Show BATTLE anniversaries the victory which the rebellion a death blow lavt sunday was the anniversary bt i the battle of fredericksburg va at which general nathan kimball reca received ived the wound in big him thigh which disabled him for several months it occurred dec 13 1862 a little attar after the opening tl of the war general lee had bad invaded bl maryland aryland and had been repulsed at antietam and the battle at fredericksburg was the following result A brief outline irona irom gen frenchs franchs Frenc hs report may not be without interest having made the necessary preparations in compliance with the previous orders at 11 a m on dac doe french sent word to the general commanding that bis his division divi eion of which general kimball commanded the first brigade was in readiness at 12 m order to attack was received heavy infantry and artillery fire was opened one the line Kim Kimball balls fl brigade followed follo wod immediately and marched directly to the center of the line the column of attack was then complete the first brigade lead ing the division arrived in front of the rifle pits at abort musket range toe the assault waa was met with a ter tible fire and the skirmishers were forced to lie down and receive some protection from the undulations of the plain the ferried lilies of the first brigade were filled up by others and the brigade charged up to the very walla walls of the fortifications where they melted away by sher sheer force of number numbers the opening of a cross fire oa on the entrenched enemy waa was successful and this slackened the murderous fire to some extent the division was on the field actively engaged for four hours before relieved general french in bis his report baa had the following to say of general kimball brigadier general kimball was wounded while gallantly leading his to the charge on th the e first line broor the ass of this distinguished officer was wits verely felt by myself and the division it during the remainder of 0 the day after mier general kimball was wounded i col mason conducted the brigade from genera general kimballs Kim bills balls report the following is taken all movements were executed under a most murderous fire several shells bunting bursting in in the rooks ranks and killing a company a at it a time yet the regi regiments meata moved forward with steady precision when the skirmishers bad had driven the pickets from the field the brigade gadonas was steadily moved forward aa As eoon own as an the line reached the top of the ridge behind which the command was j made ready for the charge it was met by a deadly fire in front an and on each flank but in its face it moved steadily forward with fixed bayonets without fi firing ganover gu nover rough and muddy arto ground und through fences and all other obstacles until reaching the rifle pita pits it was walk met by his lis infantry poo poetee ted behind some stone wails walls and earthworms earthworks earth works and in ili cover of a email small f y ravine in superior an num number berf by a fire eo so W is fierce that it was compelled to halt and t open fire we were here met by the 5 Z rebel brigade commanded by gen cobb and ad rep repulsed bleed them killing cobb and if ii g 1 d wounding most of hise bis taff A I 1 fourth rth of athe th command had fallen in i crossing roig the plain to the bill hill where they formed for the charge and were exhaust i bythe fatigue latigue of cutting away the brush t and fences during which they bad been exposed it to 0 a fierce fire of artillery and inns ketry the support alad hadnot not then come ome c up and the compian com nian though it op held the ground could advance no farther it waa was at ehla time that the general was wounded f lie was wae shortly after t taken it ken to his home bom e in indiana and it was not until march A 0 th of next year that he be was able to report for duty AT NASHVILLE thia this ie is the anniversary of 0 the battle 0 of I 1 nashville which occurred december and loth 1864 and in which aich general kimball of 0 f this tg city took euch such an active pj part part and a review ot of thia this movement at L f least eo so far as G gauer moral kimball was en ili apo appended ended i f since Sher nian had left taking the fourteenth corps army with him rail bai 1 arall bad gradually from ga on tine ildi of abe be r ver while gen hood was follo following wic I 1 g them op up on the other side aide until florence was reached where he crossed on tb abe fi bosia from ciolll th battle of nashville the armies v were ere continually all engaged the army ot of the cumberland Com beiland r re e treating ing w towards an nashville baill A determined ter mined effort to cut t off this retreat was madai by flood the cumberland d arm amy y was 1 lying 1 I I 1 in it front ol 01 C columbia 0 lu r n bia s south 0 u t 0 of Nse kville about 30 mil miles e a w with i th du dock c k r river iva r between them and the enemy on november 29 it at 7 30 ao a rn j report reports reached the command that the edemy were crossing the river above or anthe on the piet bt with the intention of 0 pasing gen Sc fielda left and reaching spring lial II 11 11 ome 8 miles in the rear on the north and arid thus cut off the retreat to N nashville general schofield sent orders for two divisions ol 01 the fourth corps to move toward spring hill and there to hold the enemy in in check until the troops could ha be wilba withdrawn rawn from columbia kirn kim ball balls and sand magners Wag nera ners divisions he be first and the second divi divisions moved forward at 8 43 but reaching rutherford Ilot herford creek on their way there were met by general schofield who ordered wagners magners Wag ners division forward while kimballs Kim balls division returned to its former position on woods left where he was ordered to re main until the twenty third corps and woods division ot of the fourth had with dra drawn thea to withdraw bimpel fand cover the retreat 0 of the army to spring hill and there to join bis his corps wagner found the enemy at spring hill and having arrived about the same time and there engaged them th sm gereral stanley fe having formed the division div leiOn in fin line for that purpose the enemy was driven back and the federal troops occupied the town the enemy was however crossing and increasing in numbers but by good rood management mina gement they were held in check by wagners magners Wag ners division until 6 p m general schofield bad had left at 4 p m and arrived at 6 p in at spring hill with brigade of the twenty third corps and Whit takers brigade of kirn kim balls division of the fourth corps in the meantime kimball bad reached duck nver river again having with nim bim but two brigades of his division as general schofield had bad taken the other coxs division of the twenty third corps and woods division of the fourth corps with drew in order at dark and at midnight kimball withdrew with the re malodor of bis his division the road between duck river and spring hill was occupied by the enemy Kim balle division with fixed bayonets drove them from the road without the loss ines of a sin single man or any material though several were wounded he lie reached spring hill at 2 a m on the 50 30 b h having marched p parallel a ballel with and within a few hundred yards of an sin entire corp and the repulsed division of the rebel army for a distance of eight miles on this day the entire army r T moved 0 d from spring ili hill 11 to franklin franki 1 I 1 ti bmw ab vet herb er 1 bt 4 p m the rebel army under hood attacked them one of the most terrific and disastrous battles of the war to the rebels was here fought on december let the army moved again being continually harassed by the enemy finally reaching nashville it was intended to attack the enemy in trenched in front of nashville on the but on the oth a heavy storm of at rain fleet sleet and enow snow began to roge rage on the letb bilth and 12 h there wig was na DO change changers ch angeus is the downfall had frozen and it was imps 1 ble for either side to move on the uth it became warmer and at 7 i on the of the ath the snow and ice was disappearing fast but the roads were muddy and an impenetrable fog log was banging over the co country A at 6 p m to te order was received ce to prepare for battle on the following morning and the order of battle was promulgated the modem nt at early earl dawn on dec loth and by b T 12 10 so 30 p m the fourth corps began lowly moving forward to conform with the movements made by gen A J smith at 1 p m oon gen posts brigade of the third division assaulted a the works on montgomery hilland hill and carried them with vi ith small loes loss Kim balla division then took position on ther leit of the second division and be advanced driving the skirmishers beffre him to a ridge in front of the work and about 1 1000 yards from montgomery hill occupied by post where the enemy covered hillsboro pike here the enemy was strongly entrenched reached ent and protected by bf strong artillery supported by infantry fantry ln at 2 p m Kim balla balls division divisio moved as forward forwar to a a certain ridge within easy musket range of the enemy from where they poured in a galling and continuous ore fire As they moved forward against the enemy they discovered at the toot foot of the ridge which they t h ey desired to storm an old and booken sunk en road kirby was ordered to occupy this road with bis his brigade which he did they were then within yards of the works elliot ellin t of the second division failing to advance and assault the works at 4 p m general kimball asked and was given permission to commence these the assault the command A orward forward was at once cinc given groses grosss brigade odthe of kimball division advanced along the pike charged a stone fence formerly occupied by br the enemy and moving around the h hill ii I 1 closed on the left kirby then moved forward from the cover of the road directly against the front and batteries of the enemy passed through a cornfield and up th rough heavy brush an and d fallen timber never halt halting irig until bis his front line live was within the works grose and kirby reached about the same time and carried the works loss had been heavy while moving through the cornfield and crossing the abastta abat tta kimballs Kim balls command captured six twelve two steel irons gone a large number of small arms and prisoners the prisoners wera were sent to the rear and the two divisions pursued the enemy towards franklin until darkness set sat in when the they camped for the night might in the mud and an dwater water which whick then beset all the roads at ata 7 a EQ in the next day the line of battle was drawn up and rose and woitta ker advanced with their brigades of kirn kim balls division against the enemy e nom y while kirby was held in reserve sentile Sen tilt out a strong force of skirmishers the enemy was soon found located at the base of a ridge where they had thrown up enormous earthworks earthworms earth works kimball ranged his line parallel with th the enemy and sent chisar his artillery under ziegler to an eminence about 1000 yards bard a from the line where a galling fire was sent into them under the protection of this battery the line advanced to within yards of the 13 works zeigler having two of bis b le pieces I 1 disabled by solid shot battery F of the fourth U S firtell artillery ery under a der canby was sent to the tb 0 bill and did excellent works at 3 p m poets post brigade of the third division assaulted the left but waa was repulsed at 3 30 while in company compa with general thoman general kimball was riding in front of the lines taking observations a it band of sharp shooters opened fire and kimballs Kim balls borso horse was killed under him thomas jokingly suggested that they had better retire which they did in good order general thomas then ordered the entire lice line to move G general smith of the sixteenth corps lading leading the assault on the right and to the left of the 1114 twenty third corps it wit was and at 4 p ro the works were charged d and carried Kini balla con fiand did noble and siad captured 12 pieces of at artillery tille Y pao pilson ers and a largo s m mount 0 n u t 0 of t sm A 1 i w g ai and t tools 0 ol 01 a v which bi c li wem e 1 left tf 1 in the works the comm command rid then pressed on in pursuit ol 01 I 1 the h enemy until dat darkness kness set wb when n it they bev I 1 bivouacked bivouac eed ked seven miler I 1 from om N isbills b on oj jee fri u kaid the amas same i rute fut eo so fiercely fler cely contested by the rebels in seeking to reach nashville Naab ville some filen days before for thai thus ended the be battla battle which crushed the 1 b e rebel ro b e 1 army ar m y under un d er hood H 0 0 d breaking b r ea k t ng the t b e b backbone a ck b or i 6 of g be e confederacy 0 fed e r a e y i in n t tho h 0 w west e e t and nic the eviett of kentucky and the entire north and northwest from for basioa thi this deci decisive siva victory enabled sherman to make bin his successful match to the sea and as the prelude to the final overthrow of the rebellion before the bittle battle between december let and colb general thomas had been repeatedly ordered to move by general grant ee za well asby as by lincoln ilo ile could not move till be received additional troops roop fl they arrived in time to begin the battle on the ai but the storm prevented general logan waa was bent sent down to relieve him of command but in the meantime the weather became favorable it and the battle waff wast won with the h aldef aid of providence and the thorough knowledge k dge of the country general thomas showed that be he knew more of the work ll 11 kin in band than lincoln and grant alno a bibly could know from their headquarters and fully developed his ability as a general |