Show STRIKE IS ENDED the grant avenue school house soon to be completed the labor strike which has retarded progress on the grant avenue school building for the past two weeks has been declared off and this morning a largo large force of men will resume work and push the building to completion the men refused to go to work until tho the unpaid baid checks issued by tile subcontractor sub contractor john ohn hedderman were paid and so informed the contractors carra carr callahan the latter refused to stand md good for the tile che checks acks as the work worl kad been on sublet to however lio wever they made a proposition to the tile workmen that after the tile building was completed and if there was anything left on ailed do bermans der mans contract with thi them M they would woul q see to it that fledderman a ch checks e ck 8 which were purchased by J II 11 were weid paid last evening the men accepted the proposition and barrt cal Oal callahan I 1 lahan a I 1 a n i val will go ahead and complete the buil building 1 dlin g 11 lieda derman was retained to superintend the tho stone work the best of feeling exists between the men and sir mr fledderman and they to work this morning to push ush tho the build ing as fast as possible bilich which will greatly 1 assist him out of his lato late difficulty and protect meyers from losing what lie paid on the checks cli ecks |