Show THE GRAND JURY REPORT the various public build 1 ings of ogden the following Is the final report of the grand jury submitted laet evening to the hon james A sliner judge of abo fourth judicial district of utah territory the grand jury of the february term of 1893 has the honor to submit to you the following report we have been in session eighteen days investigating sixty three cases on thirty five of which we found true bills and twenty eight were ignored in these cases we have had witnesses before us we have visited the territorial reform school the county poor farm the city hospital and the city and county at the reform school wo found six inmates twenty eight boys and eight girls all in seeming good health and well contented the food served is plentiful and wholesome everything about the building was neat clean and orderly we found no complaint among the inmates ot ill treatment in fact all with whom we talked epoco in terms of praise of the superintendent and hia treatment of them we cannot speak too highly of the ability and efficiency of superintendent allason and hia as eif tante in the management of this institution at the city scorns to us a fack of comfort in the arrangement of the building for hospital purposes we would recommend the placing ol 01 carpets or matting on the floors of balls stairs and corridors to prevent noise which must bo annoying to pazienta pati enta ol 01 the institution method oi disposing of offal from water closets is defective and we recommend the construction st of a cesspool cess pool until such time as connection had with the city sewer system wo find abo water supplied to this building through three quarter inch pipes and with present arrangements range ments the hose which is one and one half inches in diameter for use and protection against fire cannot be attached to this pipe we recommend the change to larger pipes so arranged that the hose can he attached and used in case of fire at the county poor farm we found everything in first claar shape there aro eighteen inmates they say they have plenty of good wholesome food to eat and highly of their treatment at the hands of the present steward and matron at the county jail we found them repairs that will improve alie sanitary condition of the building we recommend that a babli tub be placed in alie county jail for the use of abo prisoner so far as we were able to learn from alio prisoners and from observation the food furnished the prisoners by alie sheriff while plain was good and sufficient fici ent we censure the practice of the sheriff in allowing certain prisoners to work as trusty and giving them permission to wander about the city at their own free will at abo city jail we found everything orderly and ae cleanly as we could expect a place of this kind tho construction of this building and the prison cells ia modem and well provided against the escape of prisoners confined therein some of the prisoners complained to ns of insufficiency of food furnished them but from inquiry of others and observation on our own part we there is no cause for such complaint the statutes of utah authorize city councils to provide by ordinance the manner of collecting poll tax there appears to bo no ordinance on record of city to prevent fraud in collecting city poll taxes we therefore re commend that the city council enact an ordinance requiring alie poll tax collector to keep a book of record in which shall bo recorded the names of all parties subject to bwll tax stating name age occupation residence nativity color married or single and when paid in labor the name of the party performing the labor said ordinance shall also i provide for any one speculating in poll tax receipts information has also come to ua of employees of the railway company frequently obstructing alio crossing on west twenty fourth street while making up their trains often delaying travel from ten to forty five minutes we would call the attention of alie county and city officials to this practice and recommend eliat they take steps to compel the company to keep this crossing clear having completed our labors we respectfully fully ask to be discharged signed J R ELLIOTT foreman grand jury A W WARKEN clerk OGDEN utah march the following resolution was also adopted unanimously resolved that we the members of this grand jury hereby extend our ein thanks and express our hearty appreciation to the assistant united states district attorney the hon E M alii eon jr for the advice counsel and aa tance which he has given us during our session and also to united states marshal cassin and his assistants who leave attended alie session constantly and who by close attention and have greatly facilitated the work of the jury alua resolution was embodied in the report and signed by the foreman and clerk |