Show PATRONIZE HOME PRODUCTS we believe that it is alio duty of the people of every community to stand by eacle other in all business or other undertakings der takings which to tho general health wealth and prosperity it must confessed however that there is too much of selfishness in every community and too liello regard lor tho welfare of not of our immediate kith and kin to create that feeling of community interest so desirable and necessary how many persons in this city for instance make it alie invariable rule of their lacs to patronize the homo dealers in the various commodities which they re auire none too many wo venture to ogden has live merchants in many lines of business who invite the public to give them this of itself Is an evidence that they are entitled to a of tap public support the merchant or dealer who advertises verti ses does in the liopo of attracting attention and custom and it will egand as an invariable rule that alie purchaser can always secure better bargains at the store of one alio has nothing to conceal than from one who hides his light under a bushel we are glad to notice that the press of utah fully appreciate the necessity for patronizing home dealers and purchasing homo products whenever it can be done and the following from the provo enquirer is pertinent that wo feel constrained to reproduce it for alie benefit of all whom it may concern A prominent grocer in this city Pr oyo says the enquirer tells of a lady coming into his etore and while trading she was deploring alie hard times telling that her husband had been without work for months at alio same time two articles were placed before her the one made in utah and the oilier in the east alio price of both was about the eaic but she preferred the foreign article somehow said the merchant the women in nine cases out of ten ignore tho homemade home made article in that little incident is a theme for a bermon it ought to be preached from the pulpit in utah as of yore that unless our people patronize home industries we can expect many men to become idle in our communities the lady who called for the foreign article and ignored the home product might not bo aware ot the fact that she was adding more enforced idleness upon her liusa and but sho wag nevertheless the money alio spent for alio eastern article goes out of the territory and may never return to circulate in butali and help in making the condition such that her husband may find work here on the other hand money spent for the home product goes to pay tor homo labor it must bo plain then that the more we patronize home interests alie more work we are creating tor our laborers we sometimes think that our ladies are not mindful enough of this fact and as they do moat of the shopping that they ought to be taught tho necessity of regarding home interests over at denver the ladies leavo organized a homo consumption bluh which is doing most excellent work its corner itono stono is the patronizing of colorados industries to the exclusion of foreign products when practicable the women of utah ought to regard it as a religious duty to do the same thing in regard to utah products in fact it would not be a bad idea tor them to organize homo consumption clubs utah commission reconstructed to be in political accord with the party in power in the general government Is now in session tho principal business which they will have to attend to will ba tho reapportionment of the territory into legislative districts in such a manner aa to give alie democratic party every possible advantage regardless of right and justice at the first meeting of the commission held in salt lake on monday last there was some difference of opinion as to whether the parties amnestied by the proclamation of president II arrison acro also enfranchised at the timo tho mattor was referred to alie secretary of the interior that he might submit it to the attorney general of the united states for action before the time for registration begins Ile publican press and speakers told the people what would be sure to happen in tho event of democratic success at the pulls last fall and the carrying out of tho pledges made in tho democratic platform aa others now us is made apparent by remarks of the canadian manufacturer which gays american manufacturers are quite alive to tho necessity of organizing and preparing for what must bo a lifo and death struggle for teem at the ensuing session of congress there is thie to be said regarding tho situation there it the tariff is reduced to a strictly basis or if a close ap j ia to bo made to freo trade the either go out of bus f fe incas oi the cost ot production to the standard established foreign nations the manufacturer who baa ilia capital invested in a factory will not sacrifice itil bo can help it and the only way he can help it is by reducing the wages of labor to the standard of competing foreign nations it will bo a bitter pill for american workmen to swallow but it will have to so down TUB PAPER which quotes senator Stow artof nevada as one of alie strongest opponent a of the repeal of alio slier man law speak falsely senator Bt ewart it is true as stated by the st louis republic ia one of alio largest silver mine owners in the world but it is not true that he is an opponent of the repeal of alie sherman law which adds upwards of monthly to the the gold bugs will to something better the insinuation that senator stuwart opposes the repeal of the sherman law because he can exchange his bullion for coin notes which alio secretary of the treasury decides are redeemable in gold is worthy of the source from it emanates it is false the statement by the republic that senator stewart is one of the few people to whom alio slier man law is a joy forever but senator stewart is in favoron the free and unlimited coinage of silver and in this lie is backed up by public sentiment in alie west and south and although neither the senator nor tho people like the sherman law they will never voluntarily relinquish it until satisfied that behind it there stands a law to coin alie entire product of his and all others mines into dollars and put them on the market at a parity with gold NEWS from the utah gold fields in the henry mountains is of an encouraging nature A letter received at this office from a north ogden gentleman alio has a good claim down there says that a great deal of prospecting is being done and very rich strikes have been nade much of the quarts found runs all alie way from 12 to 57 per ton in gold alone but there are large quantities of other minerals including silver copper and lead the writer bays the henry mountains is not a poor mans country that there are too many of that class there now for the good mr richter of ogden who is now is pleased with the country and believes it will turn out to be a rich camp the gold is there all right and money and levelheaded level headed men are needed to handle it two stage lines from green river take passengers and mail to eagle city situated below the principal raining camp the prospects anro for much development work to be done before alie season closes how rr WORKS is shown as follows n alio commercial advertiser says the american economist we tear from uncle sams ledger a page giving alie balance of trade favoring ua tor the first four months following the passage of the mckinley act and the balance against ua for the first four months of 1893 following the democratic victory with free trade legislation highly probable As a result of reas a result of pros publican policy 53 democratic in our burfor for policy against us you take your clinice at the polls but the eilent law of cause and effect runs remorselessly on a waste of the fishing arounds of this territory contrary to law is a crime deserving of the severest penalty provided by the statute relating thereto unlawful killing of trout and other game fish is carried on with impunity by pot hunters but it ia almost impossible to detect and convict them giant powder and lime are the favorite articles used tor alie unlawful purpose of depleting our streams of their finny inhabitants it is the duty of every lover of sport to biye all information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of law breakers is every prospect that active work on the northwestern extension from casper wyo to ogden will be commenced before many days A special dispatch to the denver republican from casper says the survey and right of way plots of the first twenty miles of the wyoming Wyo utah railroad the name of the incorporation making the extension from casper west were filed in the united states land office at douglas last week everything now appears favorable for the early completion of this important railroad extension |