Show pl t tucson ariz feb 4 A special from fates eliat there is little truth in alio edories circulated about the alleged fight le tween and mexican regular troops near sun marcial Marc idl fight probably took place but ho number were killed as was at first reported FIRST IX YEARS an francisco cal feb 4 unusual ly cold weather prevailed over Californi ii yesterday and for the first timo in many cars tin inhabitants of this city saw mow while the banow was hardly noticeable ti downtown down town the park and surrounding towns etro cohered ii white cloak no damage to fruit has been reported W iener acl 4 A faill ed in the ly senator isussi ade that at geheran cleet ions and arc alic time for of a tata senator political party may placa on the ballot the names of five irlo candidate for the bind the members of the legislature under penalty of expulsion to vote for the candidate of their e parties great lumber of alio popular vote 0 assassination wyo feb 4 A band of masked men monday raided the sheep ramp of william linnich thirty northeast of cliot minnich lungs dynamited and slaughtered head of and burned the outfit wagons alic lierzer ended en ped and brought the nawa of alic attack here today dr cike and a a of officers left at once for the at lat accounts minnich was alive but there is little hope of his recovery there i no clew to alic identity of the raiders other alian alie report eliat the f liepp and cattlemen of that section artye been on alic verge of war for some time BURIED JN grand encampment wyo feb 4 tack harris lie veteran stage driver between llis and rudefeha and tin unknown woman passenger were caught by a last week when driving along a narrow defile in the ajic stage was covered with enow rocks and limbs of trees to a depoli of dejl or twelve feet but its occupants not injured although one of alie horses was killed for two days and three nights biar his companion remained buried out a morsel of food and they would undoubtedly have perished but for their accidental discovery by a parching party they were almost famished when found and were unable to walk being hauled to the nearest on hand sleds TWO BOYS HELD 1 p illings feb 4 chester A i i cleg a young roan vilio claims that he ii j djs the son of the chief of police of lu fl Sc rne and another boy who u fia lie ia brother were arrest 1 on a telegram which has been 1 l received from the minnesota officers ia 1 there is no charge made against them in alic telegram tel epram except the request that 1 they be held alie young men say that t taly ill 0 ka 0 chev arc extradited and claim that is no for arrest abu case ii in a great deal of my 1 tery and several telegrams have been re calved by alic local officer who 1 is 6 to give out any further information TO insonia Ih sonia mont feb 4 in a telegram by the men e association of tins city broin congressman J M bixon alio is at present in ast 1st ciul piul he kimt lie has had a with president of alic northern pik ilic railway anil that the latter lias to pic pi c a title to tho government fur the la ml on which fort missoula Miss onla is when general cobbe alio in electing lec ting general of the anny ivas here few hoeks ngo lie said eliat it lio could bo made certain that decil could be gotten to the land by the government lie would recommend that alic fort bo made 11 regimental post and the number of soldiers greatly at bouce IN barcelona feb 1 A meeting 0 representatives at twenty three gradei voted in faor of a general strike in support of alic at violent spero hes were made urging the workmen to be in readiness to destroy authority pillage and launch a social revolution 1 paul mini feb YOUNGER 4 cole younger who was paroled from penitentiary two years ago auth brother jini ill be given a conditional pardon today by alie board of pardons which will admit of the cx bandit returning to his former boac in ib flouri warden wolfer of on ha full pardon the board however will make the pardon conditional younger probably will be ordered never to return to minnesota and hit will be restricted in many ways his health is good at PROPERTY OF A BANKRUPT not exempt from taxation when in possession of a trustee lon feb 3 in an opinion down by the united states court of appeal jullio caldwell holdi that property of a bankrupt in the custody of a trustee is not exempt from state taxation judge caldwell said that congress in passing the bankruptcy act had not attempted to exempt from state taxation any property of a bankrupt in the possession of a trustee the power of taxa tion is a purely legislative pot a judicial arid no bankrupt court has any right than any other court to exempt from state taxation property of a bankrupt in the hands of an officer of the court which is liable to taxation RUSSIANS RIGHTS forty authors sign a statement of demands correspondence of associated press st petersburg jan afas a result of the prohibition by the police of the banquet in celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the Ilus sian peri press at which resolutions dc manding freedom of alie press were adopted the committee of forty authora and journalists which had undertaken the hail sant an account of its pro ceding to all the newspapers enclosing alie it BBS intended to offer the resolutions arc ae follows considering that in the degree of development attained by public life and public opinion in our country the ex lewenec of sill independent press is a genuine national requirement that this Is particularly a in the pie piment ent and dini cult phase of history that the press cannot alio obligations imposed upon it in present being subjected bya the existing legislation to the authority of the administration forc we regard alie thorough revision of existing press legislation on the following general lince as indispensable 1 it is necessary lo 10 repeal absolutely and unconditionally every form of can worship 2 itis tn abrogate v alio of administrative punish lucent iwu od the government al press 3 ot law by or anns of the pio should be submitted in prosecution before on independent elective court the may bo permitted inertly to hold back the press production willi a mew to initiation fit the beneral the forsom 4 it ii to to the press the ippol right of dix aa and afenir aff nir xo of tins liht li v TIC alic of organ of the press in in matter what language li be dc find fin d by liaw and coni diotis not lt ft the inviolability of rights aint IP br the law 1 I the of be 8 enry ait forbidden by coin t aut be allowed unhindered cir he t by t nf all of aid L III this are implied nob only aal but libraries school and public comprised a few nam ot international repute euch as maxima gorky and anton end con ei drable number of writer well known n rufila tle who tatu defy the covern neat ere ephr red or in middle life tin wt t ts hn become extremely I 1 attivo fagain bently the ITI ewt ft rt gilr el aultin bul tin the ifton included two bw of witch in honor of 11 who the ian ut tho interior on aplin 2 by lio dr bratty atty in colora t tuai |