Show TIMES IMPROVING slowly but surely rising to prosperity our reputation abroad such that name Is in the lips of all who have heard of utah the establishment of confidence will once more restore to ogden and abe herrl tiry the prosperity once enjoyed it is a fact discovered by contact with people and a that utah in general and olden and halt lake in particular ar looked tipon by outside people as ahe most the west for settlement oar prospects more favorable to who visit ns aban aden people bulins to it grems as if past inactivity lias caused the sy of discouragement to creep over the people and en is ne cesary letters from wisconsin iowa nebraska and other point are dally received by on den residents In about farm property and all matters connected with it seems as if the establishment af huni esin districts where crops are assured is takina po of eastern people the many inquiries made which ofden and salt lake parties are held foreshadow a healthy growth of the towns even now commencing men ot capital have already donled here and have rented homes declare anere are but very few desirable dhonies in abe city ahat stand vacant and abe alleged depression of business affairs is mainly due from abe feelings of the people and the lack of confidence confidence once reestablished so that ogden people would no longer doubt own future would materially maturi ally aid in causing an influx of people and capital the stockyards proposition ars again acen revived this is a it should be every day cattle beine shipped oat of here buyers come from omaha and sioux city and they admit that this is the best point for the purchase of cattle the brother of a cattle firm of omaha has located in ogden others u coraine and they are brin pinc their families with them they speak of ibis point and they admit freely that stockyards must sooner or later be esteb allied here one man declared that be remembered when stock trains used to pass through to boston ever monday while they stopped at albany then at chicado Chic aeo thi was as far west as ft was thought tho sto k buying point would ever pi and when dockyards were put in at omaha many pronounced it a sure failure it has proven a success and I 1 ho market has been comine further and further west its establishment lacre is but a matter of lime and the sooner the better in with cattlemen real detate and other business men n hopeful feeling seems to prevail that failure lias at tended bonin of the ellens to establish certain borks birre does not arbue that further should be abandoned the feeling seems to be that if our home people will atop cronk lne and running down their nun ahe seeds sown burink the of adver nty wi lr and a new and effective be the result alie ex 14 1 least trying and ran assure ahe public that 0 df li not looked upon as a dead town bv any ant its own people and such a should be stamped out at once the remarks hearl by travelers are certainly to elve the best of encourage jaent oaid prospects for toils rear are certainly everything hut gloomy TUB hopes to be able shortly to re cord things as will prove prosperity to be assured |