Show ogden ban suggestion water power enough close by to furnish all the power light and heat necessary for the bailla shops forbes presses elevators halls and homes of this city if it were a hundred times as large as it is today and thea have plenty of each left for cities towns and villages it has been estimated that the inhabitants of this city are paying enough annually for power light and heat to more than cover the expenses of a plant and at the game time eave one third tho cost of these necessities they are paying three timea as much money annually in this line aa would be necessary if they made pee of the power which aliee an idle servant at their doors if a business man who saw an opportunity to cut down his expenses two thirds and yet be able to do as much business with less trouble and more dispatch with the remaining third failed to take advantage of his opportunity he would be accounted unwise yet that is what the of this city are doinoff year by year the great streams of water pass by us with wasted power while we continue to pay yearly at least twice as much as we have any need to for the necessities named an electric power works in ogden canyon would ut be an impossibility if a movement were made by people locally interested in such a scheme it would be n mayine investment for the projectors and builders and would save thousands annually to the citizens it would encourage the establishment of industries in our which are now frightened away because of the cost of motive power it will scarcely do to argue that this is a new idea an impracticable suggestion that it is not suitable for a city like ogden that we will therefore on in the same old way there is a practicability cabi lity in the which would immediately become apparent to the investigator vesti gator it ie not as impractical as street cars were five years ago the scheme will commend itself to all who eludy it and TUB would hail with delight a movement made in the direction of Ec curing an electric power light and heat plant for ogden city ANOTHER WEEK on nov when alie alameda sailed from honolulu and fitall minister willis had not informed the hawaiians concerning the nature of hia mission lie prefers to wait apparently for the newspapers to break the word to the people in tho mean time matters are getting heated on the island but the provision hi government beems confident that it can maintain peace minister willis on the other hand wishes further in from washington and elves us to understand that if any disturbance occurs it will bo quelled promptly by united states troops the democratic administration as in other anat tere is fooling with this affair long that everybody is becoming impatient apprehensive and exasperated and doubt leed at last it will have to throw up its bands nd confess failure UTAH commission has decided that mr seeley is entitled to hia certificate that lie is not ineligible notwithstanding he holds tho position of probate judge binco he had tendered bis resignation prior to his election in the case of mr seaman they held that he was not a united states official since he was appointed by tho utah commission after the decision rendered in alio dougall case in which the commission held it had no jurisdiction no other cauree was pan to them than to sustain tho count in the two cases above mentioned such a result was foreshadowed in their first decision THE ia training nR exten for the next worlds al to bo held in that city in the early dawn ot the twentieth century the ath of october were opened to begin the enormous work for tho show it was decided in be held in alie french capital in 1000 the unparalleled exposition just closed in chicago hag done lucli to broaden the ecjpe ol 01 worlds fairs and these will have to be conducted on a grander scale than heretofore to give satisfaction to the people while the french are perhaps no better able to meet this want than any other nation they have thia advantage there is only one paris in the world THEY HAVE been having a areat horse show in new york and somehow it be came fashionable to attend not much from tho ability of society to appreciate the horses aa from ita ability to appreciate itself everyone attended to aeo the pretty women to willesa their grace and symmetry that is described aa a treat of vast dimensions As for the horses themselves they arc not en a new york society journal |