Show 0 walt of courtesy to childryan Chil dran wom ans why are ol 01 people more corte ong to ob ildren people appear to taink that while good manners should be strenuously exacted from children precept in this connection may othild instead of example and that orders may bp given them and re marka wide upon them as if they were devoid of natural feelings and perce potions As a matter of fact if ben people children to do something for them they would ask it in the beatrie way in they would address an eq ual if they thank th cm for i ittle services er vices rendered speak to them gently anaw er their reasonable que ti and avoid unnecessary comments upon their appearance they far less trouble ill react them to with like consider afien for olbers chii d s not mean that cb ildren be con waitea upon that faults should pan unnoticed or their convenience studied before that of their elders merely that as st paul says they should not be pro evoked to varat 11 1 |