Show SHORTAGE GROWS carson mint investigation developing city full of Detec ilves Shadow lne suspected officials none can escape carson is ev april 5 superintendent mason of the government assay office in new york has been in full charge of the mint scandal investigation here for two weeks lie baa already discovered that approximate and all the suspected melts laivo not been examined the town is full of secret service detectives under the control of agent grata t of chicago and they are shadowing suspected officials and learning the history of their recent extravagant habits none of those suspected can escape the greatest steal yet discovered in one melt was unearthed by superintendent mason a few days ago he found that one run or melt which purported to contain 2200 ounces half gold half had but forty ounces of gold alie shortage on this fraudulent melt therefore was about the principal men under suspicion are assistant and refiner jones who has been in office under II irsch harris and who came to him as a holdover from the harrison administration the detectives tec tives are at work on jonee record and they claim to have discovered that ho has been ep ending to a month on an of he was first suspected by hirsch harris harris relied largely on jones the practical man in the department but grew very suspicious when bare that ought to have out with a large percentage of cold were returned nearly pure silver he reported the shortage ehor tage to governor ex jewett adams superintendent of the mint the shortage was immediately reported to II 11 R preston superintendent of aho mint at eton and expert assayer mason was forthwith dispatched here to investigate the crimes were committed by the substitution of bars and it is known that the frauds extend over a period of five or six yearn |