Show I 1 an old pioneer laid to rest timor THE STAND niease grant apace space in your valuable paper for a few nici of one of veteran pion plon beere alio in tile person of our much esteemed brother anil and friend david byron bybee departed this life for a better one oto february 1893 after aci being confined to ilia his bed for six days deceased was the son of byron bybee and I 1 1 lane was born september ith 1832 in barren county kentucky ja his is parents embraced the this faith of the tile I 1 IS sinta shortly after his birth at the sage age of 10 lio lie also received baptism miter which ins his devotion to his condic time became marked with an 12 energy teal which was ilia chief character the remainder rema indor of 0 his life ho lie took pleasure in the fact that ho lie ae as when a boy in the erection of tho tile nauvoo temple ilia father was ono one of the hardy pioneers while he lie himself emigrated to utah in 1851 and nd in uintah Uin tali weber county iffe moved to dixey in in 1864 returned in 1863 1865 to morgan NL Organ county where he resided twenty one years burdg during which time titue lie occupied cespon fible positions in the rift gift of the people on the th advent of the union pacific into utah fie wasia tho the timber bt iOness and furnished fur nihed employment to many poor men he ile waa was a poor mans mails friend friendt always willing to share his property with others legs less fortunate AS As a it pioneer road and bridge builder he lie possessed the native genius necessary to remove all obstacles and span the fearful chabre through the rugged canyons and connect these beautiful valleys b by a high highway ivay of civilization how suit suited suitan cN to ishom dioso early davs days was hie hia undaunted courage and fearless bravery as exem on many occasions in standing between tho the red man and his fl people eople apon one occasion 11 lie e w went c I 1 t into nto tho the Oun alone and brou brought lit back from ithe stile indians his father fathers team which they had stolen he ife assisted tile pil grima across the plains bv by driving ox teams I 1 he le passed through the tile hard thipa of the W echo to trouble and 1 participated artiel in the tile move south and shared in all tile hardships known to the tile plo beerd nor was lie lacking in ill the finer feelings which make a devoted husband and affectionate a father fattier a true and obliging ig friend his me worship was practical and arid sincere and he lie enjoyed im ini I 1 fidi ecclesiastical positions 11 his if wives were veto adelia aliv e illions mary penrod and elizabeth ri itice by y whom he lie had thirty two childred chil dreu twenty two him ile also had sixty one grand children I 1 tho tile funeral services were r e sided over by bishop VV IV W cl child gilld abo A 0 meeting in house was packed with sympathetic people the speakers were T S john sou son L A cox A C Christen christensen sei I 1 lind alex patterson after r which tho tile remains were wet e followed to the cemetery at and id tenderly laid to rest G I 1 II 11 1 1 F if hooper eloper utah 1 march 8 1892 |