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president ARTHUR SEWALL to vote a straight ticket place with ink in square opposite your party emblem if you have not voted a straight ticket above place a cross mack y with ink opposite each name you wish to vote for in the blank space left for that purpose for three electors of president and vice president FOR THREE DALY JOHN J democrat independent republican LAWRENCE HENRY V democrat independent republican peopled party LUND U democrat independent republican peoples party charlea W republican ad republicano ao A republican for representative in the fifty fifth congress of the united states VOTE FOR baltren WAl tREN peoples party HOLBROOK LAFAYETTE i republican le dependent republican f KING WILLIAM H democrat I 1 for state senators FOB TWO DANIEL democrat PATTON AUGUSTUS B republican peoples shurtliff LEWIS VV democrat stevend J republican 1 maltoni it cartr for representatives in state legislature VOTE TOR aoun E democrat CARDO NJOHN H republican peoples party KAY DAVID republican 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Ventik Cors good luck ranges garland stoves and ranges 5 crockery glassware and lamps miles strevell GOOD S call and see our stove 1 we take pleasure in announcing Annon cing i a to the ladies of ogden and vicinity that our aine auis LADIES MISSES and CHILDRENS WRAPS IS NOW are abe newest direct from the new york market prices are lower than ever before and quality unsurpassed our drees gooda and departments have til the latest novelties in them and were never better prepared to cater to the public demands than at present john teon 1 t MANAGER 4 hristeas is omin it may seem a long way off but it we are going to remember our customers this year and have selected the following beautiful prizes to be given away dec ast 1st combination desk and book case aad kaiser cloth couch 3rd brass and iron bed desk blue reception chair fl ath curly birch rocker curly oak screen ath oak centre table oth cobler seat rocker colb reed kocker lelh kattan work basket carpet sweeper beautiful picture plush seat bocker letb white ease plush seat reception chair we will give a chance absolutely FREE for every dollar to us PRIZES NOW ON exhibition cali andlee them BOYLE FURNITURE ca leaders in right prices Y DAVID a president vice president JAMES the first national bank OF OGDEN ITAH surplus and profits accounts of corporation finns and individual solicited darld eccles jamea young george thatcher thos D dee joseph blaik geo H tabe J dam fatterson cj vt |