Show DARING GUN PLAY kid addelson carries chinca with a high hand by the ala of gun H help to youna browne boffl mn are leased A damn piece of frao play developed through a game ol 01 taro was the only excitement prevalent in the tenderloin district E U or kid addison as he ie popularly known among alie fraternity and george and maxon two other knights ol 01 the green cloth the principal and alie gambling liall above thi richelieu was the acene of the desperate oue act arma addison was bucking alio faro ranio hilti whole lot of nerve and wasa bont even when be placed 20 on alie kine itie king won and when alie kid demanded big money lie wae coolly informed tuat the limit wae 5 and hat amount was all lie could have addieson ie not alie kind of n that tabes any wind EO le quietly pulled a BUD and suavely demanded the eum of the wini there was no to in ply with his fliess fl iesu gitles of iia a made alie change police were notified and officers halll van and Mc Mannia artist under arrest he deposited for appearance at 10 this morn lne and was given his liberty this icorn ing the case came ap buforo judee bagley iu the court and a continuance was taken till tills afternoon at 2 it is dill icell to predict what the of euch a caco will be as the blood of the fraternity is one moment hot and alio nest instant normal and it is seldom that ono knecht squeals on another according to alie version of the affair that been given out it Is a plain case of robbery rob biry th of chae brown indicted for fornication have turned that hardened young gentleman over to the officers since lie got lulo fresh trouble over hookins the catter from hudson avenue he is now being cared tor by marshal ballantyne the companion in tho cutler business mccord wears an ornamented bracelet on his leg alile he steers alie snow plow around the city jail |