Show the record the disturbances that into real for the police court this morning were very faw conri derinK atio preat excitement that prevailed throughout the city durine alio night J T asley who was arrested by chief davenport on a charge of assault preferred by fred cashmore a one armed mat baa not been arraigned dane shell arrested arre eted on a charge of vagrancy was discharged jim who was arrested for drunkenness and using was discharged as it appeared that the defendant had never been of tho oftener before wheat sprunt charged with drunkenness disturbing the peace and resist gnp an was arrested by Oili cera burton and brown on twenty fifth street ho was carried away with enthusiasm thusia sm and stirred up a not all by himself lie will plead before judge bogaev at 5 this afternoon J W william and akin cave charged with vagrancy were to po in peace there were a great ganv quarrels yesterday and 1 but they did noc develop into anything fe rions and the hostilities were promptly que li by the officers |