Show exploring our friends one day I 1 found an exquisite ot of sweet violets vl olota hiding in the tha very heart of a p cicil 1 I of and I 1 think this disco itry cadt eav me more plea pleasure surp than th those ose I 1 f iouna in a tho company compi iny ot of tho the hii jia oss ss hl that la in what Ii rudo tellaus telL tua ho he thomas that Is what vo should hotilda lu in ono one another it only 70 wo lied easer eager datlof rat lof loor and lovo lov washed ayes nyes fiuman 11 alfo fa Is not all nettle 3 frycs 10 0 o 3 arm it it b tho perverted judgment tt tho the cynie M thy mry ry who havo a pas lias 2 jon ajon for oc iad d will find the th thoy will flud tho violets f moral love loveliness linesa evon even la in tio to midst tf t the nol waite and when they havo bound thota thora thel r rf fallow ilow acl e rs chall hinr an eaul hout and nd they shall como come together and in tae 59 gracious gra clono Ils covery haro shall lie be a 9 common in the truth J H jowett D D in tho the christian berald |