Show R fi E HAD A CREAT fir E 4 A T TIME I 1 I 1 1 STORY THAT COMES FROM SALT LAKE CITY I 1 t I 1 I 1 I 1 s of the Rel gatof zedekiah Jede kiah klah anil and how he his enemies tho the following taken from tho the republican pub Ilean of salt lake purports to be an ancient document by a resident of ogden but there is something fascinatingly local about it that tho the reader must discover for himself the manuscript of the following narrative bearing many evidences of great ago age and In indifferently diffor 0 v kind treatment was handed to tho the inter moun tain republican yesterday by a resident of ogden who said he had discovered it far beneath the surface of df tho the earth while prospecting a mine the manuscript was signed obadiah and the story Is given for what it may bo be worth to contemporary contemporary study of tho the jurisprudence and literature of the ancients cien ts and it came to pass that during the reign of 0 zedekiah Jede kiah klah that one of tho the great officers of tho the kingdom became possessed of an evil spirit and lie ho camo came unto the king Jedo Jed klah eRlah and said 0 0 king I 1 would smite tile the face of mine enemy then said tho the king who is thine enemy then answered george the halciti Hal cite for it was even he there are not ten righteous men in all tho the land of weber for is there not gambling in all tho the high places even from the cellars to the lious house tops and the voice of the stud poker dealer is heard throughout all the land of weber and george the Ha Hat elte continued contini ked speaking and he said wherefore let us destroy all our enemies together for are we not virtuous and is it not then the duty of the virtuous to destroy tho the wicked and they sat themselves down together to make up it a list of those whom abe they would destroy and the king zedekiah Jede Jode kiah first named a certain man who was ono one of the counsellors coun of the great city and said let iet I et him be destroyed 1 for he knew new that george the Ha Ilat elte had an ancient and evil grudge against this roan man which lie he would fain fatten I 1 upon and tho the evil spirit it IL came over george tile the Ha Hat elte and he with a 9 loud voice saying let him be destroyed st and straightway they conspired together how they may take tile the man in a snare and they conjured up certain crafty writings wherein they did accuse him of doing many great and evil things oven of taking graft of the people and they caused him to be brought before the now the king zedekiah Jede kiah klah and george the Ha both being ignorant of tho the law besought themselves where they might find a great and learned counselor at akca ho might speak their accusations sat tons before tho accord 1 ing nato to the forms and ceremonies of th tho e law and they called before them te e charles surnamed the wise and he straight straightway Aay came before them for ho he was the wisest man in all the land of weber for he wag waa filled with als f s dorn dom even from the apex nylia which ell was under his hat down to the stem of his gudgeon and he knew many and wise books and laws and statutes statute and the farne fame of his wisdom extended even ro all the tribes of huntsville throughout the land of weber then the king zedekiah Jede kiah klah unto him and said thou wilt be a leviathan for us for who tan can withstand the fierceness of thy learning and thy wisdom then answered charles surnamed 1 the I 11 e wise and sald paid 0 0 king thou gayest gayest truly I 1 for he would bould not deny that he bebas was the whole cheese thereupon the evil spirit came over george the Ha Ilat elte even until he was yellow as to his face and was jaundiced even with the very hatred against the man accused and he arose before the and made accusations against tho the man that he had stolen money from the people for he sought to raise the multitude against him ancha did accuse him of many wicked things and the walls of the house reverberated with his many roa roar r ings and accusations and when the evil spirit had subsided for a time he ceased speaking but the said never a word and they marveled greatly for they knew not why they were there then e the judge and said unto the man what is this wicked thing which they speak against theo thee and the man answered and said 1 I am not guilty of these things which they charge concerning me and straightway he went and hired hm him three lawyers who might defend him before the and the first of them was mcganty McGl Alc Ginty nty who iho sat fat in the middle of them and on the left of him sat a great judge whose name was I 1 maize and on the right of him sat mike mullin he of the dyke whiskers and after the accusers had finished their and had borne many testimonies anies trieu said mcginty inea why dost thou not call even the king zedekiah Jede kiah klah to bear false witness also aleo against this man I 1 and straightway the king became sore afrand and ho he was pale date as to his face and the knees of him smote mote themselves mightily together I 1 I 1 for or he be then how it was but ho be wot not what he should say for his lawyers had not told him the t he things he should say concerning the thing so ho he was silent for a time put ut afterwards he be was war called on the eve of tho the seventh day and came before the and said it is not for very hatred of him that I 1 have cause these things to be done but because rather of my hatred for bill who seeks to be lord of the realm who hath written wicked things of me concerning the books of the fair association 0 ot the land of bober for the king zedekiah Jede kiah klah had written many gnys gerlous things in the books of tile the fair association so BO that no one knew the meaning thereof and no one could be found who could tell what they thery meant and the multitude marveled gre greatly itly v and it camo came to pass when the found the ddn man guilty the peo plo pl again wondered and they murmured among themselves and so go a george eorge the Ilat elte and kihe lede klah smote their enemy i this was in the days of iun king jede kiah |