Show BABY BEEF ATTAINS POPULAR POSITION excellent baby beef specimens specimen prepared by the irritated states SIMPS department of 0 agriculture baby iab beet beef has within the past few ears attained a popular position with the consumer con of beef and taking the present feed eed lot and mat market hot conditions as a criterion it would appear that its popularity will he bo sustained in the future the consuming public is 1 demanding more small cuts of high quality beet beef and certain changes tit the production of 0 beet beef have been brought about by the increased cost of grow gi owing it no class 0 of beet beef more fulfills the requirements of both producer and consumer than does doea baby beer beef conditions ou on tile the ranges have great ly changed years ago cattle were a kept until 3 to 5 years of age but bet be ter bulls and consequent general iro 1141 lu in quality and maturing ability I 1 in market cattle together with heavier grain feeding fes ding lias has made it possible to put just juat as much beet beef on oil the market at from 13 to 20 mouths months of ago age tits the average age at which baby beet beef Is put on oil tho the market at the pros pro ent time Is probably between 14 an and d IG mouths months and feeders seem beem to that in time with improvements in 1 11 breeding herds and teed feedlot lot methods method N the same weight 0 of carcass with more quality may be put on the market at even an earlier age top prices and prices that will pay for the cost of production are given give for little cattle when they carry carr prime finish to put tills finish on oil this type 0 of cattle requires experience and skill at present commission men complain 0 of many would be baby beeves being shipped to market in halt balf fat condition markets pay a premium tor for the extra fl finish illah but halt half fat yearlings yearnings year lings are marketable only at a discount an axiom in stockyards stock yarda yards Is few feeders are able to turn out a tat fat yearling five arguments for baby beef tho the following are advantages mentioned by feeders ot of experience as tea reasons why they favor finishing their cattle as aa baby beet beef first the younger cattle make inake more kalna gains on an the tile i same amount ot feed than do tile the cat cattle tle with more age to get such gains ho however vever it la Is necessary that the calves be pushed front the if to time they aro are dropped in ili addition to the milk the calt calf gets fron from its dam it should be given a graft grain ration just as soon au ai it will b begin 0 to eat As expressed by one feed or er the calt calf should be fed so that it will never know when it la Is weaned second tho money invested in cattle t to Is turned taster faster under old range conditions money invested in fit eat cattle tie was waa realized upon only once tit la from three to five years uy by feeding out calves as baby beo beef money can be turned tit in 18 months third by feeding as yearlings yearnings year lings the herd to be maintained on the farm Is smaller and pasture forage grain etc which were once used for year lings and two and three year olds can now be ba used to increase Inci easa ease the number of cows kept fourth open helfers betters find just as ready market as the steers this la is true in no case after the time the lieff ers ere have passed the two year old stage yearling heifers heffers finish out oven even more rapidly than do the steers and marketing them at this age Is a big advantage since there la Is no other time jn ili their lives when markets will treat them as favorably fifth the baby beet beef market at the present time Is the most stable of all the cattle markets baby beet beef has during the past few years had a market all its own and probably in most cases regardless of other cattle market conditions daby baby beeves will not take on as high a degree of finish as will two year old cattle but nevertheless the yearlings yearnings year lings with somewhat less finish have usually sold at a ill higher g her figure than two year olds during the past few years the christmas market has baa been very favorable toward all cattle with quality and prime finish quite a proportion of which are baby beef most alost of the hu baby beef goes on the market during the months of may june and ju july y the market at this time Is genera generall 1 good and in fact generally stays go good it throughout the summer for durl during 9 tho the middle and late summer months few prime battit are for sale most of the cattle offered are halt half tat fat year lings lingo in feeding for the Do december cember market fall born calves are generally used the following schedule may be used with baby beeves intended for the december market have the calves dropped in september and october begin giving them a light grain ration in addition to their dams milk at al about two months of age or about november 1 wean them d urine during april and may alay or as late as possible so BO that they can be turned darf directly upon grass at weaning veining time begin in increase ing their grain ration until by the middle of july or august 1 they are getting about all the grain they will keep them on heavy grain feed until pastures begin to diminish arl ail then add silage with clover or alfalfa either one or both to the ration they be ready to market from tile ho tnt middle it ile of november to the middle of december spring born calves are of a more suitable age for finishing finis bing for late erring or ring or early summer markets it if these calves are born la in march or april they should begin to take a tit lit tie grain by may or juno june tile they would probably bl be e weaned during september and october at this time tile the grain ration should be somewhat increased and then increased again when grass Is gone As grazing decreases in the fall silage and clover or alfalfa be added to tho the ration at this time and up tit until ne cember or january tile the calves should get enough of this ration to keep them thein growing nicely they should bo be put on heavy feed during the months of december and january these cattle should be read ready to market during may and june feeds feed for high finish high quality feeds and variety are essentials for proper finish in ili feeding baby beef the calves should bo be given grain as sooty as they will take it one feeder recommends equal equa parts by measure ot of ih ailed corn and oats abany man feeders prefer to grind or crush these two feeds some feeders prefer shelled corn to cornmeal 0 01 crushed corn as feet feed tor for calves as it stimulates tile the secretion of the diges live five for the period in the fall after atar weaning tinie time and before they are aie put on oil full feed any one of the fol 01 ol owing lowing rations would itie he recommended for spring born calves in ili feeding these rations cowpen cowpea hay or alfalfa may be substituted tor for the clover glyen given in the ration linseed moal meat also may bo be substituted for or the cottonseed meal indicated 1 corn 6 pounds clover hay 9 il P pounds 2 cottonseed meal ii pounds c lover clover hay 4 pounds silage 15 to IS 18 pounds 3 corn 3 pounds clover hay bay 3 pounds silage 16 15 to 18 pounds 4 corn 2 pounds cottonseed meal 1 pounds cottonseed hulls 1 7 pounds mixed hay 4 pounds the same rations without the hay and silage would be suitable for feeding fall born calves during the summer in r months full feed rations the following rations would be suitable tor for the cattle while on full teed feed alfalfa or cowpea hay bay may be substituted orthe forthe clover tiny hay Liti veed inc wt may b bo used in place of 0 the cotton seed meal these substitutions can bo be made on a pound for pound basis 1 corn 14 pounds clover hay 8 pounds oat straw ad libi tum 2 corn 10 pounds cottonseed meal 2 pounds clover hay 8 pounds oat straw ad libi tum 3 corn 10 pounds cottonseed meal 2 pounds clover 4 pounds silage 15 to 20 pounds 1 4 I corn 5 6 pounds cottonseed meal 3 pounds cottonseed hulls 10 pounds midd hay 4 pounds the above rations are average for the entire feeding period less grain should be fed at the beginning and more at the finish the hay ration w will ill remain approximately the same but the silage ration should vary from 20 to 25 pounds a head at the tha start and be decreased to 16 15 to 20 pounds near ilear the end ot of the feeding period oat or wheat straw helps elps to keep the digestive organs in good condition and it if possible a supply of this rough age should be kept before the calves at all times in cases where mixed hays cottonseed hulls or other non leguminous roughage la Is substituted tor for alfalfa or clover in the ration an increased amount ot of linseed oil meal or cottonseed meal should be fed ed ample shelter should be provided and aad the use of 0 bedding in such quantities as will keep the cattle clean and comfortable will pay clean bright coated animals always sell at an advantage only cattle with a great deal of quality and early maturing ability should be fed heavily as yearlings yearnings year lings baby beeves besids should weigh from to GOO pounds when going on full feed when finished they should weigh from to 1000 pounds during the past year markets tor for this type of cattle have ranged from to 10 per IOU pounds the bulk of 0 the cattle probably sold near 9 per pounds in finishing little cattle remember that they must be fat to bring the additional price which Is feces siry rry to make this kind of feeding profitable |