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Show r e W fe ih " "; . V1 - s a t J 3 i X a saintly qruhdur. DULY COItlSNK REPORTER. JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN. ? Jf, S. Ransohoff baa returned from Salt Lake City., l , JD. S. Dunn waa at Salt Lako City on tlio 27th instant. all over tho Store are In demand y cool. city. Keep jjook out for a now storm to fix up this . cquinoxial disorder. been judge Wright of Brigham City, has In town during the day. Captain Boland is going hack to his ranch at Soda Springs. The fortifications in Echo Cafion are re . f ported to be In bad condition. E. Conway has bean to Zion this week, Ur no that the wire are in good order. Captain Cook is said to be cruising in search of Mormon prlvateera and pirates. to-da- " City Marshal Harnish and hit deputy, wsre down to tho junction, on yesterday, Montanians are coming In crowds to win ter in our city and we bid them welcome, Tho new furnace of the Alger Reduction Works is fired up and doing splendid work. Champion dust and wind storm of tho Pacific Coast, here last evening. Did you notice it? Adrertie your old guns, swords and yds tol so that the recruits jw111 know where to find them. Ills majesty Satan Jr., celebrates his tenth lirthday this evening. May ho live J Jung and prosper. ' Several witnesses from here are before the court this week to toll tho truth and noth -- log but th truth. The price of horses ha advanced largely , In contemplation of military requisitions for ' use a t the front. Supervisor Foulke, of tho Itevenuo Department, wont down to San Francisco by last evenings express. Weather report at 0.15 A. M.: Barometer 29.1.1, thermometer 50, wind north-eaand air clear. As we goUx pre, the armies, supposed Jto be encamped near the tabernacle, have not commenced fighting, of solid silA magnificent paper-weigh- t, as received a wa ver bullion, gift, by a menhant up town War and rumor of war are the latest topic that agitate tlie breast of susceptible heroes In this propinquity, Tho-long owning roul 1 le nvll uo in ties euUivalion of tie mental ffuuUie, if tlm young folk would organize, We learn tied tin .Mayor and mum it haw grnnte 1 the u of tie ti(y Jiuli building, to th Hitok and Liuib-- ompitny. Two thotonod ton of tTni u anted, to keep the pH.iple of Corinuc uni in, the MinWlm can furnhh it? ting Winter, Citizens are putting their rifle in order for the clali of arint against Brighnmi-m- . Trust in God, and Igeop the powder dry. Corinne is too busy with merchandising, building and manufacturing, to pay much attention to the coming conflict on the Jorto-da- y, st to-da- i CALIFORNIA TILADE. MISCELLANEOUS ADVT3. lie Want Ills Kuenne Tax FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1871. ?P MISCELLANEOUS; y. e I r Afeatod. A disciple of the poltroon Prophet conducting a mutual swindling Institution in the county seat over the river camo to town this morning to have the United States Rev enue Assossor abate some revenue tax levied upon him for vending Brighams sophisticated damnation to thirsty Saints. . His flea was thst ho hadnt sold more than a quart of tbe Valley Tan, and therefore tho United States Government should listen to his prayer and mitigate the tax. The Assessor was feelingly moved by the piteous appeal of the Salntj ho felt for him, but couldnt reach him. And now the query at isos i Why could not this supplicating judge tho quality of liquor consigned to him by Brigham before bo sells two pints of it? enough to poison a whole community of the faithful. The truth is, even Mormon stomachs cannot tolerate tho liquid lightning of their Prophet, and learn to avoid it after a taste of its retched properties. It is even a mystery to us how this honest Mormon came to sell a quart of the stulI called whisky. And there aro still forty gallons remaining in his store says the faithful adherent of polygamy! What an admission of an intent to commit murder this is if the trite saying that liquor grows stronger with ago is accepted! W&gdDim Dgea nDiptt A. , . J A . LUCIES full stock of tho celebratod A .l CLASOW rOWBXHX FRESH TVtQll Of gUFETLIOR QX7ALITT, TUB kllUJS. Itbelflff constantly received and tranapertrd Into tl intrrt'W. 1 delivered to the cosnuiurr with It a lew ja of the Un of il tnaunfaoture. and i In very way auptrior if any other Powder In Market We have been awarded ucclve!y for Propric orst n THREE OOLD MEDAI.E LAMP 1 INavIirTE and ia Be the HTATK AU HirULTrtt I HOCir.TT for the an. 11 others. perlority ef ur prlu ta over We alao call aticatlon to our MF.CilAVIO'it CHAN j Wagon Corers, all Sizes Wagon Bows, Thimble Skeins, Wagou Woods, Wagon and Carriage w.A elrenlar j t..aj , 1 I i! AND GENERAL ! s -- house y j s v.l In tt. lie-1'yten- Clmali an mi Uitduy evening, next week, Hint emigieatimi will hod a , ! ! of lading will ha C .nn pan) frem Bit1 Assays 'W'ariaiited to it NIIISLF AND HEAYY uaastd n by Use I j " j HARDWARE, SMJ FRiiiOISCa AMD SiCRAMEHTO, I Conform xvith XJ- . A Tint Stnn- - ! T XJails, Iron, Otovea, "AND1 j To nil points in Montuun, o a!, me at 5 p, nt and eoniimting to iji iea-- o nide hour the nme eve dud. .singing and iu trumefital rnn-i'- e will rhen In dard. CORIfUlE. VIA. Ca p. R. R. TO M -- t. mi ISO VP Away with old stock! Now goods of tlio finest description, now opening at sl5-tf- . tha Now York Store. J3Tj . ! ..rf vi t lit 23 hi . MCi aiv'-M- r Mining Implements! VTA II. OATS ...TOR liiTES APPLT - John IRON WARE! TO.... I A. Creighton, Corinne. ! it. KINO, Oenaral Agent, 0. k ' J am. UTAH AND CALIFORNIA S. KK.VXBbr, Agont, t rVHER, t ,'A f'Kl'OLB MonUrr, , r. nice, S. rqna, Shoot Copper, M. T. Co., I - UoaU&a.- Agent, Deer Lodge, Agent, Virginia, Montana. 1 HAY, sad retail. Ertrjr sccommodsUon dan, Hark Trtigbt via. C. k H. T. C. teamatora and (or tbjs jtublto generally. Tho beat of The sociable, which waarto have taken I mtO-t- f Fine Harn km, It duos one good to soo addle horaoa on hand for hire. constantly nu-c 1HTI. on was IT. taco lat evening, the fine minihanloal work of our Corinne postponed InenrporHiCii TAYLOR A conr.n, cu ut of the storm and will bo held next EaTABUanxD in 1893. ae2t-3and this was especially tho case Proprlotors. I nh .... E. II. BARRON frel Week. when wo wore shown tho magnificent I D. w. PAUKiiDimr,,,.. I.,,.. ........ ..I reaeurtr. CUAULKS DA UI.li.lt,.... Tho ml men, who are anything but well-reaconcord harness made by Mr. Van Valken-bur- g ARZVXSS A 2ALZiAZVI, crowded the streets this afternoon In in his shop at North side. In finish 1 quest of otl'al and other luxuries lor tho and general make up, wo have seen nothing and Jolbtra. Kt Importers, aboriginal taste. better than tho work alluded to for style, Ktiailcrs of tho ardent, aro discussing completeness and durability. LEVI NAXnr.RfS, Proprietor. MAXBFAOlURERS OF the propriety of reducing tho tariflf, on sinDoalors in ail) kinds of Trints! Two huhdred pieces of exgle beverages, to half a dime, but tho measWOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ure hn some opposition. quisite prints, have arrived and aro now Kept Constantly on Ico. slo-t- f. REEF, Ml'TTOX, VEAL, OAIIE, ETC., Hoen thousand Regulars on tho wajMo open, at tho New York Storo. At wholesale and Detail. r.nooAre, pti.r. Trm DRVnna, ' Utah, is tho last rumor on change. Ono rwisr.s. uordaok, matohkh, A Mormon of this city says Tho Boat Meats at tho Lowest Price Lumber, Doors, Windows, VeneStraw. haom. oidirittid sraTiaNEitr, pxper company of tho Lords legion SS. Market open at aunriM every day. FKATHElt UUHTRUM, ail WHINOFUS, kinds tian tho Saints have their bouses oiled and Blinds, that Mouldings, . will devour tho liSm.NHI TACKLF. TIN PISS ronde form the bmt Freak bluejackets, oh? Kitnaogew, . Chico Pino, Ceiling, when war ' tho to firo to Sugar them set avt lut.w, kto. t.rc., Tho natal day of a maiden of our acquaint tarred rondy meat, alanyl In afore A.NU OSACRtL. Siding, Flooring, Wodo not believe a word of it; but it SXoiatnnia Near Nfreet. htxfh. begins, ancwa well remembered by her numerous a is more likely that the agents of Brigham frigid yesterday, and tho littlo ladys REDWOOD, aro Houso prepared to burn down tho houses of Goods,! heart made glad by a shower of gifts. S ho orders it. when Gentiles It is reported that General Butler and FLOORING, Direct impir'era of ba,k I from Hon. Reverdy Johnson have been employed Montana st., Corinne, 0 Fashionable tailoring and elegant man and I'rvncli innufacturcrA' htgh-prleof the Danltes, to show by the Dealer in piece goods, gents furnishing goods, broadDoors, that polygamy is a constitutional malady. I USX ....acctw roa sm mr, and 33 S3 casslmeros 33 IF Vt" IX O vesting, beavers, cloths, i 'i The Local of the Jlcylcto is afflicted with received by Hoffman, merchant tailor, And manufacturer of ftna liatlra ju.t S. F. Mi Jirrh Company f'vsm-ean attack of baseballunftcy, for ho thinks be,, Prcq,Ioi I Orders for Mill Timbers Promptly Anirrlcan Montana, street west of tho Metropolitan Netnd TuiuuUompaus tho urchins of Zion, aro competent to play u Post SUV Filled. F'x 20-t- f, lulv, Hotel. d, (, oumv H U'l nv ny rfeli'o.; 1 u Vl, trfsiakal inatrmnentr Iway ou hand, Pit9 and a game with ono of our metropolitan club. V ) fcj. i m , ilollfiK worth 4it M done nlth dlepatcli and warranted, aid All buninra don through the Pre idontof th j hUoirusn' i prove t i hche """ "" l'irir',"rr'rl"mTr"MIJUIThe announcement having been made that C.is, Miss Mary Cass, Miss Flora d 11 oilloo F. ImsU at f , luerfled Lnko Salt Orl.w ettUmr Company, prlncijxit city. Nan.jnrnv, at reunion F. McLsnhlm Bm. Majors and Greene Major left by private tho Coffln aro to have a and Join Work1 is shggeated that this last it 3V. tucket, T. Carpenter Ollit i.tiv-l- i ' Mas., and t.i.j Ufff rt fo the V IA Soda lor Springs yesterday conveyance effort at a family convention looks like nn rUig our fsrtUti.'rf for nirouu t 'rnur and at Corinno. We weeks. will remain there a couple of t Agent t prh , . Of Every Description enable ns to oli running tho thing Into the ground. I wUli the doctor a fine time in Brighams . number of young men in Griffin x on riTABnccr. Iiargo &r.Ni v new colony, Georgia,1 aro refusing to take sugar in ! . Samuel Bell, ono of the most experienced them. Ran fmwfbco 213, 217, t., silver smelters In the United State, is now Oppoalto Ike Reporter Office. Food for toadies Sponge cake. 1, jeA3u) The Lnraeit and Cent Assortment of employed In the Alger Reduction Works in this city. Mr. Bell ha been superin OLD SAL00.V LUMBER COMPANY. oker Irons, Gold Pans, Rocker Dippers! Spring Point Shovels, Farming Implements t '4li (hafornla atreot, 8aa yrancisoo. B, MeCRJIdltr, Front Street, Saeramtnlo. Corinne, Maualaotume of FREIGHT LIME. FAST I anaft''-t- f BARLEY, AT AND , TIH, COPPER, AND SHEET- - V. Food and Llvory BtnbloH, KIM.TO.V, KlHnEiiDAllS , ft. CORRAL ELK-HOU- N to, Evenings. 23 OuNi ALGER REDUCTION' WORKS, mi . i ...... . t I ixo Invltccl Oxll fit m AflflrcMaa Tuesday and Fiiday - i ty Itj'o or Oi turn, or Alas, ! id ubufid I , IH i I .( ruihle d n be pie,- u. for the g Otlur attiHw- Jf lions pioper for a ho pliable (nt,itinise,nt will be v tiered, and thu puldio ad invited to enjoy the many good thing. Ollier particulars will bo made known before tho oven-n- g of tho festival. - And tliffsce .i.CTEUY, I J J HOUSE, ladioa of th ! Gold Scales. to-d- ay I m LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, i Goods. Ever king for aeompleto ontftt fa I 4 Frcsli 1!EATS nml FISH ght, Huut, mine or Prospect Material, Building t hip-joint- Fun snmg ocli, tVrrs.ooo. Capital . Houso . d, 1 Quicksilver Picks, anJ nr-tba- ns, -- ILES, uiui nxxixaai wboLoeALi xwd i ! Pi.tdn ai.. . d4N:OO.tf t TRii-PORTiT- Sampling Works. iliE aooos. Funnisiuria GERRISII & i PflRLOR SISATMG, SV j joniT a.AG1JST, cmmniz. V : aS (' j i Bar Furglinre, j- i.onm:. live t joiin and i 1 Plated Ware, i "cuirn )H of m.t, btiA.Ion to on CALIFORNIA ASP Office BELIE I mnl.ttmiifr can b or of any of our ly Assay N it-w- Tho Highest Ruling Price Paid. Self-Rakin- - ! of ether trr ns with h combine 11 ilie for. now In use, and the hf hi f"ro of ex).lole t va. t' u uklud It the t jtmuvift vastly cuperlor to any tit her com pound uow jin P'V-d- cr r f:- - thi our OLSce. v ..AT HERCULES FOWDE'h., J?urch i.sed. We had. the Mr. L. Mi Me Kenney, of Sacramento, who is in our Material, of all descripcity canvassing for tho new Gazetteer and Directory of the Central Pacific Railroad tions, for sale at the and its Branches. The work will bo publowest i cash rates. lished in about six weeks from llii time and I to contain accurate statistical and do Also constantly on hand a full supply of soripUve information of all the cities and towns of tho Central Pacific Railroad, and connections, In California, Utah, Oregon Mowers, Roapors and Mowers, g Roapors, Threshing and Nevada, It will also be a complete , u an Sulky Rakes, facto m and firms business of Machlnos, directory Crain Drills, .Plows, reduction and works, geogrnph ties, mining Gang Plows, leal and political locations of cities and s with tho and of towns, places descriptions farm and latest And all kinds of tho beat improved their surroundings. The book will be not machinery. , only a useful addition to that class of publi WAitr.IIOVKE, Near the Depot. datlons, but is an excellent medium of nd which do would our merchant verthimg welt to commit while Mr. McKenny is hcie. fJT" Ladle, call at the New Yoik Htor and examine 'thom'i.jnifleent supply of water proof and llannoU, jurt opened. sl5tf, BULLION ORES AND MIRRORS, CUTLERY, PUIHITBR1 i y, CHINA. -. J. IIEFFERNAN, JAMES prices. Then wagons srs of the very best material, and thorough y wade, are known all through the West as tha brat and moat reliable wagon made, and are WARRANTED IN 1.VEUY RESPECT. Also a lull atock of An Important Work. pleasure of meeting, : - ! Chicago Wagons on hand and Always - I SPOUTING, MINING, AND BLASTING i Shuttlerg ta QUEEtlSOnilE, .... 1IE.VRY A. SANGEPs, ; P Mnnroe), I HAN FRANCI0CO, I - a IBaat of Creighton ' Wboieeaie and retail dealer have Constantly Manufacturer,onand hand P. S1XGEH, i - i , Wrk( XJtali, ,i ! 1 GEORGE A: Ltil'JE, y Montana Street, Corinne, Uu L q Coiinnc T.D..COnVJAV ! , 314 California Street, IEledliiiic4lem OF ,J,-- A POWDER WORKS, - ate to-da- THE CALIFORNIA . ( advts; mSCSIXAHEOUS j Montana Streot bctwcou ed -- 1 i sack A tlx - CORINNE, Sill, UTAH. -- Jyl-Ur- , CALIFORNIA RUSTIC John Kupfcr I t ilftc an! Particular attention to prdcr a: Mouldings - I GOLdI lr, Com I U mmt. Sash, Blinds, and st s iffipretet Ueckera Furnishing ID INC, 1 jeweluy. ' "" """ "" JOB PR! Jftt' ) ii t ) j t , 4 - k 1 . c 3IAHON, J DONE TO ORDEB BY CLOSING OUT SALE. John Scott W. W. HULL, , tcmlcnt of Bylshaws Smelting Works at Cerro Gordo, California, and is the con structor of many successful furnaces. (Oll.NLIt In Now Ilanclos. T THIS POPULAR RESORT VTILL i i bnt (he Best Workmen Employed be found all the luxuriee of a Fin3T-CLA8.- H Bobo arid Cigar. Of the beat tf 8AtX)ON. Wine. quality only, e kept for patron. City and Walla Walla, to Puget Sound and ; w, GitAiiAai, m, the pacific. Cali and see maps, survey HENRY A. IIINIIOP, and profiles of the new route, at the Arctic EXAMINEE OP TENSIONS POIl UTAH. Proprietor. I Ice Cream Saloon. Confectionery and fruits ....orrres.... CALIFORNIA ASSAY OFFICE, 2fl-t- f. vtin splendid variety. earner of Fourth and Jfontana Street? fM- - Broad gauge railway, j a-- j. i., .. ( Goods, HATS AND CAPS, CO H INN - 12, tAf r kVrKY 9KXCRIPTION rONB autl fHeily at Uie IUukikh pi LMm RUNT. A SMALL ADOBE t App'ytoW tore 1 !.iuv . pt .1 tiy lnol Freighter, farmers and atlTi r t tV rf C' ntsn. T. Hel i, te can find the hort horse and mule at liar ltKNT, Ull FOR KU.r. denbrooks stable, corner Front and Sixth '.I I. Ill pro-pf- C Jt-S- streets. 1- - ' Jy 18-t- 1 f. Twenty per cent rise in the price of dry goods and clothing in tho East! but Reggcl, who bought for cash before the advance, continues to sell at tho old figures. Small profit satisfy him, for his business la m men so. - a22-t- f. T A clxiliutx-aira- l of the tmk. North J, N. tlMwi, at C'e r jf.e nl CuM wni T rVi'i lq U r- - V fn f oJ s! 1 . .I , si $ - .. v - SALT LAKE CITY, GEXEiUL - UTAH. have opened an at tha above uamr,' p1a.o, and am now prepared to do til ki da of aay J , IB. of Or) revived mail or eeprer Mttiplf avei and rvtttrr made tbe fwllowit, i t!y . Term raaobla. . f. n. WADER. apltf Oflle X ti v.; oh .i'e i ni q.t.rfi, pnirt ta BESaCIIANDISE In tho Torflfory i MONTANA HTItEET, CORINNE. - l All my ktock wm pnrrhaaed In tke East for CASH BEFORE THE . LATE And I am now arthng 1 - eFbrh Risl, f W any Houeo In tho Gtto?:ics, Povisions, Liquors, Lower than United Otatos. :l' Clours (ixnl Tobacco, entEverything going bolow tha presoost prices of goods. ...CORINNE, rvM Fearth Afreet,.. Mow is the time for bargains aag394f f Tm J ( Reporter Materials, or.... Oak, Ash and Hickory Planks, Hubs, 8 pokes, Mims, Feiloas, Eto. t that they have removed from Battery (live trct to their Office WhoieeRle end RstsDb ! i -- AT : ' HIW AM9 CC9MOOIOC8 Occupy im, two floor and extending from California to Market street. No. 123 and , 4 184 Market street, And IS end SI CMtlkmln st., (Below Davie etrt). ' an FMAircisc.:; Sacramento Oranohi t Oan'JTDAHGSOCO AKD X. ( It 1 i , L i cc.xirrmio JLi. t AT s .Lumber, AND . Carriage at LKSTER, luHrier of J ' made a v., vj t Ji.,?r.i pt'clmre ot pr.tttu POUNDS OF BOMMT M XT Alt mde very ebeep at Utia eAee. & y i ft d-).- j HKNKY LKHVEH, WATEHIIOiSi: f) NEW NIATEBIBL 3r5.0XMLOrjal. AND Main Srtccf, UTAH. -- .! Waon BOOTS. AND SHOES,j" s The proprietor of the New Yor'k depart from tho rule of offering old slock, and hence la brought out hi im mene supply of new and fashionable goods home and foreign manufacture. ftlf'-il-h- Clothing, Fancy Dry i ptr Store , n i Bricklayer and Plasterer No rt THE I I , , 1 ON ENTIRELY 1 1 itV . Noe. IT, t ant 31 Seventh street. Oliibacro i?rlceo. if-- ( |