Show hatch ne news s we are having cooler weather with frost it feels as tho fall had come M arand r mrs mis wm cigars hapl went to glendale plen dale list last week wee mrs Sarah Deuel has been very all for time baft a little better mr jo joe B barnhurst Barn arnouil arn huil hurat and an d fa family mily have alved th diatel ur mr and mrs tout sawyer J jr bi v fram until drawyer Ar Mr sawyer awyer bull baida M si a fouse house mr Melt meltire lre Barnfi urs and wife beni vent ato to panguitch to ameet mrs mother mrs anderson mr bowers W was as in town last laft w week eek and spent the arli mr L L porter the dry flops look fine sunday we Anal had acme iome n arys wm arvid cameren Ca mercin andion and john hou houston an awe we I 1 had a find me meeting e ting and heard some e fing ul tal essers damand sam and houston clar dark k were her hei a from panguitch last we ek k on business |