Show FINAN TALK these western democrats are evolving somo strange arguments ot late but then they arc forced to it by the inconsistent platform which they aro en as the product of ano bt louis convention and also because of tho tact that the democratic party ot today is presenting diametrically opposite to for which tho party fought during the past two campaigns especially have the views changed on tho financial question and now they are practically endorsing the platform on which the gold democrats stood when to be a gold democrat was thought la utah to be the depth of degradation and by the way how much like crow ing that little coterie 0 gold democrat bouet rouet feel in salt lake there were six believe cast tor palmer and buckner in that city and the men who baet votes should be ferreted out and hoisted into the of the party every democrat who made d speech an fn that campaign or made any political utterance owes each of that noble little band of elx an the should have gotten up love feast down in aloa instead of ratification and hose old time demo crate houlb have been the guests ot honor atthe banquet board probably they wall anyway get in at chepla counter later an it there is any tle counter for the democrats the democrat should take lemor in eatone craw from senator dark 0 montana dispatches blab hat the Sei ator aabye the 11 1 f i i a liaa been settled by tho unusual prodoc alon of gold how many remember tho argument of the that the production of gold or ellnor had nothing to dp with the financial question or tho circulating medium it was tho stamp attlio government on alio llio metal that gave the confidence in it they exclaimed abo inherent 0 tho had nothing to do with it what a change now but then thoro ie no criticizing criticising critic ising the democrats too severely they arc only eight years behind tho republicans now they used to be a coupie ot decades in the rear somo of their leaders should have credit given them consistent with the character of the men who having gone astray havo tho ability to discover the road which leads back to honest politics but the little donkey which they bestride can not take them tar on that road |