Show r I 1 C f SILT LAKE NEWS I 1 I 1 I 1 fridays bongs dongs find in the cletty little I 1 capital or buit I 1 A tourist a picture of stock interests in juall of anthracite I 1 special to tut jan 6 1838 I 1 A salt 1 ako tko man who has just re turned froin a tour through juab county gives a dismal rep stock inte storms of unprecedented severity havo all through that region killing hundred s of cattle and feed is scarce and other tire fearey A lee owner named crine li said 0 lost SM bead out of arving to get thern out of the snowy I 1 ills t agn 1 aea year liall Is soon to be ai ve n ill t 1 10 ar tell t er I 1 mis leading physicians of be city hayo organized a in edical society I 1 D I 1 1 young jr ii about to re burtt to his Pleni kIley coal mines ile says tae vein of ant h shows tin inexhaustible supply and that bard coal will soon be as common as soft caal Is today to day j Ma variety show at jhb vi heater tonight to night drew a librie house larger I 1 han italo campanini will draw e t monday night I 1 tito A 0 U ill am holding a erv bucce ball in emporium hall mil alit jan 6 tito utah central trains between aalt jacq and juab are running on schedule time but between the latter 1 I t and frisco tile train juen are loll 1011 ng a pretty bard irue of it I 1 di i 1 tt g out of one snowdrift only to at 1 ho next the salt lake western is still tinder ill 0 snow savl W IV 11 alte went down yesterday bit ip I 1 to a late hour this afternoon not ill had been beard of the trains on the hn 0 from ekht junction it 11 I 1 said that the locomotive of the derailed by coming in contact an snowdrift the snow iq to be five deot on the level tented at T tit this morning the alve year old daughter of charles dangerfield of tile firak alvard I 1 h eria tito was an an L lly q d promising ising child guj d b bickl grom t a week I 1 at the meeting of the board of di salt lake chamber of commerce last livening tile commit tee on wool made the following rei port I 1 i SALT CM 1 Dece niber 1837 I 1 I 1 to ike dolt ald seer dai of the n ake eh tra ace I 1 salt koaki city b your committee on ber jo report as follows A inee fing wal grower ill 3 territory arbeen called by the grogul nUl ibi Gro I 1 on for janusy at 11 a m at tha county VIL C rt alouse and your committee now pre sent for your endorsement hin preamble by thern to be presented to the woot aers at ilia convention as aam E d I 1 jve would I 1 chamber to act upon our before ti ng them to the wool growe asre i aaion yours respectfully IV L alart I 1 C airman I 1 tile resolutions adopted by the mard are as follows to the the and amse f 11 1 I in angress the wool growers of utah territory representing a capital of tg 1 1 to submit through their e 11 anber of commerce the following preamble and resolutions by adopted at their convention beld this atla day of 1888 inix aneas the wool growers ot uth territory being duly assembled in convention in the city 0 salt lake this day af january depre I 1 sheep and a capital t of 3 and an annual biely of li ads of wool and any altion in tile wool would seriously cripple it not detroy the wool justry of the TeVi tory thereby th employment thousands of inen causing harcq hip throughout the Ter rhory be it that we the wool growers in convention assembled protest algal aly reduction af tile as tel 1 to wool and woolens and P that we ped to m k for the ma co of the present lariff on wool and woolen Is and to stand byall committees I 1 association slin giving full and coin ete p r tion to all ilia ameri t ries in needom and cordially invite their operation cooperation co in this matter that we call upon our delegal to congress to do all in his pov er to aid in protecting interests of 1 I vital importance to us we ask a careful onside m tion of 0 7 r and your memoria lists I 1 11 ever pray |