Show consistency THE I 1 L 11 talleyrand the celebrated fr French i e n bli diplo diplomat mit who during hie his ume pima attained what wait was considered a s the acamo of proficiency in in the necromantic art of professional duplicity city is mid to have left some where w ae i r e among itji hn hi s private papers a it memoranda memo rands to the effect that a diplomatic liar could ua not 1 hope to score brilliant successes ses jintil he be become becomer infallibly indis decco bione tione and prevarications this averment is on a par with the manx maxim i al of honor among thieves but bui if if accomplished diplo diplomats mais place euch such great grgat importance upon con s sla uit eucy tency in the art artof of lying and thieda thieves 1 account C cogut i itan ho honor 0 r ad to be true t ru a to each other in their nefarious nefa riou business busi 11 how much more imp or tantia t a to the ih man mau who w h 0 professes to bo be truthful and righteous altogether and baw much more noble au an honor banor is 13 fidelity among fellow labor laborers erit au in the cause of infinite I 1 go goodness odaus purity and humanity the man who publicly bubli me doctrine doctrine of truth with great great solemnity and apparent earnestness one day and is caught lying wan tonly and deliberately the next day is i not very likely to bo be consid ered very very brilliant either as the man who who advocates humility and meek w ness and deprecate deprecates reve revenge age while he superciliously practiced ti ces ee the most palpable urro arrogance gance an and d encourages raven revenge go on the ely sly ia is very apt to be despised of all meo men abino when bes he discovered as is he must i I 1 be later by people of in telli gence and penetration who dare to consider things as they really are therefore we conclude that consistency coneie tency is i especially a jewel to the public teacher the public officer and the public leader as well as to private individuals in every walk of life indeed the study of con tency is the chief duty of all men who expect to be either held bold in honorable estimation by their neighbor neighbors or to be successful in any iny calling especially is i consistency incumbent upon profess to emulate the example and promulgate the principles of christ chiist who taught men to love their neighbor neighbors as thin Liei v eai and return good for evil it is said that some of the sectarian ministers of ogden are among the rabid and stud blatant liberal quasi politicians of thit place if this be true the accused plate caners are grossly in consist ent with their professions which however is nothing new with most of them they one and all have at sometime some time or another prof professed essid the sincere since reet st regard for the mot mon won people this has his indeed been the keynote of their mission minion ari ary policy and yet now that a critical election is approaching i ostensible followers of jesus and declared friends of the mormon masses scruple not to affiliate with the most vile and degraded manner of men en in in order to enbom pass pan alre tb discomfiture of the viry very people for whom they have alt alf essed so to much rain mission I 1 ion ary love this is highly incon sistena in any point of view who ther we regard the ministers afore said as an would be diplomats or as openly and coarsely coir sely hostile arit transients asi I 1 they are alike incompatible moreover these christian divines are professed opponents of the union of church and state or in other words they would deny all mormon elden the privilege of para participating cAtin pa gla in poti tica 16 while they themselves 11 float to the front as I 1 petty political agitators in af aulilia lilia sidn with anything 14 a creditable and reputable poli political C tio kioa or party winch il ii chiefly chiu corn I 1 an and d which can only menace the stability of the oe municipal ogden ogen jf if th ostensibly fitt afu state preachers were only con consistent 31 lit with the real en end dand and aim of their existence which is it tn in fact more than to obtain a genteel liveli livelihood hoLd they would not court ostracism aej at the be lands ands of the very M people wo whom they affect to love and want to win over into contribution bo box x donor donors for their own he benefit defit they would not court euch such ostracism ostia ostracism cism by bi an affiliation in pa a poli political campaign which reveals their duplicity and ind otherwise disgrace 4 them i iff if tie tle eyes of those whose souls souli they pretend to have coma come to utah exclusively 1 to save flaves jf if ta ke wian ministers consider their professions of love for the soula 1 oft the fie marmone as a beautiful of aielo di pio macy of the bland berg 1 iver antl ingson they ought not to mar their policy by active political icat alliances which openly and notoriously pell ri their profi professions sessions and their policy when they inveigh il against the an un ion of church and state in utah i limply because the mormon leaders leader chose to perform the political ial dutie of ci citizens eizens they should not unite church and state in their own pro cious persons persona by identical conduct or if the hi ito this th they ey must per ceide that their inconsistency must bo be patent even io to the comprehension sign of school boys moreover there ought to be some tort sort of honor banor among clergymen of an class which would debar them from professing great love for the masses of people on sunday and then on monday rr repairing pairing to a liberal headquarters and mid preaching the most arratia arran t falsification cat ionly by denouncing that fame sabio deop people ae as ignorant degraded big doted intolerant disloyal ly lier perhaps LapS however these reverend gen gentlemen clemen consider the practice c ef of inconsistency as their forte and ad hence desire desira to be cons consistent lutent r in the very enormity of their incon cies |