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Show PEOPLES TICKET j For Delegate to Congress John T- Caine-- OUR DELEGATE. We promise our delegate ,io congress, con-gress, Hon. John T. Cairfa most enthusiastic welcome and an almost solid vote in San Pete county. In reviewing his career, we find a record re-cord of singular purity, freedom from errors, and of marked ability. No scheme of an unscrupulous and crafty opponent has found hibj unprepared un-prepared to meet and refute unjust assertions, or tound him sleeping when the interests of his constituents constitu-ents were threatened. Yet never in the deepest and swiftest current of the political malestrom has he ever forgotten thaf he was voicing the sentiments of a people w' .'o would rather accept defeat,than victory as , the price of dishonor. Wheiy such a "man as this, a n?,h in whOrrtf his bit-' bit-' tercst enemy has been able to fiid no dark spot and no deficiency, is placed in juxtaposition wili C. C. Goodwin there ;s noting what-'e-ver to fear. The young men of Utah are not so blind, or so lost to ;the glories of freedom as to sell, for the promised mess of pottage, their . birthright ? suffrage. Never while 1 printer page bears reccord of the deathless truths of the declaration declara-tion of tiulependauce, or the grand principles of our constitution exists, will they jVjg'.-t th.it tin's inheritance is theirs; that the fla of our country . must be protected from dishonor and traitors within, as from an arm- ed and foreign foe. We do not approve ap-prove of class k'gislatian, or ex-post ex-post facto Jaws; nor should the weakest of our citizens be de-.bared de-.bared from the tight to vote V)' a 'government under which Ihey live and which they help to support. So man having such tendencies at the .disfranchisement of a whole body of citizens should ever rep-re-eut a peop'p who are not courting dishonor, disfranchisement and political po-litical slavery,' and willing to riv- it their chains ijrith their own hands, and place their necks under the heal of tyranny. Ii this connection we -merely ask the voters of the People's Party in San Pete to scan only the editorial utterances of the opponent of the llon. T. Caine, and judge if the wovds pt his mouth do not con-4ran' con-4ran' fjhim as an enemy to freedom, ,. ,,,.,.,: and ic, American''principals. Mt is IbSmw 1 ' 'iOj''iii'Vir r V 1 r - iYi right side whether he has been identified iden-tified with the party heretofore or , not ;to decide which party shall have his allegicnce in this struggle which is fast becoming one that will involve in-volve the destruction or preservation preserva-tion of the constitution. Let us give our champion such a vote as shall not leive any man in doubt as to the 'sentiments of this county. ' |