Show A BLOODY CONFLICT rioters of or the he folio coke region fired epou tae THE saoai SHOOT TO min DEATH A I larg largo Iti miler cinita from ih would i the foreign hordes the district tf or I 1 violence MOUNT PLEASANT rii PA april 2 ominous signs ol 01 tha the gat gathering bering of 0 a storm in thi coke regions hava have bean observed for some time ard and et pt 2 this morning it burst at the darewood Ma mare rood plant T the b 0 cht was wag brief and deadly two roundo if f cartridges were fired by a band ol 01 sixty five guarda and ovea of the charging mob moll if vf benkers L foil fell dead while at leant forty others were e wounded bow how badly cannot b ba a definitely stated as th they ey were taken away by their compan companions as the attack was well planned headed by mea men determined evidently to intimidate the men working there onca once for all at 12 small bod bodies i so of strikers began to gather on the bills hills they were armed with revolvers stones iron b a and every conceivable weapon ll abed by a drum co corps r pa they marcae i first to the stand standard d works where they deliberately destroyed both the telephone and atle graph wires so that word of their coming could not be sent to more wood while at the ara works incidentally do stroking anything movable the y mig t strikers created all th e noise possible from the surrounding hills intending to apprise those of their ellow fellow strikers in tile th v vicinity cenit ol 01 their intentions of a raid A taw w frightened me men left at the standard works managed to the wires and ane warning reached tha the moro wood plant I 1 an t none too soon aa As the no nolay jy t band and of strikers now number ing fully 1200 men approached that plant bant their outer outcries as ceased their drum rum corps was waa silenced and the ugly crowd gathered in a bunch on the black hills overlooking the plant for a moments parley before attacking the place they know to ba well guarded I 1 then ben they separated cne large detachment tach lach ment on the works by the main road while the others scattered over the brow of the hill and shortly after three at a given signal all moved down on the works under orders of captain loar floar the 65 guards stood quietly in line before the works suddenly a break was made by the advancing mob towards the fences of 0 the company theordes Theor dei dec of halt was given but the only attention it received was the firing bring ot of three shots by members of the mob which w whistled cloeo close to the heads beads of the ina passive guards after the shots were fired the strikers turned and went towards the stables of tha the com company p any without firms bring a shot the guards were ere ordered to follow and the command mand was again given the strikers to halt this they only retreated further down the roal road and answered the order with yella yells and threats again agala was the command given and again came the mocking answer and the order to firo fire was given by captain loar the volleys from the winchesters Win chesters were well directed and taw few rounds were necessary to drive the rioters back bac into the where her a hundreds hundred of their fellow strikers had gathered in in anticipation of assisting in in the raid but not in a battle with euch such a determined band of gu guards ards the firing on both sides continued hardly three minutes the volleys from the like guards had a terrible effect on the compact mass of tha the strikers the latter made an attempt tempt t to 0 return turn the fire with what weapons t they h e Y P possessed a hut without effect afe t T the h e dez dead were left lying in the road the wounded estimated at between forty and fifty worn were either assisted or carried bodily away into the billsby bill by their fellows all day the entire coke regions have presented scenes of the wildest excitement the foreign element especially have been driven frantic by bi this result of their anticipated victorious raid always turbulent sullen and ready for desperate mea measures eures they aro are not a whit cowed by the death of several of their number while they have sedulously concealed in their homes those of their number who were w wounded many no doubt unto death abathe mas load loud and deep have been heard on every side all day word b has as been sent by secret means all a over v er the region that their com comrades rados w were ere fired on and mowed dawn down with without out any provocation and deadly ven geande on each and every member of tha the guards hoa has li been lien en sworn to this all ames from the foreign element all the men killed baar bear foreign names and it is is a fact that not one of them was a naturalized citizen of this country it is is also supposed that ina many sly of the wounded were fore foreign 1 gal and this explains the deep resentment expressed in every foreign face in the bellio regions na tonight to night the slaves and Ilan garlaus were almost fearless the deputies eay say not one was struck on tha the back but all bore marka of bullets in in the face indicating that they died fighting with what weapons the they possessed thousands of the strikers and their friends poured into pi place a ce it from 0 in all over the beylon region to have a look at the dead ead and perhaps hear bear what the living have to say As the darkness fell tonight the foreigners began to draw away in knots and the night after the biot lowered amidst great fear of what might happen before another dawn late tonight to night word was received r here hat that two more men concerned in the not riot had died in a strikers bouee house tua tile names could not be learned these two deaths make nine in all that are known as a result of the firing of the guards but there is no doubt others are either ded dead or in a critical condition as the guards had orders order a t to a fire to kill and evidently did BO so the reports late to tonight night from all over the tile region indicate a fearfully dangerous and excited condition oi affairs and word that the military was soon to bo be on guard was received by i the h law abiding labor boffl dais an and coke cok operators alike with the liveliest evidence of satisfaction at Lelson constable campbell attempt to most john lushka a kussian russian for complicity in the bomb throwing that occurred there on monday loshka fiercely resisted and called tor for aid A fellow countryman who was on the outside of the office where bashka had been trapped gave the alarm and in a few minutes there was a howling mob of foreigners surrounding the place I 1 1 ce lusaka leaped through the office ce window carrying with him a pair of 0 handcuffs several shots were fired aeter after him but he ei escaped tonight a warrant was as placed in the bands of sheriff mccormick McCorm lck and a largo large posse of men has started for leisenring Lei to make the arrest lushka and his companions were 11 I 1 1 r 0 aimed arn ed and a fight will certainly cert I 1 n adly follow the man ia Is surprised 4 labor officials onic iala at morewood deny e that the men at morewood were killed 11 ll for foi good causes and warrants hava have been issued for ibe the deputies on the charee charge ot of murder with jeneral min ager lynch of the fricko fricke company and superintendent ramsay 0 of the morewood plant are charged as accessories before the fact A large camber number of deputies havo have already been arrested and labor leaders i bay 3 a y t they beye will fire ll 11 n not 0 t avez r st until all are i t taken a 1 re u care 0 of f master workman wisa wise was refused warrants by two I 1 different JaEt ices benc 0 the peace and an d atter after roan roundly y deno dicing them eo so cured warrants from justice mccaleb I 1 I 1 they will be served on all the guards connected with the affair pa april pattison PAtti aon baa bas been in constant communication muni cation with the civil and ani ali m 11 tary ary authorities in the coke regions re ions today to 0 o day this afternoon sheriff g clawson aw telegraphed from Gree greenaberg Greena burR that affairs at mount pleasant acre were alarm 1 1 ing ng that aa as the tenth regiment could not be assembled before morning the eighteenth should be sent by special I 1 train rain thia this order was given and the I 1 eighteenth left pittsburg thia t h I 1 a e evening ve n 1 the In inspector general telegraphed I 1 this evening that things were elioue as the deputy sheriffs sherlf fa are de I 1 erting A sanker striker named dunn who was 1 among the leaders of the rioters said tonight to night ho he was with the body cl men roan on the b i ige and stopped to I 1 I 1 liftig light a cigar ile H thinks the rumors 0 of bombs had alarmed the guards and I 1 that they took the lighting of a match 1 aa a portent of something dangerous 1 anyway he flays says they fired directly toward where be he stood and men fell all around him another statement mails made tonight to night wan that captain loar I 1 said mid he was ordered to fire by deputy I 1 sheriff mcdonald in fact any number ot 0 conflicting stories are being told on both sides at t isaia men are in tho the vicinity of mt alt Ilea pleasant sant tonight to night end and the he feeling generated by the appearance of several com pacie an I 1 lea of 01 he the irth and 10 the regiments is one of security both among the I 1 strikers and citi citizen zeni the foreign I 1 element however how 0 ver is very uneasy and t there here is very plain talk among some of their representative men that a higher power than the state will ba called in they intimate plainly 1 I that their mother countries may have something to sy aa to their treatment by the guards whom they say all belonged to the militia M litia pa A april ril 2 1 2 news of 0 he the not riot at morewood N a and 1 d tha the subsequent anent cider from the governor to vernor calling talling I 1 out the tenth and eighteenth regiments I 1 create intense excitement I 1 hero the eighteenth regi regiment meat started for the scene of trouble at 6 this evening accompanied by two camp companies arlies of theT nth anth mr fricke owner of plant and the largest coke operator in the county said this evening this ia is not a question of wages but only of 1 1 whether our men tc en working are to ba be 1 shot down at midnight and our property I 1 destroyed by rioters the authorities I 1 mutt settle thia and wo we will knot know which ia Is to rule mob or law ae the men killed were all I 1 ize foreigners the p possibility of in I 1 ii arising baa t I 1 been freely discussed the austrian consul omberg Bh received a dis halcli this afternoon from parker fitch leader eader of the strikers informing him that several of tha the men killed were subjects 0 of austria An iia ile replied that be would investigate the matter bu but t decimal decline to talk farther further |