Show LONDON POLITICS muzzling dogs Is a leading issue prince of wales haa offended storekeepers by visiting a department store and making pur chases Hew Woman the Theaters American singers score a success in madrid london nov 20 the doe muzzle ie admittedly playing an important part in the politics of greist britain the discontent of dog owners it rigorous ing orders which have now been tao yeara in force having the muzzle to the dignity of R grave political question there is abundant evidence that it influenced the recent bye elections and that it is disturbing the peace of the minister the marquis of dading the course ot bis speech at lue albert hall on tuesday last admitted abia in his usual cynical etyle and on thursday night the minister of agriculture mr walter long eue aking at a large political meeting devoted hie entire speech to R defense of his position he quoted statistics showing ibe rapid decrease ot rabies since the introduction 0 the order in 1895 be said there were cases of rabies in edeland En eland adding that in there were only cases vb ile of these only 51 have cc burred since june the continued fine mild weather lias added to the enjoyment of the country house parties which now in full ewing in all parts ot england the autumn has devoted fresh specimens of the new woman among the aristocracy lady gifford ie per tonally hunting pack of harriers regularly while the of bedford has established her reputation as a first clae shot and in Bedford shire knocks over bieh rocketing pheasants with he best shots am ng the men the storekeepers of london are in arms over the visit of the prince of wale their best patron to a large department part ment store this week the heir apparent carefully inspected the establish ment and made numerous nume roua purchases toe joy caused among charitable institutions last week by the probating of ho will of the late mr john thomas morton a big jam and provision importer who left to charity t the execution oi the heirs had a curiola back in the case of the moravian church missions whose bequest of pounds promised to be a white elephant of the most formidable an boatly kind the secretary of the mission has published a loiter appealing to the friends of the organization to erase their congratulations explaining pla ining that money bequeathed will not be available for a long time when it is actually paid not a penny i is to be devoted to alie existing ruis eions but is to be ebent in establishing entirely new enterprises in other words the legatees have been saddled with an obligation to apply the immense sum exclusively to the establishment of missionary undertakings which they not have the mem to support the lord mayor of london mr ho ratio david davies haa declined the offer of S alar chairman 61 the ondon tramway company who offered 0 o present the corporation of london with the nucleus of an art gallery mr sellana Sell aaa contribution con mated of adoni ahoni old dutch italian and endlish pictures the declination of the lord mayor is owing to the varied character of the word but it is an open secret that the alleged gainsborough constables and other old masters after examination by experts have been found to be hardly of the character to form the ot the city of london art callery eal lery an of peculiar interest was the enactment by clergymen on wednesday last in canterbury ball of the aret church play in recent years it was entitled abe con verson of england was written by the rev henry dosewell de sewell ani was really a succession of ten hut orical tableaux with the dialogue stilted heroic to tho accompaniment of sacred music the scenes included a itoman market where english slaves attracted gregorys attention meeting between pope gregory aad the monks with king on the isle of thanet and king ethel belts baptism at canterbury the central figure of the production ie st augestine the scenery and chants were historically accurate bing the lejault of re teai chea in the museums of london dresden and stockholm the play in described as a dreary entertainment there are only four of alie london theaters whose doore ere not opened although the season s hardly under dav and two of the four will be tilled early n next month yet hardly more etian halt of tho thirty play houses are paying their running expenses venous theories are announced for the failure of the london theaters to pay the moet credited one beina that the foyrease fo crease ot aubur ban play liones is keeping suburban playgoers at home another lector which unquestionably counts is the price charged for seats an orchestra hall in alindon theater costs 10 shillings while lier eats are correspondingly bieh yet no theater ian cat the maiee without losing cate the most not worthy success among the money bakera of aba minority is the which after a two years run at duys theater gives no ana of lessening popularity while among the newer native venture white heather a meet echi mailo dacia arthur jonea the liars henry E mondee comedy on sum mere day and cartons play the of knowledge with george ander and julia Ni eleon ae atie ettra are centers of inter cut for abia world strange to eay hamlet must be included hi the list of plays for forbes kobertein Ko berteon has apparently parent ly succeeded where many othera have fai leil there has been much speculation ae to how the american ainzer marie engel would be ace ived at tho royal opera houa madrid in view of the 1 political bet een and the united ataee but wording to die patch brorn madrid ohp appearance of mase engel on tuesday as ophelia in was very she was greetah with several recalls and the prees notices ot her appearance were favorable |