Show BEST RESULTS IN SPRAYING nozzles that deliver fine mist at pressure Prea aure of to pounds are moot Most favored best results in spraying aro are obtained with nozzles of a type that deliver a tine fine mist and the spray put on at a pressure of to pounds this iralli alls for a first class pump and gasoline engine farmers who use a comparatively sm small all amount of spraying material often find it mare more satisfactory to buy factory made sprays than to bothee with home mixing it takes about as long tp mix mis afew quarts quart sor or gallons as t to m make ahei up a barrel or two and time of all things la Is expensive in tats period of high priced labor this factor of time end labor often amounts to more than the higher cost of purchased sprays furthermore Fur theidore the factory goods are oc standard strength and purity which Is not always true of sprays made at ai home small gardeners especially pec tilly ally find it more satisfactory and economical to buy their spraying material because they umeso use so little abany at any jo one ne tj time me |