duo due and delinquent when penalty all taxes provided for in tills this title shall he be due on oil the third monday in september in each year and at 12 noon on the saturday next prior to the first monday I 1 in it december ot of each year all unpaid taxes are delinquent and the county treasurer shall then close his office for the receipt of taxes un 11 ll lie he has prepared his delinquent list for or publication all delinquent taxes shall be subject to it a penalty ot or three per cent of the amount of such buell taxes aea delinquent december 4 under this law all taxes for this year become delinquent at 12 noon december 4 and all taxes paid after that time bear a penalty of 3 per cent of the amount of the tax the law makes it the duty of the treasurer to collect this penalty at the time tile the tax lax Is paid and no delinquent lin quent taxman tax can be paid without the penalty being settled in addition taxes can be paid to jerome paxton at the first national bank W S HORAN 34 43 county treas |