Show 7 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i WORK 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 senator a dig at utah POWER 1 T 0 lk st e d 1 n t ho governor GO ale n T w e lr e C I 1 ti I 1 I 1 THE contribution I 1 I 1 I 1 at all voters the in the ito use items 1 pro to tux senate jail 23 3 aleck pre bontia a remonstrance froin the west orn compiano nv against bill ii was avery full pro of that tile port cinto com mi tee 4 to have tile lt tion printed and referred 9 or alered I 1 bills reported aroni tile committees and placed on tile calon dar avaro the bullo ing fertile of the saito of dakota and the aria hiza tion of atto territory of lincoln to be presented for tile of set term on lands in washington territory sherman froin tile committee 0 foreign relation 4 reported back without amendment tile home joint rull jut ioa relating to t lie aroln I 1 fie british government to participate ill file exhibition at met bourne I 1 jap 23 the alt c of ahe canate today to day was principally oc caplet by senator fr y e at the cl senator blair spoke for all h 0 oil the ed rational cat ional bill and after t it s executive bession tile scillato adjourned SENATE DILLI OTON jan 23 by senator stewart to vest all the legislative pow e r in the territory of utah in t be governor and legislative of twelve eds of tile territory t be appointed by the president and co n firmed bythe sena to but not more than six of them to be ocono I 1 party all township i district and territorial officers are to ba elected or appointed em to be submitted to congress and it disapproved shall be null and void voters are required that they nc ither teach nor practice bigamy nor polygamy that fortio years past they have not contributed ireci it or indirectly any money or NA ilia b thin to any order or assoni aaion which sanctions or tolerates among its members bigamy or poly gamy or plural or celestial knarr la or blitch claims to exercise cirii power independent of or opposed to ti felas of the united states arof tain territory and that they regard tile laws interpreted by the courts as law all doctrines or teachie of any order or association to the contrary notwithstanding by senator voorhees authorizing tile publication of any edwion of tito treasury of tile confederate crate states or documentary Document avy I 1 I 1 atory of the finan c lal elleas ures of the Conf cerate states edit by P T ian I 1 va 1 T 66 i requesting to opell tiati ons with the government of great B rit itin and tile dominion of canada for tile purpose of having tile welland canal mado free to merchant ships of the united states and also for tile construction find opening of a free ship c 1 an alfrom tile bay of fundy to the gulf of st lawrence at tile OX penso of boalt nations nat ioni rho I 1 ai requested to enter upon negotiations the proper authora ties to secure to merican vessels ilia freedom of ilia proposed canal to unite the atlantic and pacific mccans albo to take stepi to obtain an america d fineran li tile service liouben 4 jan 23 the of saturday avas read after some debate between crisp and others over ilogon resolution printed chemin bruet of pennsylvania rising to a 1 I stion of sent to tile clerks desk to have read a tir ported interview with crisp pi shed I 1 n a washington mile I 1 it kesters 0 state y reflected oil a large minor ity in the licano the interview was read at length ili it crisp lite action of the republicans for re fusing to vote on the carlisle case chair ruled that the extract did not at loge tit it any member was by corrupt or aal therefore did not present file 0 privilege the chair was also ready to rule that abl ro there was it gnes t of highest privilege Ivil ding in th aliouse lie would not entertain other question of privilege cathole case was called upon and the 11 r 0 e eadel to vote on tile majority maj rity ru t i 11 C firming Carlls leo title to ilia seat resolution was adopted yeas I 1 14 nays 7 enrot 0 o f tenn c tsee eal lod f t te tit ion to the phoebe had eit in tile decord certain language re fleeting upon the committee of elec eions which ho had not used in upon the floor ile moved the becom be amende I so as to make it contain only the language asod by phoebe upon the floor after some discussion the republican sida allow ing a disposition to make a contest over it enloe withdrew ith drew tile motion amii derisive from the ca 1118 andr a call of states follow ing bills and resolutions were intro deuced and referred of california for tile ti on of a california I 1 ily townsand of illinois pensioning tile teamsters of the Mexican war by lawler of Illi noll ar I 1 copria ting for tile erect on ington of statues of generale shield and logan by peters af kailla proposing a co amendment prohibit ing tile repeal of the general laws lly reir kins of karva a ian CA ailing on ilia imi general for information relative to the inferior wait facilities facil itie 3 ill tile west IN woodburn of nevada a the appointment of a grecial committee to investigate tile of lite chargar i made by tile of alaka cial misreport his report it try ortho interiors Interi ort and to whether that company has ed all rights a nl I 1 ps acquired tin tie r front tile united states and whether buell a ledge should not be terminated fermina ted ily iott e of tile sense of tile ron so in regard to tile adjustment of lie di f erinc s between the united baates and cirnat britain and the domin ion of canada in I 1 lie watter of f fisheries ish eries tito res ion declares it to be the ange of this that the united states should in tile interest of and amity between I 1 tie nations and in re 9 to tile demands of aurent merchants and producers for tile of tile trade and c OM 3 tier co of tile uffie all proper ile aps to secure art honorable a ody af alf dif fere anant controversies in 40 I 1 1 i aou I 1 A I 1 fill cr e 11 vidad that in such efale I 1 t t 1 I 1 bilat I 1 uril t fiat lb 11 ha and ir i R p e 1 I ri blits in abo canadian 15 r 1 0 crded canadian W eu it tile ned t v f homas of h ai further lia tents or approvals of lands heretofore granted to the uni m a nd central railroad cool he fin alac bounting and ie had in va of lav bet een tile united it te and said 1 I coln and amplo indent unification fie gir fo ti 1 Y t h 0 e on i p a n im to kenure the government against ultimate lomp oty i mit t e co n p u 1 1 l ic by dunham of illinois by I 1 I 1 pro ti in lafiette lau iette t bilion an air ship to convey impsen gers ahr air commett 0 o 0 n ventilation tion 0 mckenna of california from the on public lands reported it bill giving to california ry tier cent bf thi net of cash sales of pub lie lands in that state adjourned TIM 11 jan 23 abe resola ajon introduced in lite iloilo to lay by it e addertion Ander tion of iowa to the institution of jadice pr ii in ga again s t tile various t a tail get 1 oai 4 companie comp anim colt f a 1 j k ll 11 e preamble it charge of ti n ag t in e n t and fraudulent of alli tirs of lite collipI tiles embodied ill tile resolution of last year and di recta tile attorney general to bring suit against tile to enforce t to prescribed in th oThur man act ile is directed to as partis parti s in the suit against t fie cottral bacille Pa cille C 1 huntington stanford and challem crocker ILI the ease of the union pacific J ill mey elijah ezra con jay 1011 LI I 1 rederick L A it I 1 1 ire attorney gameral ia ala al A to inake application to tile courts for the appointment of are beiver to manage tile trues LAND forfeiture DILL plumb from 0 I 1 e on public lands today to day favor ably the bill mcclarin dc clarin the for delturo of till lands except th right odway heretofore granted of aid in construction of rall road opposite to anti co terminus knitli aport ion of any such rail road not now completed add in usei for st ruction of which lands heretofore have been granted jn it I 1 cases A here persons are in possession of any of lands by agreement entered tnt ered into in goott faith prior ja they are given tile right td purchase so nat more than acres from the states at the rate of tier acro at anytime mathin two years from the passage of the act cut N jail 2 93 tire of new york today to day introduced in the senator mitchells bill of last assion biting chine chinese se einig rati oil with the lid of amendment att authorizing the collectors of customs to constane const rne an act resting the burden of proof on tile person accused of 00 lating its provisions re quiring all cill ap 0 reside jit tile united states before the passage of the act to furnish information as to the means by they obtained entrance 0 o the country and the of chinese by w rits of babaan corpus the senate in secret today to day ratified rati fled the shipping treaty esith t agag r t bispo a tl 14 J gin d ill aby cuillo the duties of office thi week it baing his present intention to go to fortress monroe it a few days SIGNED trie BILL post alaster general dickinson in the parcel poat convention mith british honduras |