Show DAN SULLIVAN Ogi fens ex deputy sheriff plays funny tricks in park city but mis john L shape saves allm A good joke was played upon M H breen the popular tender at the center baloon thursday april let mickey thoroughly made up his mind that no joke should take place as his expense on all fools day his resolution was firm until dan sullivan the plasterer walked in with a can he asked for two bits worth of beer and upon being served played micky with two bridle bits two bits the agonizing look on face convinced the crowd that he was gorbett man and with one knee touching the floor he ejaculated 1 I bit park city record caesy fitzgerald the famous english dancer who is to appear here in the founding Foun ling has only beer in this country a short t me abe is up to dale in every respect and rides the bicycle she was recently achel her opinion cf bloomers for a bicycle costume and said 1 I think that bloomers are one of the greatest of the age and I 1 dont think like so many do that it is a fad that will soon die away bloomers have come to stay while 1 generally wear a real short skirt over my bloomers I 1 do not believe that this is really necessary I 1 do it merely for the sake of not attracting eo much attention the reason some made such a terrible outcry against bicycle and continued because they are either too awkward to ride or they dont look well on a wheel lam colne to ride a bicycle in spite atall that they say because it me and if I 1 choose I 1 shall wear bloomere bloom eie or even knickerbockers |