Show RANDOM balloon at lake park tomorrow forget me not in the union opera house tonight to night the grain between salt ike and ogden is being harvested most of the barley crop has been gathered in and work on the wheat is about to be begun eld in generally light one hundred teallie tea clie 0 from colorado an their way to aln francisco will arrive in salt lake cit y tali to A reception W ill be to nd t ham by the ails ct school teachers af salt lake in cheyenne monday night three different attempts at burglary were them being bucce 1 the aan thinks the offender are members of the aliens gang and can eions tile people to be on their duall every member of tile chamber of commerce tobe at the monthly meeting to be present aid at the chamber tuesday evening at 8 sharp the reports of tile committees aill probably busin essof imbor tance transacted the adams broo from new york ho hare of late figured so prominently in the performance the twilight ILL this city went to brigham city last night us far as butte performing at the various cities and towns on the road water is very low here this year there ire acres of land to be watered from the spanish fork iziver and not over hall enough of water hance the crops will a light while will fail altogether the all absorbing topic odthe 1 I ay hero Is water enquirers ro when it comes to baseball the nationals have a great deal to fearm after their long career of triumphs it may seem a little humiliating but the salt lakes knock thearl out with ease the gre at game aed yesterday in watch the put forth their great strength resulted as the others had done in a victory for that salt bakes and this too without the use of their crack battery seem 7 to 5 |