Show I lows hows this we offer ono one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot bo ba cured by halls catarrh cure F JT CO toledo 0 we tile have known F 3 cheney fer the last 15 25 years and lova him perfectly in nil fill busi business nem transactions and able to carry out anny ob algat ions made by ills farm NAT NATIONAL anro N A L BANIC OF toledo 0 halls catarrh cure la in taken internally acting directly upon tho the blood V caid 1 I mu surfaces of 01 the testimonials sent free price 75 cents centa per bottle sold by all Drugg druggists lits take ilila llull hamity Eam lly rill for constipation kodak kod ak hafl tackle Ms the h a nest finest latest test hes 1 from 1 to A Cont complete lindof f 1 ta fishing ashl n tackle jbf ira sofia soda F fountain Foun OURI lain liti in ill town lisull li sill pure pum filtered water DRUG CO 00 1 notice to water users state engineers office salt lake city utah juno 9 1916 notice is ia hereby given that hosea hose a merrill and robert 8 mangum whose post poat office address Is ia winder utah anale application in accordance with tho requirements of the compiled laws lava of utah 1907 as amended by tile the sea s sion ion laws of utah stahl 1 to appropriate five civo 5 cubic feet of water per second from hunt creek and tom best beat spring garfield county utah the water from hunt creek waa to have been diverted at d a point bears north 47 degrees degre west vast 1755 1765 feet from the north west corner of section 80 36 township 34 south range 3 west salt lake base and meridian the water from tom best beat spring was to have been diverted at a point which bears south 42 degrees west feet from the northwest car ner of the southwest quarter of section 25 township 84 south range 3 west the w water ater from both sources wll wag t to have been conveyed by means of a ditch for a distance of feet and there used from march 16 15 to to november 30 80 In inclusive elusive of each year to irrigate acres of land embraced in section 7 8 and aad 18 township 34 24 south range 2 west salt lake base and meri meridian dian robert S mangum and william T reynolds essig assignee nee of hosea merrill men ill whose post office address Is ia winder utah now mako application lie li don in accordance with the require ments of section chapter 62 session laws of utah ing to divert the water from hunt creek at a point which bears bear north 10 0 degrees east feet from vio the northwest co corner rn or of section 35 Towns township bip 34 range 3 west salt lake base arid meridian ani and convey it by means of it a ditch for a distance of feet there to be used during the period and for the purpose originally intended this a app ap pp is designated in the state engineers office as no all protests against granting of said application stating the rens for must be made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied by a fee fed of and difed fifed in this office within thirty 30 lays days after the tha completion of tile the publication I 1 of this notice W t D beer beerli B ngi date of first publican jonii jundi 17 1916 1915 date as completion of publication july 17 11 ioie it is huefe mild 1 now gotico to water users state engineers office salt lake city utah chiny ma 8 1915 1916 notice is hereby given diven that M willlam william foy jr and J 11 dark clark whose post office address is panguitch utah have made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws lawa of utah 1007 1907 as amended by the session laws of utah 1909 and 1911 to appropriate two and five tenth 25 cuble feet of water per second from butler spring and panguitch creek garfield count utah said spring is situated at a point which lies 1419 feet south ind 1088 feet cast of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section 10 tow township 35 south range 7 west salt lake base and meridian from where one and rive five tenths 15 cubic feet per second of said sni d water will be diverted and conveyed by means me ans of an open cut and discharged 1 s i ahto hab creek at a point 1280 1 feet south of the northeast corner of tho the northwest quarter of section 19 township 35 south range 0 west and allowed to flow down the natural channel of of said creek ton to a point which lies feet east and feet north of the southwest corner of section 30 township 34 south range 5 west whore where I 1 ft fk will be re diverted to gother gather with one 1 cubic foot of water per second from said panguitch creek and conveyed by means of a ditch for a distance of feet and there used from january 1 to december 31 inclusive of each year to irrigate acres of lana inna embraced in sections 10 i 1 and 20 township 34 14 south range 5 6 west salt lake base 1 and meridian ii this application is desi ignatee in the state engineers Engineer Engin eera tf office as no all pro protests teits against the granting of said application stating the reasons ther r must be made by affidavit davit iti in duplicate accompanied by a fob adb of f and ana filed in this office within thirty SO 30 days after the comple completion acri of the publication of this nic notice itice W D beers state engineer date of first publication may 20 1916 date of completion of fort junk Jun ure cross tn ln miles aa I 1 rable tr nothing tor for aoh lion at kar m d w fec iiii fl i Is i find ellor in I 1 i r liitt lil 0 tt nv r i n for sale uie A two story seven room brick house for haid bale easy merhi either dash cash or on time lime for particulars see T M keusseff Keu Heu lot for sale 0 R norton wants to sell his half lot and new nev brick b room house in panguitch gee him for term 51 5 21 for sale A house and lot in panguitch ahree blocks north of school house vor for price and terms see ralph de lonk 8 27 lumber Shing shingles lesil PINNEY BROTHERS dealers in all kinds of build ehg material lumber and shingles will deliver chingw any where shingles delivered in pang ditch at per thousand geo pi 1 winder utah notice for publication department ai the interior I 1 U 6 land office at salt lake city utah ady NOTICE 14 hereby riven given that 13 lovern Kob 10 effon ertson of salt lakil city utah who ft ho 0 on march farch made desert land eutry serial no cwi lot for iw sw 14 of liim ae section cioll 21 Tili lp 31 south atana Vati lre e 2 idt salt lake meridian has haa filed notice ot of intention to mako make sn anal a 1 desert latiin proof to 0 o etab larh sh claim to the land landbo above Tc described before register and receiver Kc celTer sa s1 tile the U 8 W ld office at salt lake alty utah onard day of june 1015 1915 mantes mame aa Uti eB merryam of salt lalie lake city stati john joh 0 salt ln city utah charles Ro bertion of silt salt lake city utah orson adall of winder utah gould could 4 blakely nial tely register Rcy later SE 01 3 ja i stall in enax furni furniture burp soldan sol sold ddn on hie p plan I 1 an a son small null 6 payi halile ept V at hirst first 4 coop co op repair sho shop P A harnesses paddles and sho shoes IDS I 1 oiled and repaired in n abc me cullagh building J IA dale anly pang panguitch u t utah ako tko ideal ladles tailoring Ta loring 4 Surn samples ples tim ore oven it at bayers store at tiny any time meng rl Gis suits of 0 all kinds prom from H M marks and weather heathc mores Talor irig co lof of chicago over 20 all wool samples s hom om 1000 to tb liba ral discounts for cash fine Finel line lne of ladies indies hats will vill be on exhibition from the 15 to of march during april fine seed wheat and alfalfa ho ha for sale 10 acres fihe aiho pasture re on sale at jolin john E myers store star e kotite vor for PublIc publication hilon department of tile interior U 81 S atud 11 office at salt anke cy city tham may 22 1011 1913 notice in ill hereby given that caliri tana lien le ass lynee af of iiara T lee ol 01 I 1 t on may S 1911 maer desert entry L serial Sert alN iao 0 for 6 of NE f of SWU SW rand nl sua SWU 14 of 9 south raniro kweit aai alt has billed notice of id gentl n to analice final debart land proof to claim tit the land above described I 1 before the clervi of tile court bt at ulolo on olt the botho d ay y of cf july illy at aw at 3 ilvovs ti norton ol of atall taylor mortn tn of 1 willian william gould of utai uta jolin john it darton of 0 spry kutait could 13 blakely nill rely Ren inter notice for of tile interior for U S batt nt salt halt ike alu april 20 1011 1915 notice Is beneby beteby given that perry ml mi va toiler art Q i oil marok 28 lff made fuade homestead entry seral lii no for 85 S nwe nd and N of section 13 township 35 kango 3 basto salt lake meridian has filed notice olit of intent tent ion to malie rinal dial fire year proof to establish claim to theland the land above described bedora quince cinc K klimball Klic ball U S a A utah on the day aay oi of julie 1913 clariann Cla cuamea as witnesses witti olives 7 NY mitchell richards wili latis dafes georee bavli all of balate Ua late atall gould D blakely Bla kaly kolster reir Kg later lster f I 1 1 2 Z statement ortho of the ownership management ete of oftie the panguitch progress published Publish eJ weekly at panguitch utah state of utah county bunty of garfield S B S the ediar edit r managing man manager i nger and publisher is fred el ei Md eldredge ldredge redge whose post office address la 1 panguitch utah i solo sole owner is pred fred E eldredge 61 panguitch utah known bond holders mortgages and other security holders holding one il 11 pr per cent or more mora of total ai bonds or other securities s i ec urides not any any fred frede E eldredge subscribed and ana sworn to io before mo ine this day of juno 1915 hans hana P ipson notary public my CI commission in e expires pires eeb 20 1917 J 1 4 mrs only avay to get I 1 V ri M home swing is to tuy ahe machee with the nailie NEW iaia and in die lep thu sime hine Is warrant vid for au no other liki it md other as good III r hw home se wing macvl company masa |