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Show THE BINGHAM PRESS BULLETIN PAGU FIVE '' " """"""""" - of opinion that he will pitch his ace, Burt, in an effort to annex tha game. The contest will start at five sharp, and a record crowd should be in attendance to help the locals annex the game. GARFIELD HERE NEXT SUNDAY Garfield's fighting baseball team will be here Sunday for a nine in-ning clash with the Bingham team, and a ryyal battle is assured those attending, as Garfield is the one team of the Copper League that can al-ways be depended upon to give a real exhibition. H Never giving up until the last man is out in the ninth, the Garfield clan fights to the last ditch, the sort of fighting that has made baseball so popular with the fans of this section. Manager Christensen has Jerry Dunn groined fur the Garfield game, and Manager F.wing of the Smcltcr crowd refuses to divulge his pitching choice,- - although it is the concensus Bingham Wins to Ingersol. Left on bases: Bingham 8, Arthur 3. Wild pitch: Jarvis 1. Hit by pitcher: Barrett by Melius. Pitching record: 9 hits 5 runs off Miller in 4 innings, 5 hits and four runs off Jarvis in 2 innings, 5 hits and 1 run off Hermanson in 5 innings, 8 hits and three runs off Melius in 5 innings, 6 hits and 6 runs off Dunn in 6 innings. Charge defeat to Her-manson. Credit Melius with victory. Umpires: Scanlon on balls and strikes, Gilberg on the bases. Time of game: 2 hours 25 minutes. WHAT WE SAW Manager Christensen switched his team around a bit, moving Baty to short, and putting Ledingham on first. Taylor, ertswhile shortstop, has left the team to. play with Storrs, in the coal camp league. Baty filled Taylor's shoes in great style, and showed himself to be an player. ' Ledy's work at first was all that could be asked, and he smashed out a home run to right field in the sec-ond, just to prove that he can still hit the ball. , Bingham went out in a hurry in the opening frame, Miller throwing but five balls, and all three outs were on ground balls. McKee, Dowdell and Ledy essayed a fast double play in the first in-ning. Barrett opened the second with a double to left, but Melius tightened up, and the Arthur catcher was left stranded at the keystone sack. Bingham had two men on base in the third with but one out, and couldn't score. A good throw by Whiteley in the third on Webb's short single to Jeft would have nipped Ingersol at the plate. Papworth's timely swat in the fourth scored two runners. i Burrows made a nice stop of lus' roller in the fourth, and with the help of College and Ingersol, made a neat double 'play. Buckle and McKee figured in a nice double play in the fourth when Buckle's perfect peg after catching Crellin's fly caught Barrett. Buckle also made a sweet catch of College drive in the same inning. In the fifth, Dowdell and McKee both doubled to right field, and Addie Miller left the box, without a word. Such is life. Jarvis went in cold, and the Bing-ham lads fattened their batting av-erages before he settled down to busi-ness. Myers made a nice try for Still-man- 's long drive to the left field' foul line, but couldn't quite make the grade. The hit went for three bases. Ingersol hit one at Melius in the fifth, that was so hot it threw the Bingham's pitcher off balance, and incidentally threw his thumb out. Buckle came in for a big hand when he grabbed Burrows long fly to center, in the fifth. Melius was pitching nice ball, al-though the Arthur boys started after him in the sixth, when Dunn, re-lieved him. Dunn received a bombardment of hits in this inning, but after that the Arthur team was helpless. Hermanson took Jarvis' place in the seventh, with 3 and 1 on Baty. Bingham had a man on third in the seventh with no one out and couldn't score. Whiteley made a nice catch of Barrett's fly in the seventh. P.aty came into the limelight in the seventh, when he speared Myers pop up bark of short. It was a swell catch, and robbed Mycr of a single. ( APEX TEAM WINS AT SMILE Rejuvenated Team of Underground Mine Wallop Southerners 11 to 0, in Game Featured by Stellar Pitch-ing of Jim Bainbridge. The rejuvenated Apex baseball team started on its journey toward fame Thursday afternoon of last week, when it won a 11 to 0 victory over the fpringville team, as a part of the Pioneer Day celebration of that city. Manager Joe Delaney of the Apex team, who, in his search for new ma-terial, trotted out practically a new team, and that they played great ball was manifest in the fact that the Springville club failed to spike" the rubber during the nine innings of play. The Springville 'team, augmented with the services of Dunn, McKee, Dowdcll and Taylor of the Copper League, failed to fathom the spitter of Jim Bainbridge, but eight hits being made off his delivery, and five of these were very flukey. Bainbridge pitched a heady game, and but three balls were driven past the infielders. His spitter was work- - ing in great style, and the hard hit ting Springville lads experienced con-siderable difficulty in connecting with the " pellett. Eight hits was the best Springville could gather while Apex smashed out 19 wallops, including triples by 19 wallops, including tripples by Gibbs, Bainbridge and Larsen. Taylor was in the box for Spring-ville lads, and pitched better than the average game for four innings. Four runs and four hits were made off his delivery. Jerry Dunn then took the mound, and allowed 7 hits and two runs in the three innings he worked. "Neph" Dowdell then went into the b'ox, and allowed 8 hits and 4 runs. Apex started scoring in the third, when Bainbridge walked, stole sec-ond, went to third on Gibbs hit to left and scored on Senior's error. Three were made in the fourth. Anderson started with a single to right, and went to third on Martin's two-pl- y swat to left field. The fence is short in left field, and Martin drove the ball over, but ground rules held him at second. Chiara laid down a neat sacrifice, and Anditrson scored on the play. Mc Bride walked, and then Bainbridge sent a long sacrifice fly to deep right, scoring Martin McBride went to third on the play, then scored on a wild pitch. One more was added in the fifth. Gibbs was granted a life on McKce's error, stole second, and scored on Larscn's hit to richt. L. Miner, cf 4 0 2 1 1 0 Jones, rf . 4 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 34 0 8 27 17 5 i Totals. 42 11 19 27 13 3 Score by innings: Apex 1234S6789 Totals Runs 0 0 1 3 1 0 2 4 0 11 Hits 1 0 1 2 1 3 5 5 1 19 Springville Runs 0 00000000 0 Hits 0 03020210 8 Summary Earned runs: Apex 6. Stolen bases: R. Gibbs, Chiara 2, Mc- Bride 2, Bainbridge. Sacrifice hits: Chiara, Taylor. Sacrifice fly: Bain-bridge. Two base hits: Martin 2. Three base hits: R. Gibbs, Bainbridge, Larscn. Struck out: by Taylor 3, by Dunn 1, by Dowdell 1, by Bain-bridge 8. Bases on balls: off Taylor 2, off Bainbridge 1. Left on bases: Apex 6, Springville 9. Double plays: Taylor lo Senior, Taylor (unassisted), Fagan to Chiara to Larsen: Pitching record: 4 runs and 4 hits off Taylor in four innings, 7 hits and 2 runs off Dunn in 2 innings, 8 hits and 5 runs off Dowdcll in three innings, 8 hits and 0 runs off Bainbridge in 9 in-nings. Credit victory to Bainbridge, charge defeat to Taylor. Umpires: Campbell on balls and strikes, Stevens on bases. Time of game: 2 hours, 5 minutes. AROUND THE BASES It was the first game for the re-juvenated Apex team, and Manager Delaney showed he knows .a ball player when he sees one. The team played great ball, particu-larly the otufield. The outfield looks like one of the best in amateur circles hereabouts. The hitting power of the team has improved many times, and the miners hit the ball real hard throughout .the game. All pitchers looked alike to the Apex. Taylor started out for Springville, and pitched a nice game for four in-nings. He got into a mess in the first frame, and then fanned two. Not a ' Springville man reached third. Two beautiful throws, one by Mar-tin and the other by McBride, got two runners trying to reach third in the third inning. Martin hit one over the short left field fence in the fourth, but was only allowed two bases. Three hits in the third in a row for Springville, and not a man reached third base. The seventh showed the Miners making two more. Gibbs started out with a t triple to deep center, and scored on E. Gibbs hit to center field. Larsen singled to left and moved to second when M. Miner let the ball get away from him, E. Gibbs going to third. Gibbs was at the plate. Dowdell to Gunderson, when he tried to make home on the play. Anderson singled infield. Martin singled to left field, scortng Larsen. The big inning for the Apex came in the eighth when they gathered four runs. McBride opened up with a clean swipe to left, and then stole second. Ttainbridge tripled to deep center, scoring McRridc. Delaney, running for Ilaitibridge, was nipped at the plate, McKee to Gunderson, when Fagan hit to the Springville third baseman. Gibbs singled to cen-ter, but was caught at second, trying to stretch the hit into a double, Fagan resting on third. Shaw singled in-field, scoring Fagan. Larsen tripled to deep center, scoring Shaw. Taylor erred on Anderson's hit, and Larscn scored. Martin forced Anderson at second for the third out. SprinRvillc threatened in but one inning, the third, when with one out, they nicked liainbridge for three hits in a row, but beautiful fielding, and perfect pegs by the outfield snuffed two runners at third base. Thr littirv in Bainbridge's pitching was good to look at, and he had the Springville lads eating out of his hand. But three clean hits were registered off his delivery, and the other five being the result of a poor playing field. His spitter was working in great style, and he didn't seem to exert himself either. Taylor made a nice stop of Ander-son's roller in the fifth, over second base, forcing Larsen, and then doub-ling Anderson at first. Bad base running in the sixth al-lowed Taylor to make a double play in the sixth, when he grabbed Fagan's pop-u- p and then touched Chiara on the line. Martin's catch of Dowdell's fly in the fifth was real spiffy. Apex made three hits in the sixth frame and couldn't register. In the sixth, McBride went into a clump of trees to catch M. Miner's foul. It was the prettiest fielding stunt of the day. He also came in for a round of applause in the seventh, when he speared Jones' short fly to right. The Box Score Apex AB R H PO A F, Fagen, 2b ...6 1 0 0 4 0 R. Gibbs, cf 5 2 3 1 0 0 Shaw. 3b 3 0 1 2 0 2 V.. Gibbs, 3b 2 12 0 10 Urscn, lb S 2 3 II 0 0 Anderson, c 5 1 2 8 0 0 Martin, If . S 1 3 11 0 Chiara, ss 4 0 2 2 3 1 Delaney, rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bainbridne. p 3 1 2 0 3 0 Springville AB R H PO A E Dowdcll, 2b 4 0 113 0 Taylor, ss 3 0 2 4 6 1 McKee, ss-3- b 4 0 1 2 3 2 Senior, lb 4 0 2 9 0 1 Gunderson, c 4 0 0 8 2 0 Dunn, 3b b 4 0 0 1 2 0 M. Miner, If 3 0 0 0 0 1 f THURSDAY-FRID- AY SATURDAY 3-D- AY SALE OF THE FAMOUS Garden Court ToiktrmB Garden Court i the odor of the flover garden of the world a boquet of thirty-tw- o per-fectly blended eencet, and i one of the mott tubtly piquant and delightful of all odor. It i$ delicate, but lasting. 1 The maker of thu celebrated line have authorized u$ to extend a most attractive free off er In conjunction with thi$ celebration. The plan i eimpleJutt thUt You buy any one of the Gar-den Court Article (which are positively a tine and perfect a$ the whole world produce ) at 60c or more, and we will give you a full Ue BOc tube of Mag-La-c Milk of Magneeia Tooth Paste or a big 60c tube of Colonial Club Shaving Cream FREE I A full dollar'$ worth for 60c. The maker permit only two tuch deal to each cuttomer. 5& Tube ofMaLac Tooth paste T awTubs ofColonialCtab Srarjto HMti Each Purchase ofa Gardsn h ! Court Toilet Article at SOfor more Jbs Colonial MAG-LA-C k. HSSSr Club T'MW Vlr ,Ir IfMi '. Prominent dmtliti r I f llfi55i VvjVJk ItafJ Shaving Cream that uim of Ham..i if JY Cl?s f. 'ttwl f MfvA ,houia UMd on tho l.'l V I I'M I u,th wlth "fularltr; V 1, lllirni M Colonial Club Shaving Mag-L- a Tooth Paito. hv&Z!! It mhWL IIU'S iM Crm producer an abun- - howovor. mak this II t, th l-- 7l JOI dnrini Wthar that mn th propor form and lto ftl fvfesf 7 Hill -- Vm m Uko o woll; It eonUlna av dally umt will girt to fUtl ftlb ill I lT hatr-toft.nt- lntrodltnt th. U.th th. roqulr.d Wf IILW' J I that make, .havtn, -.-7 mount- - f Li - Xfk Mikl II nd y,t 11 161 VM th full-oiz- ed 50c Ami W till I JiTylllllll co1 nd rfrh,d- - tub of" Mag-La- c ' AY CJsgN'l Tooth Past e L-- SC Ml J 3k0 I Get , big 60c tub frea with jrour 80c pur-- l fi by purchasing 50c worth chaa of Garden It L ' '' j Gd" Co"- - J I Court l J ' ' 7 GULDEN COURT EXTRACT CIKQ rr. Pi?5 CS? 'AC P0W?P-f-r? j ,,,ww U infinitalj It won't com GARDEN COUBT EXTRAOtII' JIW la. tfcj iM In jonr fryorlU CQo 1X3 airr bottle 5SSafSjl ' GARDEN COURT BENZOIN AND ALMOND GARDEN COURT HAND MADE COMPACT LOTION A fragrant lotion that promptly RHci?! ROUGE In dark, liedlum ud often and heali chapped and roughened Jfjg rj ' 0anr ikln; delightful after ihaving GARDEN COURT COMPACT Kflft tM GARDEN COURT TALCUM A pure Italian f tj POWDER talo, deUcately 250 BOC jf "aV oabden COURT DOUBLE COMPACT I perfumed PvSWiflRf Powder and rouge, encaeed In beautifully GARDEN COURT DOUBLE COMBINATION caie with dainty mirror CI CREAM functioning both aa a cold cream i an7two pnffi I.UJ ziy&-- 1 .tl!...'1-6- 0 GARDEN COURT COLD CREAM A pure, (, GARDEN COURT LIP 25C deliirhtfully icented cold cream, which cleanaei U y STICK IS the ikin quickly and thoroughly, leaving gQ0 OAEEN COURT COCOANUT OH. gQg f it eoft, gmooth and refreshed SHAMPOO Get a big 50c tuba of Mag-La-c Tooth Paste Get a full-abe- d 60c tube of Mag-La- c Tooth free by purchjing 50c worth of Garden I Paste free with your 50c purchaae of Garden Court Toilet ArticW. Court Toflet Article. J r U r ' Exceptional 3-D- ay Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- 1 H speSal 32c - I9c33c8pecS J niJl DUTCH 60o WHTTELAWN STATIONERY 1 J CLEANSER .3 fof 23c LISTERINE 9c33c 72 double .heeU to 33c. CPECIAL box ' !S EAGLE BRAND 3forE02 '"""''"1'' '1 MILK COLEMAN'S MUSTAR- D- gjg SvSSa 3 FOR Z KOTEZ fiOfi HALP POUND Philadelphia mixed 9c S83 4pFK0f25c HIRE S ROOT BEER IQr Rrrn EXTRACT $05 PHOTOGRAPH ALBU- M-OALTPORNIA SYRUP ) OLD M0NTICELL0 SI. 1 9 10056 leaf' artificial leatiier Q7fi nos wB TONIC binding, 7x10 lize . CASTORii-i-, 27C BHINOLA SHOE POLIS- H- 15c IMPERIAL TOILET TISSUE SPECIAL Perfectly soluble In water; will not colors EPSOM SALT-S- 2C clog drain ft fir 49C VXSXS 03C POUND pipes D Bleglham Caimyoinij UteSn |