Show PER CENT DISCOUNT ON i k S and bed room suits a 1 I 1 aPRI MARKED SN PLAIN FIGURES OGDEN FURNITURE CARPET CO LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN THROUGH THESE COLUMNS WANTED position as nurse miss may atwood general livery city WANTED 2000 ft of 1 inch and 2 secondhand second hand lumber must be cheap address lumber care standard WANTED experienced salesmen and sales ladies furnishing goods shoes and hats call tomorrow between 9 and 11 a ni WANTED girl wanted call at 2890 wall WANTED to buy 0 shares of primary or 10 shares of secondary water right in davis weber counties canal hunter kennedy WANTED young lady to icahn dress making madam cochrane store ard 3rd floor WANTED woman cook at once at springs hotel G II 11 sanford mgr WANTED apprentices and experienced bands for dressmaking 2330 jefferson WANTED clean white rags at standard office WANTED highest price paid for castoff clothing at st drop us a card and we will call WANTED all lands of household furniture at 2267 washington ave WANTED girl for small family st WANTED at once four energetic solicitors licit ors ladies or gentlemen for ogden call day or evening kiealy hotel C JM casper abt WANTED girl for general housework no washing good wages apply 2534 wall ave 1 WANTED three or four gentlemen to room and board terms reasonable 2422 adams bath and electric light FOR RENT foil RENT furnished rooms for louse keeping 2220 lincoln ave fort RENT furnished flats 2034 grant fa KENT rooms for light housekeep I 1 ing electric lights wash ave E TO RENT good 7 room house inquire at street FOR RENT two furnished room for light housekeeping st FOR RUNT four rooms with pantry unfurnished street inquire street FOR RENT furnished room 2220 lin coin ave FOR RENT furnished rooms for light octh street FOR RENT five room bouso to let latest conveniences inquire of jamaca rin grce farat national bank FOR RENT newly room for light housekeeping west street FOR RENT Five nc sleeping rooms W st FOR RENT log by day week or month SO street phone FOR RENT Store for rent and two moonia 2107 madison a i f FOR KENT nicely FOR furnished front rooms over paine iurata etore wash ave FOR RENT seven room house fruit and general improvements call st FOR KENT store front building on washington avenue cheap apply at street FOR RENT rooms for light housekeeping 2139 lincoln ave FOR BENT furnished room modern conveniences lincoln hotel FOR SALE FOR SALE part or all furniture of a five room house grant ave FOR SALE five acres young fruit trees strawberries raspberries rasp berries grapes 3 room house new barn chicken house and out one mile from post office address N care standard FOR SALE before buying cogg for hatching incubators and bro it alio oak poultry yards 1050 oak street ogdan FOR SALE jersey cow and calf CO brown leghorn and plymouth idock chickens also 6 rolls of chicken wire apply pacific ave SALE new 6 room brick on street lot 38 rods blust be sold at once A sims iscom 5 over burts FOR SALE one brick house and lot 1 fra me house with email orchard also 30 acra farm close in and building iota on ath street inquire II 11 N owen cross street FOR SALEA piano in good repair apply at FOR SALE secondhand second hand goods at 2267 wash ave FOR SALE or will exchange for city property ogden or salt lake im proved farm 30 odd acres 6 room prick house and other valuable improvements prove ments 1000 fine trees 4 to years old good land good location only two miles from ogden postoffice Post office price reasonable and terms to euit J C NYE st WE HAVE the following properties paying eight per cent interest some paying ten per cent to beell on of eight per cent net terms can be made to suit 4 room frame house rents for 4 room brick house rents for 6 room frame house rente for 5 room frame house tenta for 1400 5 room frame house rents for 1500 broom frame house rente for 1000 7 room frame house rente for 1000 room brick house rents for 1500 7 room brick hauae rente for 1750 O room frame homo rents 2500 10 room frame house rents for 2500 W WEDELL over the HUB MALE HELP WANTED MEN we teach the barber trade in the shortest possible time at small expense and guarantee positions write 11 college salt lake city utah MALE HELP intelligent man to call on business and professional men permanent position and good pay manager box 78 philadelphia LOST LOST purse containing endall change anil receipts also package containing reubon between wrista hta and enotha drug store finder return to standard office reward STRAYED STRAYED to my place one red row about alx old D J byveld Kancs ville utah STOLEN small STOLEN drown gorec broached banc branded U 8 on neck also U 7 on heft hip parties eyeing same will please notify J L porter 2622 abadi eon ave BREEDING BREEDING one durham bull and one 0 I 1 C boar both fine ped liw charge 2 each cash A M van der vlies west street SPIRITUAL spiritual at thomas hall evening at adaus ion 10 cante architects co architect booma GO and 7 first burldine buil dine phone 1 f wa 4 f y 11 1 I 1 upholstering AND CARPET CLEANING mattresses renovated repair cd and packed or shipment jcarl at street wm 1 prop BUSINESS opportunities a week for CO weeks gets diamond or in cash western savings investment co beccles bid PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING lester hei rick the sign painter 2433 12 1 2 wash ave call or prices wall paper paper hanging and paint ing see J 2404 wash john 2259 Wash ave first class work TICKET BROKER I 1 Bhan nane cut bate ticket office davee yon money cut rates to all pointe depot st opposite union onay association broker in john C baker abe ogden ticket broker buys and veils railroad tickets write aall up or como in we want to talk to you streit it telephone we belong to the association i PRESSING AND REPAIRING ogden steam dye and cleaning works french dry cleaning a specialty phone 2510 washington geo A karr mgr satisfaction guaranteed SCAVENGER GARBAGE outhouse animal removed all kinds of hauling phone 2431 leo peterson wall MONEY TO LOAN HONEY TO boan J J MONEY TO LOAN 10 to advanced on and storage receipts without security confidential dent ial caay payments lowest rates call and get terms D D drake eccles biag C L underwood mgr BREWERIES BECKER BREWING COMPANY brew era and Malt utah undertakers charles J A Lindquist Undertaker and embalmer 2020 washington ave phone NOVELTY AND BICYCLE REPAIRS KEY fittin saw filing machinery work W II 11 drabble st phone Y MISS ME BURGHS kindergarten swedish lutheran church st west of jefferson ave children kindla cared best references furnished veterinary SURGEON P PARSER veterinary SUB ceon no 4 kingsford Kin geford ogden altah ASSAYING J Ase eyer mate st salt lake city utah P 0 box 1011 aa by mail or express will be carefully assayed FIRE INSURANCE goddard insurance real estate and loans ulah loan anat MONUMENTS AND headstones stanley brothers dealers in up to date monuments monumenta enta and headstones call ana get our prices comer of washington am street mitchell bros cemetery copings a specialty yard cor bt and jefferson ave lamberts old stand and cor wall and st TOBACCO Beit ican brothers jobbers of cigars tobacco pipes etc 2403 washington ave utah loan and trust co biag HAIR GOODS MRS 0 E LEE dealer in hair good switched swit chea friezes frizzes friz zes etc at low prices masquerade costume wigs etc mail orders promptly attended to hair chains specialty P 0 box 43 rooms ott Twenty fourth st FRUITS AND CANDIES john contla the popular candy manufacturer has the finest line of choicest fruits candies agara and tobacco yon should call and seo him one door north of wrighta 2335 are FRATERNAL SOCIETIES MASONIC masonic hall over 2418 washington ave ogden utah weber lodge no F A M regular communication first and third thursdays of each month qualified maiona cordially invited 8 W BADCON W M F E leoy ogden chapter no 2 M regular convocation day of each month visiting companion cordially invited W vola M E H P F E NICHOLS secy 1 el monte commander no s K T stated conclave of each month sojourning Sojo sir knight courteously invited S W badboy E a E recorder queen etther chapter no 4 fl regular held at masonic hall the elret and third friday of month sojourning Sojo member cordial each invited to attend MINNIE HASLET y ir SARAH BOSS secy KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ogdan lodge 3 ot joeeta at cantle hall utah bank monday Teni ag a ol 01 la l a teil to meet with w A L Q a ao le of it ad ELKS ogden lodge no meet tuesday evening in K ofa liala every i utah nation bank K S JOYCE E J KNAUSS becy ODD FELLOWS ogden lodge no 5 la depend ent 01 order of odd febo mft meet I 1 in I 1 0 0 F hall J tuesday evening visiting brother tf bially invited to be FRED BLATTERT noble grand E T fcc y junction city lodge no 36 ent order 0 odd meet k I 1 0 0 F ball every thursday evening visiting brothers cordially invited to b present P J HALL noble grand L B BALCH f 0 qeeen city godje no 41 0 F kneete and third saturday at odd fellows hall twenty fourth st visiting member invited MRS ADDIE noble grand aada claria COOK st SISTERS lecta every saturday eveylne at at pythian hau utah rational bank Build hiff Bojo cor bially invited to attend SIRS ISABELL WIANT M E 0 MRS LOTTIE mcgaw aj of B Q FORESTERS OF AMERICA court no 2 ol 01 america meets L F ball st farst and third wednesday of each month at visiting brother in good invited to attend w D a A T leoy KOYAL coyal arcanum Moun council no meet second and fourth ball monday evenings eve ninga A 0 U W paya death benefit FRED regent A secy M J collector r KNIGHTS OF THE silver tent no 1 meeta first and third friday evenings at 8 jcck in K of P hall visiting knighted cordially invited VIVIAN E HATCH HARRIS LADIES OF THE silver hivo no 1 meets the aeola and fourth tuesdays at two thirty p a at K of P hall visiting sister cordially invited IRENE CARSON L 0 EMMA L TOWNE B WOODMEN OF THE WORLD weber camp no 74 meets la K ot P hall in uta utai i national bank building every thursday evening at 8 p m vi atine goodmen woodmen cordially invited to t tend CANNON C E AUTH clerk 2118 2 washington av OF WOODCRAFT sago lily circle no meets every and 2nd and ath friday nights at in K of P hail visiting neighbors cor bially invited MRS H E MATTOS G N LILY LIGHT clerk W pat terson FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 1 fraternal order of eagleb ogden aerie no F 0 E every sunday evening in A 0 U W hall over burte at visiting eagles are invited to robet with w AARON HOFFMAN W P D T W sethy UNION ORDER washington ogden union no order of wash ancton meet every friday night al 8 in odd fellows hall visiting comrades invited to attend W E gerfy WALTER RICHEY president A 0 V W protection lodge no 24 A 0 U W meets every thursday evening at 4 visiting brothers W H TOLLER M W JOHN recorder H A financier fidelity lodge no 2 W meet to A 0 U W every tuesday evening vilt ina t brothers invited A L U W WALTER RICHEY recorder W N PIERCE finander Fina ader DEGREE meets every wednesday o 0 ai at A 0 U V hall MRS ALICE BOWEN chief of honor MUS KATE E recorder Ee corder MISS ETHEL financier AIRS SUSIE 8 deceiver ORDER RAIb wahsatch Wah satch division no R meeta second and fourth friday at 2 sa m la K of P hau cogaer p ton and st all brother cordially invited to attend ore F W herrington Q n D L boyle S and 1 brotherhood OF RAILWAY TRAINMEN of cauway a famen meet let and ard wednesday aa at K ol 01 P ha it p D SIMPSON alaster lacter L HOWE sec fraterman FRATER MAb OF t lt eal america meet at K of P acan i ot national bank buildt t utah ond and fourth wednesday of month Yi icing frater u to attend all eternal alaster aw o 0 J beo WOODMEN OF utan CAMP no meet friday night at 8 in 4 over burt broa tore IV hau nw j j v r S 0 clerk U B R E aden division united broth of railway every wednesday at p nt union la lor street visiting br othera welcome W C GUERNSEY manager W S DONALDSON 2300 wab aye agent t physicians AND SURGEONS dr A nil star acon office hour 10 to 12 2 to 4 p so rhone Is beer without the alcohol it is car bonic acid gas without artificial fermentation the following are the arrivals it arte reed during the past twenty four hours G W feakin salt lake W W wal ton denver it fulton N A W anderson evanston S griffin salt lake james B edwards denver A W colburn denver bishop denver C S williams salt lake J C andrews wash W 11 philbrick american falls ida II 11 A harden and beatrice neb P E coulstock Cou istock boston C A blair chicago G B bostwick st louis 6 G lord cincinnati 0 davo bennett E P ayere san francisco W F Ammer nian new york J W walker denver |