Show WEER 9 or HIM S interesting n MINING a M NEWS A rare specimen the news of tuesday Tue mid A tare rare ait oit tal of bour bomite has recently rec enly been received by prof Frede iraik J back pack from A T dalley of the silver silvear ang mine in park city there are only such bryte ls inthe m like united states so eo far as known and specia n ww will make gi val valuable ito 40 HIP U rou museum seum getting data L 0 howard mining engineer and ana associate editor of tilie the salt lake mining review was in the park the first three days ot of the week spending spend mig most of his lime in the workings wor kirl kinas s cf ue the silver king taking lalni ing pictures aud ge gat t ting dnita for a detailed write ip in his publication he found much to 10 write about m in this great wealth producer visited the daly L A jeffs itlie ithe well known mining man oame came up from salt lake morning mornin ig and remained until friday alvernoon most of the time wm was sp spent ent with fore foreman man andrew in inspecting tle ole underground workings of af 1 1 e famous old daly to a record man mr jeffs said that were vory very favorable ad while lie he had bad nothing to give out for publication at ait this time lie felt assured that good news would be forthcoming before lono long regarding future operations ao at t this property why the stock advanced the stock of ithe thompson quiney quincy cani company pany has been very active on the fallt lake stock since wednesday last and there are arc ample reasons why tin this s should be the ease the mai main n ore oce being khait a rich ehule chute of ore ivas v as cut friday nigil it it i is 3 of a ery cry hish grade inquiry at the mine gave the cheering tion that the chate is eight feet ligh and at least four feet wide nith every indication indic of por per ma manenty nency the ore made it its ap marance in the east drift off the raise from the bunnel level it at a point said to be about font fenta from the little bell ground the little ittle bell at one dame had a air arr deposit from which it raid dividends the american flag one thing is certain regarding the american flag and is is that the always have a story for the salt lake bivers and it is kept well advertised advertis cd with conditions at ait the mine mine ample to back kaill all statements made wednesdays nes nir days evening telegram con bained the following the tale raise from the 1100 level of the annelli ain era can flig at oily is within n about thirty five feet from fram the itlie floor of the drift on the 1100 ithe six inc h streak of ore continues in the top of tile hie rai c lundquist telephoned today when the two levels are connected and a ail air supply assured a sei shift will be employed this lis should be accomplished by december 1 the greater part of the unac force at the american flag mine at 04 park oily hals been engaged for several days in a new two pipe line a distance of 2500 feet from the oven overflow flow of the daly judge mill on the opposite side of empire evi canyon nyon the line will give on ito ample supply of at water fur far the boilers and compressor at the he flag two mn ma chines hive been kept goi going 9 in the mine n the su BUT r face improvement the new pipe line to the alie daly judge tink tank will bo be completed tomorrow drw managed BIni nager bodfish eipl explained this morning that A one on time they were expecting to lye be run out of the lower levels by reason rf the water that baime baiek back TI this Is was during the time ti me that the ontario drain tunnel was stopped up aad since it war wan repented oed it lias has become necessary to got get fi D new ow water supply for their boilers on the surface when asked regarding tests to be made on the american amerlyn flag ores with a view to installing a reduction plant maniger Min neer bodfish sand everything pertaining to the property would be supplementary supple mentory to development work the nim aim of the office Is is directed first to putting a large tonmye e of re ire in sight and it is oPo expected eted thad they alim will be able to develop some larce larae commercio commercial ore deposits that will vill place tal pra property perfy on a fooling with some of the largest producers cf the di streit enough is being realized from ores that are broken down in development operations opera oper alons ions to pay all expenses aad a small surplus is being accumulated in in addition another dividend coming to a telegram 7 reporter lunt wednesday genal genac gen al Mu miter solon spiro of the silver king kin consolidated said that the directors of his would meet in a few days to 10 consider the I 1 advisability of paying a holiday dividend ile he not willing to make alay forecast but the general opinion is tilot it will be forr for 25 cents a share and that the alie payment will vill be maide made in ample tinn tina to give the dhe stockholders holders money with willi which to lay in a liberal supply of holiday pre zens en ls relative to operations operatic ns at alt the company properties the maniger said that they had adapted to send the ore from the mine to 10 the and that tha they were of the opinion that tills this marked the be beginning 1 inning oy of regular ship shipments monts this TI ais ore is a high hall grade loael aci product aad was aiken out in doing work on the 1300 1500 r ot ince mediate level the ore was intercepted ii a stai tinn was being cut ut at this point and they have just beggin to do drift on it with the result the fire re bins have been filled and 0 tle 0 company finds in I 1 li a poll tion where it is coin pell eld to make shipments in order to inn dle die the product is lie bein mg brough to the surface ali ground has respond eil Nl well to mr spiro whir says that ohp pleasing plen sins part of the situation is that a while 80 por per cant amt of the development lits been dead work they five wilh in the past two tire weeks extracted from to tons of high grade ore in addition to at al lot lat of second class interial mit erial which is of a commercial com grade if they were disposed to do so lie thinks thanks they could mix aill the ore and ship it direct at a good profit as all the seronil cl clia ss ore values that would permit of at least east a small margin marain of PI profit I 1 while shi kinc the shaft a bed of t thirty hirty feet of ore w WB cu cut t luz which his has not bern been touched after cirl anming ting this for a dista distance rier of 2000 feet vertically vertical lv they followed led lede e the find on the 1550 level level appears to he be an in dopp ore body ind and the edt is iq of the opinion tunit th tt thear are in he bedden he didin oun itry where the alimate ale alier mate nate atre de will be found regularly and in bend drift his has been started from the 1550 level and 7 the conn connary bry continues to how fledae maltet the shaft j is eom com to tbt idof level and the lie visited the king consulting E engineer 2 inear george D blood and director J S bransford spent and lay day lt t alii great silver king Oo property while there blie gentlemen gent lenten went the mine and amid inspected inspect od the various lugo huge ore deposits over on the alliance side new pipe line A 2500 foot i oot pipe line blitch will anvill carvy carry the he overflow from tiie the tanks at the dily judge mill to the american fla flag g property on the opposite side sad of the gulch is berny being feted by he latter two tivo inoh pipe is being ing bod aard d will supply the gnp ig with water for i or its buile boilers ra and com preson mcw at the daly superintendent R L andrew was a pas pa for salt lake monday fater noon on business connected willi the old daly reports from froim this property continue to be of a most flattering amt nai tore ure last week a car load of first cla class cs was marketed md and aible more is being bedd extracted in m the course of development work on the five levels being ed there is closs being beim stored up and a maning arming man alio sized up conditions in tile hie liine recently gave it as his opinion jei n eliat sufficient ore was in to keep a ton mill going for several years with caiati ces of mig bodies of first alivs being uncovered on more than llian one level so the outlook for fo the daly is indeed encouraging and it is safe to predict that eairly spring will see a modern modem mill erected on the old marsae marsac site with a really greatly increased force of men put to work devel devaluing aping nod fund ore from this old dividend payer management proposes to cut stations md send out drifts from both the re regular ular and intermediate levels ti this development is to be done with a view to provi ing up the extent of the ore depipi dep iii i which appear to be over f fiut aut in thickness laii ahugh li it is expel ed that chait same lean lean will b be found no attempt is to be made at a large lare vs is the company proposes to blaek out ita ore bearing bearg terri territory orY and the ithe zone to the in the direction of af abi ornton where y ii ins has considerable territory |