Show HOME TIRADE BOOSTS pacina the fiddler A corte E ALL ALI realize that when there thare la is dancing going on whether it be the rv newfangled new now tango or the old fashioned polka or walta some inq I 1 roust must pay the fiddler we iva cannot have music without paying tor for it nor can we have much of anything in this world without paying for it if we expect any person to do something for us we expect naturally to do somo something thing in exchange for such auch favors as aa we roo elvo it if we accept favors but evade the responsibility of making any returns for them it will not bal long before we dim discover coyer that the unpaid for favors favor become curtailed probably wo we become provoked after the favors favora have stopped and aei aci knowledge our own stupidity it Is generally too late when we wake ua and then it Is merely the old story over again of locking ahn door utter after the horse has been stolen many of us in this community devote moro more or less of our time to the raising of produce of various kinds we have vegetables butter eggs egg milk etc to soil sell we find it a convenience to sell bell such products in the local stores some 0 of f our business men buy up the small as well an aa thai larger lott lots end and ship all together to the more central markets this facility for disposing of much auch articles Is in a great convenience to us ua it if the local storekeepers did not buy our produce it would bo difficult for us to find a market in fact there would be no market for stanli quantities except at ruinous prices therefore we are favored to a very vary considerable extent by the th fact that our local storekeeper stands ready to buy from us ua this places us under certain obligations tho the local storekeepers are entitled to some borne considers naldera co tion lion from us in return HOW MANY OF US appreciate AND acknowledge THIS how many of us think of this when we have some cash to spend ilow how many of us consider that the local storekeeper Is entitled to our trade and that we are morally bound to consider him as the proper repository for our orders ardora and the recipient of our trado trade it la is regrettable that many of us must plead guilty to an entire forgetful forgetfulness of any feeling of obligation therefore we send our orders wit the to dinall order houses to whom we owe nothing wo we art are enticed by cleverly written advertisements and neatly worded descriptions of goods good and mer chandlee so BO that we deceive ourselves our selva into be having them to be true we forget the local storekeeper andels and his favors w we forget that he la Is a be benefit malIt to the C community arding munley and to every individual in th the community we forget that he la Is affording us an opportunity to dispose of our produce that he has haa hla his money invested in a stock of merchandise mer chandle 6 that he has haa selected because he believed we would need such articles artl clea and loulu would vash to buy them at home every dollar wo we send awny away from home to the mall mail order houses brings us uc closer to the limitations of our local opportunities every dollar diverted from local trade adds to the restrictions of our trado facilities at homo home so that we are not only permitting but we aro are inviting our local merchants mer chanta to doge close up shop and go out of business bual nees or to move to some nome community where their efforts will bo be more appreciated by our lack of appreciation we are urging our local storekeepers to restrict their efforts to carrying only the lines of merchandise lae that are the most profitable for them and to cut out all goods that we can buy in tho hd city we W are actually inviting disaster LET US AWAKEN TO A realization OF THE conditions WHICH CONFRONT US LET US PLACE SOME limitations ON OUR GARD FOR EXISTING conditions AND LOOK INTO THE FUTURE we ran can see what the consequences must bo be if we fall fail to do our share shard toward supporting the establishments of our business men in to town virn for the handwriting la Is written plainly on the wall shall we read the writing and profit by the message rn or shall we continue to io dance merrily and foolishly on until the time shall come bon wo we must pay and bow shall we pay there will bo be only one way to pay and that will be with much knuch more than the profit we shall have derived from our dealings with the mall mail order housea WE WILL PAY DEARLY UNLESS WE AWAKEN TO A FULL SENSE av OUR responsibilities AND AT ONCE we vish to dance but lot us ob change ge the tune or r the fiddler T |