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Show summons. In the JtMice' Court, Ephrm Precinct, San Pete county, Gtah Terr. Andrew Hsntoo Plaiolift; j Setmnoofe John Doe Defeadent. To John Doe, wbote tame it otherwiie Unkoowa, Greeting: You are tvtfrehr ramtiwritrd to be, ant appear htV fore me, the andtnigoc-i, at my office in Kphratm Precinct San Pete County, Utah Terr., oa Saturday, the 90th day of August, A. L). 1690. at o'clock p. m. to answer a complaint filed againM you in tbti Court, by said pfernfeff on the 15th day of August, A. D. 1 8 jo. Said nctinn It bnnMht to recover from you the sum of 50 eti dan. get, dime on said platntiffi crop in Ephraim precinct, fcy a certaiit heifer belotiBing to yov, and hereinafter described, together with feeding and care of said heifer and cot of this wit. One red bakMa;ed heifer, suppoeed to be two and one half yean old, left front leg white, and hind legs white, white under the body, branded -BtTBl JI right thouider. I FJ fjk . (The foregoing described heifer wai jbushedoii the aitt day of August, iBjo, in this paper, but erron evutly described as being a four year old cow.) The uid heifer is held at the pretnites of the plaintiff, plain-tiff, in Ephraim Precinct, And you are hereby notified, that if you fail to appear ap-pear and answer as above required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the said sum of so endamage. en-damage. on said heifer together with feeding and care thereof aud costs of this suit. To the Sheriff or any Constable of laid county. Greeting: Make legal service and due return hereon. Given under my hand this a6th day of August. A. D. 1890. P. McFarlanh, Justice of the Peace, Ephraim Precinct, |