Show A HUSTLING TIME by ily M QUAD L C copyright yr 1511 1911 by associated olaa el allt arary y press frees the meu men mil bat around a upper table in a farmers kitchen after a hard days work in the llie cornfield there was moses hoses bright the file father fifty five years old and i widower there was abraham aged thirty there was lei ie aticus aged twenty seven seren there was wais philetus aged awen ty five there wa was 8 aaron aged twe twenty autv two not a sou on had left home yet abraham said the rather father as the meal was finished theres a woman named parsons bought the taylor place she brought with her a span of bosses four cows sixty sheep eight hogs bogs and fifty bofty hens abe ashes s a hustler she can mow and plow and chop wood what of it abed abraham you wash up grease your boots and hair and go down end ask her to marry maryou maryen you you yen are thirty years old and its time you were married abraham go got tready ready and departed moses bright was boss bogs around that house the young man arrived as the widow was wag straining the last pall of milk ile he sat down on the doorsteps with his big back toward her and said never a word ire he was in greater fear than as it if a bull had been chasing him across the meadow the widow took notice of him at once and then ignored him for a long ten minutes then she stopped singing to say to him get out those were ble bleser sed words to abraham ile he got ile he fairly flew tor for the first forty rodi rodg when he be reached horne home he be found ills his father sitting lu in the door pipe in mouth and sat down on the nearby wash bench ills brof brothers ho had bad gone to tied bed it was five minutes before the father took the pipe from ills hh mouth to query she say 11 get out that was nil all there was more corn planning next day but bait half ili an hour before quitting time the father said to leviticus who was vor working king next to him abraham dont know enough to crawl under a haystack when wheat its rain ill ins you yon go over there tonight laid and spark that after supper lei aticus it ent it t was either suicide or go ile he found the lie widow milking the last at of tier her four cows she looked up as he entered the file bar barnyard Dyard but deither nc ither spoke the young man stood stith his back to the fence and chewed on a straw and she hummed the air of a hymn as sho she m ilk ed when she laid had fini blied she rose up and asked t any moie idiots in tills this neighborhood yes no yes stammered the young man as he made for the highway and home it was potato planting next day at the supper table the father reached for a third slice of fried pork and said lie ile up and grease up four cows sixty sheep eight hogs bogs philetus turned pale and lost his hia appetite but he obeyed ire he found the widow uprooting burdocks murdocks bur docks in the front yard and before be could say anything sho she ailed aint there another kid named aaron yes then run home and send him along and ill start an infant adjlum with him aaron went and came back to shake his bead and hear bear his father call him a dinged danged idiot that night the four sons entered into a conspiracy and it was atthe at the breakfast table that abraham said fattier father the parsons Is a hustling woman two bosses four our cows sixty sheep eight hogs and fifty hens wital waal what or of it was asked its your turn to go sparking boy dont gilme any sass 11 no use to bluff father you either go sparking or we quit the far farm the old man was nias given the day to con consider gider the matter when supper was wig oi er a and nil without a it word ord to uny any one he slicked clicked up a lilt bit and took the highway the widow sat on her lug lne her ppe pipe she bowed and made room beside her not a word was s said aid tor for it long minute then moses clear ed liis his throat and them four dough headean sons of mine line beant to think I 1 id d better get married agail and being is you appear appeal to be alone in the world and being I 1 think id be happier oh I 1 dut know interrupted the widow drai drawing tink away a im alone in hie file world but bait I 1 I seen eem to be having baring a I 1 good time but them fool son sons 0 mine yes ye I 1 know its dreadful to have i lot 0 idiots around roti dont say ay its love at first sight do du you noo N oo not sly y but im a ads ba 1 1 fling man and you oil are a hustling no anan aud au dand aad and you vou think we ought to hustle in fit chis casp case that s about it then aou come along three days from now after I 1 finish planting my my 1 balers ailers and when the he father pot got home and found his big four sons bolls and gria nil niep he said two bosses kiosses li four cows sixty sheep lg hogs rut but what of the was ask ahk pd cd glies mine and as she dont like every III last st one of you can prepare to elitle out 0 this aud and take rare care it yourselves t |