Show OF GREAT news delayed but reathe its via ogden kansas city april 10 A storm of great i seventy passed over eastern colorado kansas oklahoma and the southwest generally yesterday and iffet in colorado and kansas it ie believed that considerable damage was done but itis impossible to learn anything from these sections because all telegraphic communication has been cut off 3 yesterday afternoon for a chort time last evening denver was reached on a very shaky wire but after thirty minutes the wire failed and since that time no word has been received or sent into denver direct over tho telegraph wires the storm covered a wide area northward denver wires via omalia also being down in south kansas and oklahoma much damage as done to crops the peculiar of the waa the intense darkness and extraordinary electrical display tho atmosphere was surcharged with electricity and several persons and horena were stunned and shocked in the western part of oklahoma and the panhandle egyptian darkness prevailed such a peculiar storm seldom baa been been and tho superstitious thought the astronomical conditions which it has been claimed by a south carolina minister are now repeating themselves for the first time since the death of christ had something to do with it the rain that fell in western oklahoma was actually a shower of mud at 10 a m a slow wire had been secured to denver but it is not it will hold any of time last night denver and the pa coast could m 1 only by st paul and alie nort liv i ty seattle portland and down to san francisco and ea la rano and the man who indicted tho above is little misinformed the dispatches were sent via st paul 4 and thence to the coast and coast news reached the cast via ogden etc ed |