Show AN all ORDINANCE supplementary to an ordinance entitled entitle dI an ordinance to promote the general e health ol 01 the inhabitants of 0 cen city ft sinnott I 1 be it ordained by tas abua eft til of oad city C t y that arents and guardians or of chi children I 1 d afflicted afflic es with scarlet carle I 1 lever rc pa smallpox pox or any other h bear cont conlay a gous loui disease shall not permit au fuch child children r to attend school after it becomes known to uch such parent ants and guard guardians lans that they are with h any luch such deseae site 2 that it hall shall be the duty of the principal or any teacher in an any private or pub public to school 1 in n ogden cl city ir who has information ol 01 the existence ol 01 scarlet fever ever ia or small BOX pox or ady any other conis eonis gi us disease existing in any family to remove from uch such be school or soho 13 all children attending from rom any such family until guch such principal or teacher hal hill have hall proof that the premises cheto buch such family res reside ids are thoroughly dis infected and such di disease 1 ease radt ted BBC sze 8 no public funeral of anyone who has bas died from smallpox scarlet lever fever or held in ogden orden city A public funeral la Is hereby hereby d benned denned ell ng to be one where injo 1 el 8 attendance 11 of I 1 A penona bot not 1 me in connected with the family to 1 allowed BEC 4 the agn of the body of a person who h has side died 1 of scarlet diphtheria ight sar smallpox or other eon contagious contagions conta gions disease to a church or other public building or exposure thereof to the public or at any place preceding r inga the funeral in 1 hereby pro prohibited I 1 cited bic c 8 that the boales of peranna per ons who hare have ad died of carlet fever pox or other eon contagion disease not be removed from the lick sick room until wrapped in a cloth patu saturated rated with a solution of corrosive grains to one gallon of water and aadil be burled buried immediately y etc 6 extone arother or other persons in charge of cemeteries in this city not intermor ln In railroad companies or other transportation companies compan lea doing burnem in this C city ity ahall shall not transport dead bodies without certificate of death from attending physician attested by the algy dr b by a ome me member of the board boar or health healt and 1 I where her there ba ban been wen no attending physician shall be called by the person at it whose house buch such ahall hare died lof for the purpose of making ng euch such certificate ami and buch such certificate hall shall be made la in duplicate by the and one copy thereof shall be b de delivered vered to the Seere secretary tarY ol 01 the health Comm 00 llos by thecla the making euch such certificate certification on or before the fifth uth of the month edIng the month in which such person died SEC 7 or other per charge of cemeteries in this eig city dball keep beeg a record cfall of all bodies interred by owing age BOX sex nationality disease or caum caule 01 oi d death eath s and nd ras mate 0 out a copy thereof s and ad deliver e I 1 to the secretary of the health communion commission on 0 or r before the fifth of the mo month nth L succeeding the month mouth la which tuch such person died 1 8 any person vio violating latin any of the pro 11 on of this ordinance ab ball ii ad be deemed zd fallt guilty of a ml in and d I 1 be A fined ned in u any tj nim sum n not I 1 les ess th than an ten nor exceeding 11 fifty I 1 I 1 sy SEC s c 9 all ail erdl n ane e 1 or parts of ordinance ordis in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed pawed august 1811 1891 WM UK 11 TURNER mayor 1 I T P arf bryan au recorder for ogden city do hereby cert certify fy the forer foregoing ing to be a full true and correct copy 0 of an n ordinance cc entitled an AR ordinance to promote th the general on health of 0 the inhabitants of ogden palled by the city council ol 01 ogden city 1691 allnutt in I 1 testimony te stimon whereof w h ereo I 1 I 1 hereunto let et my liand ay ad and affix the corporate beal seal ot ogden city this mth day ot of august A D wl I 1 I 1 1 31 T r P B R y A ze e city i t y Ke e corder 0 r d e r |