Show JOTTINGS AIT TOIV A meeting n of tile syndicate of 1870 will 1 told hold at ilia old headquarter this evening go to stanleys Stan leys fur for your fancy groceries cro cories ceries tile aleavy StAple sast lm lt nil all of tile lost best quality lity barell lias has a museum of useful articles 17 i ni a twelve pound cannon to a jumping jn k liea bead 1 our new fia verl isom ants to daiy diy of YO vo giva our own opinion to it HK arow afternoon after roon this nuisance nui ianca storms of in uio the far distant chick hill is bothering bolli cring everybody hero here who ho ins his goo li on the woy way they go with ich pipe anil and angur in 1 attest tit well 11 layer find strata more alian seventy fact already was an in occasion to io cremeni b I 1 i A il lx ba ou mereb ants for fop never were wera I 1 ima bettor better in oil all brandies branches of 0 budne buin cis Temp lars lit in ilia li it this evening at toven luck ua be on oil hand Iti rul yo nion nien of sober hab ni areat excitement wea we A of litre here on new and r li it discover acs ics of silver forty miles from 1 I ton and ragny out to prospect tile the rio pla c anion L nion facine train to ogden ei lit hours behind timo time afternoon causing the C k to be ba detained until an early hour tin thi ino i aning A V I 1 ural lural mp liri van NI voltie in town yester dv hilll not 0 only y not heard of ilia chicago fire crt but lid ilij not know that such a city existed un tile fiot stoil that coal which was switched olt off here on sanday ee ei enins ning turned out to bo tile prop rop crt crl of some soma inhabitant inhibit ant of eldorada 3 ray ilay it liis his shins J of von hartman atlman IT I 1 N newton caton coll co great franco w war r panorama ining and mill open in the ills opera house on oil thursday evening tile friends frien li of general jam 6 A ail il 1 stimon VT imon in this city will ila bo pained to IRAM that lie he i io duta cincil 1 nl at DIM as moines by tho ilinca of rail annily lily cirank kenyon of tile salt laka lak review pv cd down westward by this mornings exo cs u intend intending in to meet mrs kenyon kenyo 1 I nt at te we on oil her return from california loli of ilia diamond 1 express I 1 ipri C ini inmany any better known among us bachelor us as mac line the tha magnificent is going to app po d the in helena ali ecna montana llon tana sam Tib bills lins has 1 large lots of I 1 in i mi ois s wines nil and J cigars to idaho this week ui iii ii ome wagon loads to lo soua soda springs the 00 refu gimi of iho ho saints T di patches from all 11 parts of f taio llio woral patr d in apoll us to killy ila ill rn he ahe blockade after three daya dara do da an nn an I 1 we give s ie them roii in ill preference prefer enco I 1 other matter tio tic particulars of a fracas which occurred at to io county seat lat last saturday bild in ihn hi li it a lady hit from tile hie shoulder into the lie of a day have have ten tea wd its iss by nicil ind and will be served up a Cubb cubber jr iu its a day or two leni u m y tirs tars |