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Show W.H. Olsten ,M.D. : Ephraim. "W. W- Woodring, M-.D. If Mt. Fleasant, I Physicians & Surgeana. Telegrams will only be answered an-swered if made or endorsed by responsible parties -2 I dJLMAI ROLLER MILLS. EPHRAIM UTAH "We announce to tlie Public that alxut August 1, .we .ltJ be ready for custom work, with a capacity of 50 Ids. per day. C- AVillardson, President 8 5 ()1 e Larson Supt. W. B. J. Stacey DENTIST . All work warranted, Manti, and Ephraim Utah. 2 i W. T. REID. Probate & Land Attorney, Manti, Utah. Has had longer practice in Land matters than any Attorney in the comts W. K. REID. . A T TORNE y AT LAW. MANTI UTAH. Practice in all the courts of theTerritory. Wm. ZABRISKIE. PROBATE ATTNOREY. Mt. Pleasant Utah. Business promptly attended to. T. C. BAILEY, LAND ATTORNEY. Office next door to U.S. Land Office, Salt Lake City. Obtains patterns for Agricultural, Desert and Mineral Lands. Correspondence solicited and information infor-mation given. C. S. WILKES, OFFICE IN U. 8. LAND 0'F:i'E BUILDING. LAND AGENT AND ATTORNEY Obtain Patents fjr Agricultural and Mineral Lands. ueo. W. Parka, : E. D. K. Thompson Lte Receiver U.S.Land Office, Attorney, PARKS &. THOMPSON, Land and Mining Attorneys. Office in U. S. Land Office Building. General practice in !! courts. pl. M If If II UND ll tlfl fl yUND DEALER IlsT All . Kinds Of Furniture, Window Blinds, Carpets and "Wall Paper The Celebrated Charter Oak and Monitor Stoves WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 6 8-4 Ephraim, San Pete County, I mm i i ij u - mm i , Call around before the "24th." We have just received an Invoice" of Fancy Goods direct from Chicago which will be sold as usual chap for cash! Jos. F. Dorius & Co tO DEALERS IN O: i) ttjGeneral Furnishing and Fancy Goods, Books, Toys,Cigars and Candies. We are Headquarters for Stationery and all kinds of Sehool Supplies. Register Corner, Main Street Ephraim, Utah. 4 5N , iyParasoli; Fans, Laces, Embroideries, Veilings of the .Best Quality, Pearl Buttons from 5 cents up., Etc., Etc. The best Confectionary in Town. WlUl&m II. Dlrd. James Lowe. BIRD & LOWE, Land Agents & Attorneys, Offiict next door do U.S.Land Office, Salt LAxs Cm, UtAii. Will promote e amcs In eontcsted nd suspend' ed cases In tie Lai d imice at 8a t Lak City, Utah. 1 1 Gene al land Offlco at Washington. D. O. obtalQ patni oa ho .ealead, I're-euiilon, Desort a d Timber culture Knt tea. And upon coal and Mluerat landH. eneral Information relalug to lauds turulsued wltn Maps,l'lates and ulagraues. E. M. NELSON'S BARBER SHOP.S Hair cutting, 25cts Shaving, 5cts One Door west of City Hall, I 3 4 Ephraim, Utah n K MILLINERY SHOP. Mrs. A. C. Hansen, Dealer in Hats and all Goods belonging belong-ing to a first class Millinery Shop. One block west and a half block north of Tabernacle corner, Ephraim. r 8 n MILLINERY SHOP. IMiss Christina Peterson, dealer in Hats, and Ladios Fancy Goods, 2 doors East of City Hall, Centre Street. Ephraim, Utah. 189 M.JENSEN'S PMograpii Gallery. Card Size - - Jt-oo per doz Victoria - - ,, 1 5- . Cabinet - - 2.00 ,. First Class Worx. Agent for Dr. Peter's Medicines. Kurtko Ole-Oid.Mag-Vigoriand Uterine. Do good where the Best medicines and Doctors fail to cure. Main Street, Ephraim (2) 2 imjji 'III I 'I'll i III I'll II '1 1 1 1 1 1 I II . I III JlgggggMI is tBsasmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmtt HL P SEN, Ephraim City, Utah. DEALER IN LVe Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumtries, Drags Paiut8,OilatEtc, ' GROC33RE33S, Dye Stuffs and Ptue Spices, ggj Druggists, Sundu.es, and all Gcodi usually kept in Eirst-Clasi Drug Stor, 'r also f Spices, Teas, Cofiees, Coal Oil and full Line of Groce-s' Drugs. ., Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. Agent for the White Sewing Mechine, King of all, 8 2 w WANTED. Ten good men and teams for grading gra-ding between Thistle and Fairview fir which good wages will be paid. Apply at our camp one mile north of the divide. P. H. Hurst & Co. A Stitch in time Saves nine, "And maybe the means of Saving your Life limbs. See that your Harness is in good fix, which you can do by calling 011 Jas. V. Stevensen, HARNESS MAKER. One and half blocks South of Post office Main Street, Ephraim. Harnesses of all kinds made to order, Xvoik warranted, charges moderate. 2113 li Wm. Bawden. Dealer Id 1 All kinds of Yarns, Flannels, Lindsays , Geans and Mens Diess-Goods. Whole Sale for Wool, Cash not refused. EPHRAIM, - - UTAH- a 17 16 |