Show BASEBALL NOTES NEITHER HAMILTON NOR mccarty TO JOIN the salt lake papers contain a story which Is a pure fake to the effect that the agdens were trying to induce hamilton of the railways to sign with them the south paw is not wanted for there are two left handed ditcheos ditchers Dit chers his superiors already in the team a mccarty of denver an out fielder was desirous of joining the champions but his offer has been turned down the locals will put on their war paint when they play in salt lake on saturday and sunday next and you can bet on it that they will get the scalps of the salt lakers they will defeat the salt lakes on saturday and the railways on sunday this Is a quiet up gimlin and borchers will raise the scalps and the other braves will do the rest spencer and GI erhardt are to be released from park city another western league player Is to be added to the team |