Show wearers of styliani sty liati apparel are re 1 10 inspect our nobby me 0 ilan battan make percale shirts fewest broadway styles A kuhn bro splendid line of men in tan ind black from upwards per pair A hubn bro dont buy any other liver remedy but simmons liver regulator and for two reasons first it Is not only as bood bat so better than any other liver remedy on the market that it has the endorsement of many physicians ano prescribe it to their patients physician will not do this with an inferior preparation second reason and one that should be remembered is this there is a guarantee of rood profit to every one who tabes liver regulator Kegu lator it is in the sure benefit to your health it builds up the whole system blood nerves and all and all because it regulates abo liver keeps it properly at work dont forget the word Sim ruong liver there is only one and know it by the lied Z on every package be sure you etu fc co philadelphia pa take only ask your grocer for sifting top cans red seal lye absolutely pure the greatest soap maker and cleanser house sign carnage binting graining decorating paper hanging all work guaranteed first class price reasonable estimates furnished ANTON kristensen pingree ave ogden utah NO FOR LOW PRICES GO TO DOYLE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 5 A blaird co A beautiful and useful flour bin and sifter will be given yon FREE when your cash purchases have amounted to at our elore no catch penny device that you would throw out the baalu door but the moat useful and hand article that can be placed in the kitchen we make this present to you simply to show our appreciation of your valued patronage FANCY and STAPLE ui iab wholesale fruits anil produce 5 A blaird co 1 wash ave phone CALL AT C H GREENWELL BROS twenty fourth street for all kinda of choice meats poultry AND 1 HOME LARD PER LB WHEAT BOOMING and never offered opportunity for making bonev write E S murray co baukema brokers dialto biag chicago members of the chicago board of trade in eta ding for their book on statistics and speculative infer mation and daily market letter both free SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUT OF TOWN ORDERS plugging bicycle tires the man who attempts to mend a bicycle tire by plugging it from the outside and expects ibo plug to accommodatingly attach itself on the inside and close the puncture is generally very much disappointed oyer the result it is impossible to make a permanent repair on a tire by plugging it often the plug when put into the puncture ig pushed ineide the tire where it will wander around and in all probability stick itself to tho rubber which coee not aced mending no man would attempt to mend a idab in his garden liose by plugging it common sense would tell him that lie stood about one chance out of a dozen of pluming up the hole eo as to stop the arak what is not possible in a garden hose s quite improbable in a hosepipe hose pipe bicy cle tire the fact that only about 23 per cent of the wheels made in this countr are fitted with single tube kirea is the best evidence that they do not give satisfaction eiders once busine usine them soon become weary of riding leaky tires disgusted by repeated failures in trying to repair punctures EO they will stay repaired and finally throw them away and fit their wheels with a reliable double tube tire one in which the inner tube or real air chamber can if necessary be removed examined and permanently repaired all dealers sell black butte coal castle gate coal yard Is south of D R 0 freight office bicycle shirts in abundant varieties at from 75 cents to also golf A kahn bro city rates hs and fako per lav S C savings department OF THE OGDEN STATE BANK we shall be especially pleased to receive and encourage the savings deposits ot railroad men cleres mechanics la borine men and all wae earners and the depositors of small sums will receive the attention and favor that Is usually shown depositors to those who desire to accumulate their surplus to buy a home for use incase of un forseen necessities or for any special purpose in the meantime receiving a remunerative rate of interest we offer safe and satisfactory depository to those preferring we will issue certificates of deposit payable on demand or at a fixed rate giving the assurance of uniform courtesy to all customers we respectfully solicit your bubines bu sines H C bigelow pres JOHN A BOYLE vice pres A P bigelow cash UTAH LOAN company UTAH capital raid in surplus genendal BANKING MORTGAGE LOANS money loaned on real estate jos F balth lewis W shurtleff lff vice president jos A west cashier GEO jobber of fine cigars 2406 wash anve tel constantly in stock W H mcbrayer Gucken beimer kye old taylor M V monarch lonarch lon arch and other fine brands wholesale agent for the following brands of cigars M stachelberg co e fine havana cigars houman ahouee bouquet vera cruz lowest prices on california wines and brandies family bordere j I 1 LAMP I 1 1 ji ee our reduced prices A in decorated and s banquet lamps must i close them put to make room for our large holi day stock 4 vs as OGDEN BARGAIN STORE W prop 2351 wash ave 55 IF YOU NEED A or my IF YOU WANT A i IF YOU DESIRE A wap or plow you may be sure you can et the best of either at the OPERATIVE cooperative CO MACHINE CO 1 E T WOOLLEY MGR SHIRTS MADE ta n 14 M perfect fitting ft stylish shirts artistic work aard street ogden utah tooth soap clean teeth are particularly desirable for all classes and conditions of people keep your teeth clean and save den list bills the justly ed arcoline Ch tooth soap cannot be beat per box wm drevar pharmacist 2443 washington avenue CO meat market has the choicest of meats dont buy until you see OUR beef mutton pork veal poultry game and fish in season all kinds of sausages etc i 2472 washington AVENUE PHONE THE REED HOTEL commercial table and service unsurpassed every madero convenience amer lean plan aratea from att per day satisfaction assured reed hotel co |