Show TRANS CONGRESS many important resolutions adopted nicaragua canal question san francisco cal feb 15 the cession of abe trans mississippi con this morning was not a quiet one the committee on resolutions presented a resolution declaring it inexpedient that formal action be taken by the body upon any purely partisan question after a warm debate the resolution waa laid on the table the committee on permanent organization recommended for president harry B whittemore of missouri vice presidents one from each state represented the report was adopted unanimously st louie wae selected as alie place of the next convention ven tion the committee on resolutions submitted resolutions memorializing congress for many river and borbor improvements prove ments in the pacific coast states which were adopted another resolution was adopted memorializing congress for appropriations fora permanent and complete improvement of the mississippi sis sippi river from its source to the betties jetties jet ties the most spirited debate of the con crops then followed on the nicaragua canal question the convention was unable to reach any agreement and the matter was enado special order for tomorrow morning |