Show WANT MORE artilleryman artillerymen MEN new york petitions fop to be added to the united states army new york nov 5 the new york chamber o 0 has adopted the following resolutions whereas the united states is now constructing modern seacoast defenses to include over high guns 1000 twelve dmund montare mor tare and rapid fire guns and has made an appropriation for over high power guns and about the number of twelve pound niort are ot which one hall can be in their by june and whereas the united states artillery force ie wholly inadequate to care for and properly man these guns therefore be it resolved that we ue chamber of commerce of the city cf new york beina fully impressed impre sred with the urgent need of an increase a number of the federal artillery force to properly itsuro vast amount of property of our city and other sea coiet cities destruction and levaine of contributions that would be visited upon ua in the event of var with foreign nations 0 o earnestly request and urge the united states to take eua immediate action as will provide a force of trained for manning ol 01 our een coast defenses and it Is believed by us that batteries requiring a numerical increase of the army of about artil is absolutely necessary to ac purposes |