Show 0 J 4 0 o football talk of the moment 0 PRESENT SITUATION DB Nr i f 0 IN EAST ant WEST FRINCE TONS liepe A 0 0 0 v 0 0 y element of uncertainty notice TIIE adlein football affairs eary in the season liaa now pearce and keen observers can readily obtain a fairly accurate idea as to alic chances of the respective teams they support in the championship ance in the east the problem ha narrowed down to three elevens Yale harvard and princeton in the ivest two teams OF appear to hold the balance of power michigan and wisconsin taken nyan for man yale appear to formed i the strongest eleven of alie year for wp enot far above the produced a heavy line that is any college line sep during the last two or three years the harvard yale game and the contest with princeton i are the matches the sons of EH are anxious to win tanil on the result of these edits depends the cha mj p offo east sale ant yew hayck nov tigers are not up to standard aliis year but nevertheless they arc snappy spa determined and yale wilt have minute of the gamo to keep her oal line out of danger the carneu have in fakhimi thus far nd will eydthe a record that j should reflect credit on captain wll i liam warner and bis warriors war is the brother of gw S anmer now coaching the carlisle indian team i and he knows thoroughly the technical i atles of the game the university 0 illinois hag put i good team in the and although defeated by their old biroc aba university f chicago the men are confident of finishing ugly among abo acri who are doing good work are mckinley at quarter cook at left end the college strong man at right tackle at ight ha hugh coach of the ton university team of bt bouts louts haa the following to say about playing in the center of the atno is a position of little glory and lucli labor f the chances are wanting for malting which the spec can see and applaud position Is nevertie less a vital one ani good vork willbe appreciated by those who know points of the game i the centera maat important funck farst snapping tiie ball second alp pass i j third holes for a tull baclE buck on center fourth lines ann on all center pinya co ith the gualdi gual di on center 1 snapping is a alon formerly the opposing center rush could tamper with the attempt of to snap and was in getting if away the rules now however prohibit interference with the apap in position tos naj ohp ball the cen ter stands bent over kl jofh hadas on the tho of winch points at right fat to the fichu emge line at the sigu nl fromme from he he pabelo ball 1 l d a tat will not fujii in tho air and hlll the cr backs fiands at walt hleb while alip buist anke ate to mgt ima lf the shock which expect anti the opposing center tup po joslon slon ln resist mt tp both feet almost oba llop rather t S SV AAA jl ra ATA x AA AA one ii front of the other the body should be well town as far as passing tha ball knowing the exact moment the ball is to be passed the offensive center has the advantage of a fraction of a second over his opponent instead oc waiting abr jhc thc enemy ho can dive forward and push him bac pr block for the brief space necessary to cover the operation of the aggressive play going on behind disown line jf ahls opponent is troublesome never tefan gc f arvay from any way which will permit him to get into the play follow him if necessary and check all ills attempts to interfere with the play it 1 or should bo n comparatively easy matter fo prevent n center unaided from getting by you in time to interfere with the quart erback unless you are c a tight off poise or ara down too low he cannot get over you it your guards are doing their duty he cannot get on either side that is for the fraction of a second necessary to get the runner on when the opposing center happens to be inferior you will probably be called upon to open the line between the guard frequently to let through your allback ull back it is almost unnecessary to say that the hole is made outwardly by preference it i one method of getting the enemy out of alie road to catch him off his balance and jerk him forward into your line intending to throw him while this Is successful on occasion it frequently faila to put the opposing opp i player out of it and instead lets him in for a your lines the safes fal n the bole outwardly conjunct tion with the defensive center trill b playing low and dose together and it will be next to imps aible for the hola unless the guard hellery hell pry it open having ogled the door for yur back to get through your work iia by BO means done if boit are center position abe instant your opponent I 1 butof tho play into it the ness of A plunge depends upon how many of the team are the runner pushing oc ahead of him pulling this is one play where eleven apen thobal be ani pkim an abe agars ivo itsou arc center help ithe runner on in any possible way your strength avails and the rules j la anost pl dyson the line the canler can get into he game and use his and to aid the advance from the rear dally your opponent longer thau the play demand The center tn the nature of things cannot be to get into ln ir for andi hiis U la by peer ence n heavy strong man in whom bleed is somewhat sacrificed to the other attributes when he Is able toi help alie runner however it la ills function to see 1 ats a vl a d interfere with that player A on defense the center works lu conjunction with the guards work Is almost inseparable ices in abla connection and those alons guards are susceptible of many |