Show OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE the following is from an extended article in the park record the people have lost welfare ceased to study the requirements and necessities of the hour and have turned the whole nation over to the rule of dishonest barltes and scheming politicians their minds are warped their judgment Is clouded and they are no longer able to distinguish an effect from its cause they are rapidly reaching a point where their sui is as impotent as is that of the people of ireland while they themselves even now compare favorably with the serf of loussia li who for tears have been cowered and subdued by the iron hand of an omnipotent czar the people ot america are and unless a savior cleall appear in the shape of a man with a clear brain and a will birong enough to drag the people back from alie abyss of ignorance and torpor into which they have sunk and awa keln them new life hope and patriotism they are lost and a lew years more will see them chained to a slavery a thousand fold worse than the chattel slavery that existed before the war their bunds lunds and homes will be taken from them their be a mere pittance only tenant farinela fari nera will be known aud the country will be ruled absolutely by the pitiless hand of wealth which will never tremble when it gathers an oppressive tax to further degrade the people and increase the luxurious idleness of those why rule the people will sink lower and lower bravery manhood and virtue will become unknown quantities and a free and independent nation will pass away and history will have repeated itself the point to which we wish to call attention ie contained in the following unless a savior shall appear in the shape of a man with a clear brain and a will strong enough to drag athe people back from the abyss of ignorance and torpor into which they have sunk and awake in them new life hope and patriotism riot ism they are lost we make these extended quotations for the purpose ol 01 presenting fully the thought of the writer and then make the point thai the remedy is as bad as the disease so long as the people are not intelligent enough not patriotic enough not i manly enough to understand their rights and assert them under a free government it is better that they should be oppressed and beaten and starved until they learn to know and do our institutions are popular in their essence there is nothing necessary but popular intelligence faithfulness and integrity to make them beneficent to the full extent of their sphere the people must learn to depend on themselves they must know how to judae and trust men this tying the car of state to the tail of some so called savior 19 what does the business tor society the fact is our government must always get into ruts and boga so long as its fundamental conditions are not fulfilled those conditions are most aptly expressed by abraham lincoln odthe people by the people for alie people and the people utter those words a thousand times and fail to comprehend them if they are true we have no need of saviors in the accepted sense of alie word the people must save themselves they roust know enough to comprehend the needs and policies of government and then elect true men to carry out will until they do fulfill their mission and do their duty they will do well to bear all the burdens imposed upon them by and deriving deri ging men AN EVENING contemporary prints from the manufacturer republican organ a lengthy article on the downward tendency of prices especially of farm products and in giving a summary of the disadvantages the article has the following which is worthy of wider circulation we emphasize words of special importance who profits by the decline of prices european chiefly we pay probably a day to them for interest we put most of the obligation in food and other raw products while the debt nailed in dollars remains fixed the payment mad in foreign grow larger after month we have permitted england to control vr ui nanial policy and she has controlled it that every payment to her cally enlarges the she feeds lier people cheaply at the expense of american funnels who aall their products without profit she runs her mills with american cotton bought at lial fits real value because she has fixed the debt to lier but the debt Is as great as ib ever was probably beater fe ater and while we permit her thus to rob and ruin our business her representatives at washington are now engaged in trying to de itkov our manufacturing industries for her future advantage the american people must grapple with this problem of falling prices they must do so with a resolute purpose to give the farmers justice do so we shall political toli troubles west of the mississippi river which will shake the nation from center to the |