Show FINANCIAL BILL IN HOUSE QUESTION OP LENGTH OF FOR ITS consideration washington dec 7 defore the house met today the republican and democratic leaders attempted to perfect an agreement for the debate on the financial bill which is to begin next monday but the negotiations failed the republican leaders then decided to resort to a special rule to be brought in tomorrow mr overstreet 0 indiana who is to have charge of the bill introduced a formal resolution for a special order upon which the committee on rules will act it provides tor the consideration of the bill beginning on monday and continuing until a date to be decided upon by the committee on rules immediately after the reading of the journal the speaker announced the appointment of a committee on roles as follows the speaker sir dalzell of pennsylvania and sir grosvenor of ohio republicans richardson of tennessee and bailey of texas democrats mr meyer of louisiana announced that he had been incorrectly recorded as voting aye on the roberts resolution on tuesday lie bad voted no mr overstreet of indiana in charge of the financial bill then rose tor the purpose of reaching an agreement it possible for the consideration of a measure he asked that an arrangement be made for commencing next monday mr richardson the minority leader eald the proposal was most unusual it was that acost important measure perfected in all its details dur ang the recess by members on the other side should be brought into the house without having been considered in commatee comm ltee and taken up on two days notice he insisted that the bill should go to the committee for arst consideration he objected to the proposed arrangement mr overstreet asked unanimous consent to print in the record an analysis of the bill 1 I understand the gentleman desires to inject a stump speech in the record observed mr terry of arkansas 1 I object upon the motion of mr grosvenor of ohio a resolution was adopted to print copies of the opinion of the supreme court in the case of the ad pipe and steel company et al appellants vs the united states tor the use of the house this Is the antitrust anti trust decision of the supreme court washington dec 7 the house committee on rules will meet tomorrow at 11 to frame 0 special order for the consideration of the financial bill the republican leaders of the house have talked the matter over and a virtual decision has been readied to give the whole of next week to debate on the bill with provision for a final vote on the following monday dec 18 |