Show polite potato areah the military potato whose portrait Is presented herewith wat grown by a new bork farmer neither the man who dijt tae potato hor those who packed it recognized its appearance and expression it ana unusually large weighing trifle more than a and a half when it came to be packed ita size attracted the attention fit the farmer who placed it carefully on the top ol 01 the barrel which wai to bring it to yew lork it chanced that the commission merchant who unpacked the potatoes wa a man of and be instantly recognized the semblance to the human form the only artificial additions ince it left the ground before being photographed were the hat alpa eyes jt will be aaen that these merely lend an appearance of in bengal lat year there deaths plague and from cholera the church of st alban la colborn nol born has a cross over twenty alve feet in bright which Is supposed toa be the largest in it was given by the duke of newcastle |