Show salt lake news john E engstrom a well known young man and a popular member of the Nabi national lonal guard died yesterday of brights disease sir air engstrom was not yet 22 years of age and had a host ot of friends in salt lake and elsewhere who ddll mourn his untimely death he ile had been a sergeant in captain Greenwal ds company ot of ithe signal corps N G U for about two y years ears and one ot of the trusted employed emp loyes ot of P F auerbach co bert webb the 12 year old eon son ot of albert T webb ot of earls court was seriously wounded by the accidental discharge of a revolver yesterday morning and at an early hour this morning was lying in a very ariti cal condition at st marks hospital the boy had loaded the weapon and was endeavoring the hammer when the discharge occurred the nammer seemed refractory and be he anally braced the weapon against the right side ot of hla his abdomen while trying to lower the hammer it dropped suddenly and the weapon was discharged I 1 me bullet penetrating the abdomen S P Teas delon one ot of ithe the pioneer merchants ot of salt lake passed away at hla his home no first street at 9 last evening air fr teasdell Teas dels death resulted from pneumonia about two weeks ago he corrara oled a cold which while it troubled him considerably was w not deemed serious until three days ago when he was forced to take to his bed he ile was 70 selars ot of age and surviving him are ills his wife a son bert D and a daugh daughter ter mary maxy n talented artist who w ho recently returned homo home irom from paris parts where she has been pursuing her studies 1 7 CONDUCTOR GREEN INJURED in attempting to save one of his pas fien gera from f m m injury walter green a condee conductor tor 0 on n ithe he second south street etrel etre l et line met with a painful accident last evening ills car was nearing ninth eat at a a high rate of speed when te he saw one ct of his passengers Q rt standing anding oa on the footboard ot of the car 00 and leaning tar far out directly in line 1 with a telephone pole green warned the passenger ot of the rapidly approach ing danger but as the latter apparently did not hear the conductor hurried along che side of ithe car and pushed the passenger out ot of the way only no to be struck himself by the pole and burled with great force to the ground an examination showed that green had received no injuries ot of a serious nature although he was ba badly adly bruised and shaken up SAD DEMISE OF PASSENGER battling bravely against toe ithe table able and hoping that her life might at I 1 least be spared until she reached her i husband at los angeles mra mm henry glider gilder breathed her last on a rio grande western train ait at thistle june tion yesterday afternoon the unfortunate woman who it Is understood was in the last stages of consumption was garoute en route to loa los angeles from chicago and had been very ill during the entire trip after leaving grand junction her condition grew grow rapidly worse until death relieved her sufferings feringa suf she was by a si 0 daughter 9 years of age and every attention was given lier her yesterday by a plin physician lelan on the train to together gother with other ras passengers with whom she sho waa was 1 P acquainted when the train reached salt lake the teedus were taken to the undertaking 1 parlors ot of S D evans who telegraphed to the husband ot of the deceased HA at loa lim angeles for forr further directions AA alt a lato hour last lait night DO no answer had been received TOC elved the motherless little girl who was prostrated by the death 0 of her mother continued her journey westward in charge of passengers going to the coast |